The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 69: Little girl, who are you looking down on?

Chapter 69: Little girl, who do you look down on?

 After finishing the meal, the two continued to divide the work. Lu Ning was responsible for clearing the table and cleaning, while Lu Shian was responsible for washing the dishes.

"Lu Shi'an, have you ever thought about what you want to do in the future?" Lu Ning asked casually.

 “Me? Of course I’m the pilot.”

Lu Ning didn’t seem surprised when she thought about the airplane models in his room.

 It’s just…

Lu Ning looked him up and down: "I heard that one of the requirements for pilot registration is that the test scores must reach the first level of the provincial (district) unified test scores. Are you sure you can pass the test?"

"Little girl, who are you looking down on?" Lu Shi'an snorted, "Isn't it just a book? I'm sure it's fine."

 Lu Ning: "Well, does it depend on your last-last test score?"

 Lu Shian:…

Tsk, little girl, can you please not be so rude when you speak?

“Isn’t this just the beginning of high school? The next two years are here, so what’s the rush?” he said.

"Don't worry now, and then you will fly into the sky?" Lu Ning's words became more and more sharp.

Lu Shi'an choked, "Just wait and see, I'm sure I can do it. As for you, what do you want to do in the future?"

 “I don’t know.” She hasn’t thought about this problem yet.

“I think the lawyer is quite good,” Lu Shi’an said. “I can just inherit Aunt Tang’s mantle and take over her law firm in the future. Moreover, NTU’s law major is famous at home and abroad.”

Lu Ning had never thought about becoming a lawyer. Lawyer sounded like a glamorous profession, but it was too busy. She worked almost every day, 365 days a year. In my memory, Ms. Tang Li spent very little time with her.

However, what Lu Shian said is not completely unreasonable.

There are still more than two years left, so she can think about it slowly.

In the evening, Ji Shu and Lu Yue did not come back. The next day, Lu Ning went to the next door to wake Lu Shian up, and found that the guy's eyes were blue-grey, and it seemed that he had not slept well all night.

It can be seen that although this guy says he is not worried, he is still thinking about it in his heart.

Lu Ning glanced at Ji Shu and his wife's room and said, "Aunt Ji and the others haven't come back yet?"

"No!" Lu Shi'an yawned and said as he walked towards the bathroom, "Just sit down and wait for me. I'll be there soon."

"How is your grandma?" Lu Ning asked as she sat down on the sofa in the living room and looked in the direction of the bathroom.

Lu Shian picked up his toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it and started brushing his teeth. He took a mouthful of foam and said, "The situation is not good. I plan to go over and have a look after school in the afternoon."

“I’ll go with you then.” Lu Ning has met Grandma Ji several times and she is a very kind old lady. She also ate rice cakes made by the other party.

"Okay!" Lu Shi'an quickly brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth, washed his face carelessly, and walked out.

The two of them came out of the community and first went to the breakfast shop at the door to buy a breakfast each. While eating, they walked towards the bus stop.

Lu Ning bought a box of milk, a piece of bread, and an egg in the morning. After eating a piece of bread and drinking half a box of milk, she felt full. There was only one egg left, so he peeled it off and handed it to Lu Shi'an's mouth, saying, "I can't eat any more."

 Lu Shian opened his mouth and took it naturally.

 As a result, when he swallowed it, he accidentally choked on the egg yolk. Seeing this, Lu Ning subconsciously handed over the half-drunk milk.

 (End of this chapter)

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