Chapter 42 Indescribable Things

Lu Ning didn’t pay much attention at first.

 This rumor has been around since she was in junior high school.

 Because she and Lu Shi'an have always been in and out of the same place, speculation about the two of them has never stopped.

 In the past, I ignored it.

But I didn't expect that the rumors would get worse this time. First, it was rumored that she was with Lu Shi'an and Song Tingzhi, and gradually evolved into her being ambiguous with many boys.

 The toilet has always been the largest gathering place for rumors and gossip.

Girl A: "Tsk, guess what I saw this morning? Lu Ning and Song Tingzhi actually came to school in the car together."

Girl B: "I was after school last night, and I saw the two of them leaving in the car together."

Girl C: "Did they stay together last night?"

 Girl D: "Really or fake? I've seen her and Lu Shi'an going to and from school together before."

 Girl A: "It must be true, haven't you heard? She is quite messy in private, having affairs with different boys."

Girl B: “I’ve heard that too, but it’s unlikely that you’ll spend the night with someone, right?”

"Is there anything impossible? I heard that her parents are divorced and no one cares about her. That's why her private life is so messy. She has been messing around with different boys at a young age." Girl A curled her lips with a look on her face. disdain.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the door of one of the stalls in the toilet was kicked open, which shocked the people outside.

He saw Jian Nian walking out of the cubicle, walked directly to the sink, washed her hands, and then looked at the girl A who was the most enthusiastic about it and said: "My mouth is so smelly, I ate dozens of kilograms of garlic this morning." I advise you to go home and wash yourself early to avoid inhaling others." After saying that, he stretched out his hand and fanned his nose, as if there was really that unpleasant smell in the air.

The girl's face suddenly turned red. She spoke ill of the person behind her back and was overheard. She was also questioned and humiliated by the other person in person. For a moment, she felt ashamed and annoyed. She glared at her and said, "I didn't say anything about you. It's none of your business."

Jian Nian: "When you talk about my sisters, you are talking about me."

The latter also recognized that the other party was Lu Ning's friend. He felt guilty and embarrassed, and said in a flash: "I, I didn't say anything wrong. Besides, everyone said that, so I'm not the only one."

"Everyone else is going to eat shit, are you going to go?" Jian Nian said coldly, "Also, do you have evidence for what you said? If there is no evidence, it is a rumor, and you will be charged with legal evidence. Believe it or not, I will tell you now Can I call the police to arrest you?”

As soon as the latter heard that the police were going to call the police, his face suddenly turned pale, but he quickly calmed down and said, "Don't scare me. She used to go in and out with Lu Shi'an all day long, and now she's changed to Classmate Song. Many classmates watched When the two of them left by car together and came to school together in the morning, doesn’t that count as evidence?”

Jian Nian looked at her and sneered: "Is it a problem to go to school together? You should have come by bus in the morning, right? There are so many people on the bus, are they all having an affair with you?"

 “You are using strong words.” The latter gritted his teeth and glared at her.

Jian Nian retorted lightly: "I think you are the one who talks nonsense. You talk nonsense without evidence. There is no cost to spread rumors if you dare. I'll let you spread your thoughts and make up nonsense, right? I also said that I did it yesterday I saw you going to the hotel with a boy. Did you two do something unspeakable last night? "

The girl’s face suddenly turned purple: “You are talking nonsense, when did I go to the hotel with someone?”

 (End of this chapter)

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