Chapter 409 Extra: I miss you 1

Lu Ning finally calmed her down and saw Song Tingzhi dragging his suitcase over.

Lu Shi'an couldn't help but feel heartbroken when he saw the other person. He gritted his teeth and said to Lu Ning: "You know, stay away from that kid. Even if we go out together, we should keep our distance. Don't think that no one will be watching you since I'm not here. I We will check on you at any time.”

Lu Ning:…

I have never seen anyone speak so confidently about Chagang.

His voice was not low. Although he was speaking to Lu Ning, it was more like he was speaking to someone on purpose.

 Fortunately, Song Tingzhi didn't argue with the other person. He was probably used to this person's attitude. He looked at Lu Ning and said, "Let's go."

Lu Ning glared at Lu Shi'an warningly, signaling him to restrain himself. Lu Shi'an snorted lightly. Although he still didn't like the other party, he didn't say anything else.

Lu Shian put Lu Ning on the plane, thinking that by the time he was on vacation, it would be time for them to come back from abroad. Who knows that plans can't keep up with changes.

 He was not able to go home this summer vacation.

 During the final assessment, because of his excellent performance, he was noticed by the leaders who came to inspect and was taken to the Air Force training base for special training in advance.

 Furthermore, the air force base has strict management and does not allow the use of mobile phones during normal times. He was only allowed to use the army's phone to talk to his family on New Year's Eve.

 But because there were so many people queuing up to call, each person only had five minutes.

Lu Shian hurriedly said a few words to Ji Shu and Lu Yue, then hung up impatiently and dialed Lu Ning's cell phone.

It’s just that the phone has been ringing for a long time, and no one has answered the call.

There were still people waiting behind, so Lu Shian could only give the phone to the people behind him for the time being.

On the other side, Lu Ning was helping Song Wanzhou and Tang Li prepare the New Year's Eve dinner. The whole family was doing it together, which looked very harmonious. As if feeling something, I went to the living room to look for my mobile phone and found that there was an additional missed call on it, but it was an encrypted number.

Lu Ning immediately thought it was Lu Shian who called. The guy called her before entering the base and knew that he would not be able to come back for the New Year. Moreover, the base has strict management and does not allow the use of mobile phones. The two have not been in contact for a long time.

 It’s just that she accidentally turned on mute before and missed it.

Lu Ning stared at her phone for a long time, but unfortunately it never rang again.

 After the New Year’s Eve dinner, Lu Ning returned to her room.

During this period, she received a call from Jian Nian. The two chatted for a while. Jian Nian noticed that she was not very interested and teased her: "Your voice sounds like you are not energetic. Is it because the third brother didn't come back? I heard that he I went to the air force base for special training in advance. It usually takes 2-3 years for people to get to the base and touch a real machine, right? He's only been in one semester, tsk, your boyfriend is really awesome."

Lu Ning was amused by the other party's tone: "Don't talk about us, let's talk about you and Shen Yu? How are you two doing?"

“We’re pretty good.” I originally thought that the other person would break up with her after the initial freshness period, but unexpectedly, the other person became more and more clingy.

Just as he was talking, Jian Nian heard a call come in. He took a look and then said to Lu Ning, "That guy called me again. I'll talk to you later."


Lu Ning had just hung up the phone. Before she could put it down, she heard a ringtone. Lu Ning's heart beat a little faster. She looked down at the encrypted number on it and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

 (End of this chapter)

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