The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 403: Extra: Excess hormone secretion

Chapter 403 Extra: Excess hormone secretion

 “Well, I won’t watch it today.”

After leaving the library, the two of them walked slowly along the campus paths, occasionally meeting one or two couples on the road.

“Where to go?” Lu Shian asked as he glanced at the girl walking beside him.

This season, it was actually quite cold outside. Lu Ning glanced at a cafe in the school and said, "Go and sit over there!"

At this point, there were more people in the cafe than she expected.

 Many of them are students who can’t get a seat in the study room or library and come here to read.

The two of them walked around but couldn't find a seat. They finally ordered two cups of coffee and came out again.

 The heating was turned on in the cafe, and the temperature was very high. When you came out of it, you felt the obvious temperature difference.

Lu Ning couldn't help but sneeze.

Lu Shian stopped, helped her tighten the scarf around her neck, grabbed one of her hands and put it into his pocket.

Lu Ning held the coffee in her other hand, brought it to her mouth and took a sip. Along with the rich aroma, a warmth flowed into her stomach.

The two of them just walked and drank coffee without any specific destination. They just walked aimlessly and unknowingly walked through half of the campus.

Lu Ning saw that it was getting late, so she said to Lu Shi'an, "Go back!"

"Is this the date you were talking about?" Lu Shi'an said in a rather disappointed tone.

 “That’s right! Otherwise?” Isn’t it a date when two people are alone together?

 No one stipulates what must be done on a date. Taking a walk, chatting, and enjoying the time alone is also a type of date.

Lu Shian looked down at her and said, "I thought I could at least get a hug or a kiss."

Lu Ning raised her eyes and glanced at him: "Is this the reason for your date?"

Lu Shi'an raised his eyebrows and said without hiding his inner feelings: "Have you not heard that kissing and hugging can help enhance feelings?"

 “It’s obviously due to excess hormone secretion.”

Lu Ning said this, but she still stood up on tiptoes and kissed him on his thin lips. Just as she was about to move away, she suddenly found her waist tightening. Lu Shi'an directly grabbed her waist and pressed her into his arms. Leaning in to deepen the kiss.

The breath was entangled, and it was only when Lu Ning was kissed that she had to hold her up to stand still, and then Lu Shi'an let go of her, still not satisfied.

Lu Ning leaned into his arms and calmed her breathing, her fair cheeks flushed red due to excessive lack of oxygen.

Lu Shian stared at her and couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said, "Why do you think you know the way so well?"

Lu Ning blinked and looked at him in confusion.

This guy is clueless and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

I heard the old man in front of me speak slowly: "You didn't go all the way, so why did you just go into my heart? It's fine now. My heart is full of you, and I can't hold anything else." , what do you think we should do?”

 Lu Ning: "...I will compensate you for myself, is that enough?"

Lu Shian: "Okay, how are you going to accompany me?" His eyes seemed to be wired, and his voice became hoarse.

Lu Ning choked up. She just said it casually, but had no intention of really compensating herself to him.

Even if we pay compensation, it’s not now.

Fortunately, Lu Shi'an didn't continue to embarrass her. He grabbed her hand, scratched her palm and said, "I'll let you owe it first. Sooner or later, I will take it back with interest."

Lu Ning:…

I don’t know where this guy learned it from, there are quite a few tricks.

 (End of this chapter)

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