The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 347: Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 40

Chapter 347 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 40

"Of course this is a requirement for all newcomers." Xu Yan gritted his teeth and said.

If it is a request for her alone, it is equivalent to admitting in front of everyone that he is targeting her, but if he admits a request for all newcomers, it will inevitably lead to complaints from other newcomers. That girl was clearly digging a hole for him, but he had to jump.

Jian Nian achieved her goal and said with a smile, "That's good. Otherwise, I would think that the senior is deliberately targeting and embarrassing me."

"How could it be?" Xu Yan was extremely angry, but he still tried to maintain a calm expression on his face and said, "It's just that I hope that Junior Sister Jian can always be so sharp-tongued."

 Jian Nian: "Thank you, I will definitely do it."

 Xu Yan:…

He gave her a cold look, then turned and left.

As soon as the other party left, Xie Yan immediately grabbed her hand and said: "Niannian, what you just said is true? Did he really ask you to accompany others to dinner? Then you didn't suffer, right?"

Jian Nian: "No, I opened that man's head."

 Meng Shan VS Xie Yan:…

How disrespectful!

Meng Shan looked at the direction the other party was leaving and said, "This person is really disgusting. He actually asked his girlfriend to do such a thing. This Xing Yan is really unlucky. She found such a boyfriend and... How about Shen Yu?"

 Shen Yu, who was suddenly cueed:…

 Feeling offended!

"By the way, is the task he assigned you difficult?" Xie Yan asked worriedly.

Meng Shan also felt unfair for her and said, "I'm asking you, a newcomer, to solicit sponsorship alone. Isn't it obvious that I am making things difficult for you?" I have long heard that the bureaucracy in the student union is serious, and now it seems to be true. A small deputy minister knows how to use his position to embarrass and exclude the new officials below him. I'm afraid the others will not be much better.

"It's okay. I ran with you all day yesterday and I almost know what to do." The problem now is time arrangement. Freshman courses are not easy. There are classes almost every day, so I can only use the time in between.

Of course, she can’t guarantee success. After all, after running all day yesterday, only one person was willing to sponsor. And we have collaborated with them before. As for others, it's just more difficult.

However, since she agreed to something, she would give it a try no matter how difficult it was. What's more, this is also a good exercise opportunity.

 Fortunately, there is still some time before the event is held, so she does not have to do it within a day or two. Jian Nian spent a whole night to first position the sponsors and make a new detailed plan by searching information online.

 Xu Yan took them to some big companies before, but this time Jian Nian set his sights on some brand stores and small shops around the school.

 Compared to some well-known large companies, she feels that the surrounding small stores should also be willing to cooperate. After all, their main customer base is the students of the school. Cooperate with schools and help them advertise, and the effect will be more obvious. It's just that the amount of sponsorship may be smaller, but it can add up to a considerable amount.

And it’s just a small shop nearby, so it doesn’t take too long.

Jian Nian made preparations, and the next step was to interview the shop owner. The next day, there were no classes in the afternoon, so she planned to use this time to meet with the merchants and shop owners. But when I came out of the dormitory, I didn't expect to see Shen Yu standing at the door of the dormitory.

 (End of this chapter)

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