The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 324: Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 17

Chapter 324 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 17

Shen Yu: "It is true that citizens have freedom of speech, but freedom of speech is not unlimited and absolute freedom, and it does not include using freedom of speech to spread rumors and slander."

"When did I spread rumors and slander?" The girl still refused to show weakness and said with an aggressive attitude, "You said you two have nothing, who can prove it?"

"Why should I prove to others that I am free to be with whomever I like, isn't it? I have not sorry for anyone, and I do not need to explain to anyone, especially irrelevant outsiders. It is you who can accuse and To slander others, who gave you the qualifications and the confidence?”

The girl wanted to say something else, but the girl next to her stopped her and said, "Forget it, let's go!"

Although the girls are a little reluctant, seeing that there are more and more people around them, they will be embarrassed if they continue to argue. In the final analysis, this is just someone else's business. Whether it is true or false, it has nothing to do with you.

He bit his lower lip, and then he was pulled away by the girl next to him.

Shen Yu then looked at Jian Nian and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to cause you such a big trouble."

Jian Nian was also tired. She just wanted to eat skewers, but she didn't expect to dig such a big hole for herself.

"Forget it, I made it myself." If she wasn't hungry for skewers, nothing would have happened. "Since you want to apologize, why don't you treat me to dinner?"

"Why, aren't you afraid that others will misunderstand you?" In the past few days, this girl had not even spoken to him, and Shen Yu guessed that she wanted to avoid suspicion.

Jian Nian curled her lips and said, "Anyway, even if I say that we have nothing, no one will believe it. Since they all believe that we have something, let them think it." If the mouth grows on others, he can't control it. , it’s better to be open-minded and do whatever you want.

Hearing this, Shen Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, as long as you don't worry, the big deal is, if no one wants you in the future, I'll just take the disadvantage and be your boyfriend."

 “Haha, I really thank you!” Jian Nian gave the other party a big roll of his eyes angrily.

She was so upset that she asked this guy to be her boyfriend.

 Do you think your life is too comfortable and want to make yourself more unhappy?

"Let's go!" Shen Yu immediately called her.

 “Where to go?”

Shen Yu: "Don't I want to treat you to a meal? To show my sincerity, I want to treat you to something good. By the way, call these two beauties around you too!" After saying that, he winked at Meng Shan and Xie Yan. A smile.

 Meng Shan VS Xie Yan:…

 Don’t mention it, the other person’s smile is really pretty.

"Nian Nian, do we really want to eat?" Xie Yan couldn't help but tugged on Jian Nian's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

Jian Nian: "Eat, why don't you eat?" Anyway, it has been spread like this. Even if you want to avoid suspicion, you will still be discussed by others. It is better to do whatever you want.

 Shen Yu took the three of them to a private restaurant near the school.

Jian Nian looked at the sign at the door and said, "It's almost enough, but it doesn't have to be this good. I think the small restaurant in front is pretty good."

∣ Xie Yan and Meng Shan also nodded in agreement.

 They have heard people say before that the consumption here is quite expensive. They are all still students. They rely on a little living expenses from their families every month and just go to a small restaurant on the roadside to eat.

"Why, are you afraid that I can't afford it?" Shen Yu raised his eyebrows.

 (End of this chapter)

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