The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 308: Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 1

Chapter 308 Extra: Shen Yu VS Jian Nian 1

 In the blink of an eye, it has been a month since school started.

Lu Ning and the others started military training on the second day of school, which lasted for a whole month.

 Many people around me have been tanned to a certain degree.

 At the end of the military training night, Lu Ning received a call from Jian Nian and found out that she and Shen Yu had actually been admitted to the same school. The two of them are in the same major.

Jian Nian called this a **** fate.

The performance of both of them in the college entrance examination was quite stable, and they both passed the undergraduate level. Jian Nian's college entrance examination score was several dozen points higher than Shen Yu's, and he should have been able to attend a college. It's just that I didn't fill out my application for the college entrance examination, so I slipped into the first batch of applications and was finally admitted to the second batch of colleges.

  The day before I filled out my application form, we all went out together, and everyone mentioned their target colleges at that time.

When filling out her application, Jian Nian's first choice was the school she had in mind. Since her college entrance examination score was similar to the other school's average admission score in previous years, and several points higher, she never thought that she would slip up, so she filled out the application form. When I applied for the second batch of volunteers, I just filled in one at random. At that time, the school that Shen Yu had mentioned the night before just popped into my mind, so I filled it in casually.

Who would have known it would be such a coincidence that the admission score of the school she applied for this year was higher than in previous years, causing a slippage. The originally stable original one turned into an original two.

Jian Nian was so regretful that her intestines turned green.

It's a pity that there is no regret in this world. She has already paid for the medicine, and she doesn't want to repeat another year, so she can only wait to report to school with the notice.

Shen Yu went on a trip with his family after filling in his application form and didn’t come back until just before school started. It was only two days before registration that I found out that Jian Nian and he had actually been admitted to the same school.

 I laughed at home for a long time when I thought that the other person was several dozen points taller than me, but ended up going to the same school as me.

 Judging from the way Jian Nian gritted her teeth when mentioning the other person, that guy must have been laughing at her in front of her.

Jian Nian thought that the two of them had liked each other since before, and she didn't know if they would be the same after going to the same school.

 I don’t know why, but I feel a little hopeful.

On the other side, Jian Nian packed up her things and set off for a new school the day after she finished her phone call with Lu Ning. As a result, she met Shen Yu at the train station.

 Because their university is in the next city, the train is only an hour away. Both refused to be sent to their families.

 “Hello, Mr. Nian, are you alone?”

Jian Nian arrived at the train station. As soon as she got the ticket, she saw the guy sitting in the waiting hall, waving to her.

Jian Nian's brows suddenly frowned, and she was unwilling to pay attention to him and said, "Aren't you alone?" Because he was laughed at by the other party two days ago, he was not in a good mood when he saw him.

Shen Yu raised his eyebrows: "After all, we will continue to be classmates in the future, can't you be more polite to me?"

Jian Nian said angrily: "If you can close your mouth and don't look so obvious at the joke, maybe you can."

“Well, this is a bit difficult to handle. Whenever I think about someone who has so many points higher than me, but has to go to the same school as me, I can’t help but laugh.”

 “Get lost—” Jian Nian couldn’t help but stepped forward and kicked the opponent.

Shen Yu immediately hugged his feet and wailed: "Hey, it hurts. Why are you a woman so rude and like to hit people so much? Be careful no one wants you in the future."

The guy's loud voice, and the large number of people at the station, instantly attracted everyone around him to look over. Jian Nian immediately blushed, glared at the other person and said, "Shut up!"

 (End of this chapter)

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