The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 3: So good and soft, I really want to move!

Chapter 3: So obedient and soft, I really want to move!

 Lu Shian returned to the community, got out of the elevator, and took out the door key. He only stayed at the door of his house for a second, then decisively took two steps forward and knocked on the door next door.

Lu Ning moved next door to Lu Shian's house during the summer vacation of fifth grade.

 The two doors are next to each other, separated only by a wall.

At that time, Ms. Tang Li and her father Lu were divorcing. Ms. Tang Li didn’t want anything but her daughter Lu Ning.

 After that, he took her to a new home.

On the day of moving, Ms. Tang Li left something in the car. She gave Xiao Lu Ning the key to her new home and asked her to go up and open the door while she returned to the underground garage to pick up her things.

As a result, when the elevator reached the first floor, there was a burst of noise and a group of boys suddenly squeezed in. They must have just finished playing ball, and they were all sweaty.

Lu Ning, a small one, was squeezed into a corner. The hot air was accompanied by a strong smell of sweat, making it difficult to breathe.

 Suddenly a voice sounded above her head: "Tsk, stop crowding, there is a little kid here."

 The boy who has just gone through the voice change period has a rough voice.

 The little kid (Lu Ning) raised his head and saw a half-year-old boy standing in front of him.

Lu Shian has been tall since he was a child. He was almost 1.7 meters tall even before he graduated from elementary school. At that time, standing among a group of boys, he felt like he stood out from the crowd. He was more than two heads taller than Lu Ning at that time.

“Child, where are your adults?” Lu Shian asked, holding a basketball in one hand and supporting the elevator wall with the other, looking down at little Lu Ning.

You are just a child, and your whole family is a child.

Lu Ning's petite figure has always been a pain point for her. She obviously does not lack nutrition, but her height is not as high as that of her peers.

Even though I am about to enter sixth grade, I am often misunderstood as a classmate from a lower grade.

The little girl puffed up her cheeks, but when she raised her head, she smiled an extremely sweet smile: "Brother, my mother went to the car to get something. She will be up right away!"

Lu Ning was one of those who grew up late. She looked small until she entered junior high school.

Just because Lu Ning was told she was a child when she landed, she started forcing herself to drink milk she didn't like every day and practice skipping every night. After four consecutive years of elementary school and junior high school, she finally managed to catch up with her peers.

However, compared with Lu Shi'an, it is still small.

Looking at the sweet little face in front of him, Lu Shian had only one thought at that time:

 Fuck, so good and soft, I really want to move! !

By the time he reacted, he had already extended his evil claws towards the other party.

The little girl's face was softer and smoother than he expected, like a marshmallow, and it was particularly relaxing to pinch it.

 But it was really tender. He just pinched it lightly and left two red fingerprints, which made people feel a little guilty.

He quickly took out a lollipop from his pocket, tore off the package and stuffed it into the other person's mouth, saying, "You are so good, brother, please give me some candy!"

Lu Ning, who was suddenly taken advantage of, had a candy stuffed in her mouth before she could react.

Since it is summer, the surface of the lollipop has begun to melt, and it still has the brown sugar flavor that she hates most.

 Thinking of not causing trouble for my mother on the first day of moving, I suppressed my blush and said angrily: "Thank you, brother."

When the elevator opened, Lu Shian realized that this little guy actually lived on the same floor as him.

"You are the child of the new family that moved next door. You will be a neighbor from now on. If you need anything, come and see my brother. By the way, my brother's name is Lu Shi'an."

Lu Ning had a smile on her face and said in her heart: "I know, brother, thank you, brother, bye!"

 (End of this chapter)

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