Chapter 283 Wife

Lu Ning returned to the room and took a shower and lay on the bed. She had just finished the exam and was going to give herself a holiday. She didn't plan to read tonight. He simply took out his phone and logged into the game.

 After her senior year in high school, her schoolwork was very intense. Lu Ning spent most of her time reading and reviewing, but she did not stop playing games at all.

 Occasionally when I feel tired from reading, I will play two games to relax my brain.

Lu Ning has a high winning rate because of her skillful operation, and is especially good at playing shooters. Although she only logs in for a short time each time, she is quite famous in the game and is known as the number one female shooter in the Chinese server.

 Many people suspect that she is a boy playing the female role. Especially since she was often accompanied by a very powerful wet nurse, and Lu Ning never turned on the mic or explained, it only deepened everyone's speculation.

However, Lu Ning rarely goes to forums and doesn't pay attention to them. She plays games purely to relax. In addition, she doesn't stay online for long, and usually quits after playing one or two games.

 She doesn't know anything about what other people say about her, or she doesn't care.

Lu Ning chose the multiplayer battle mode and forgot to mute the sound. As soon as she entered the game, she heard a girl's voice from the team: "Wow, look, hubby, we are actually matched with the number one female shooter in the national server." Bureau, happy!”

Before Lu Ning could figure out who the other party said was the top female shooter in the Chinese server, she heard the other party's voice continue to say: "Sister, I am your fan, I have watched your battle videos before, your skills are so good. "

“Sister, why are you ignoring me?”

Lu Ning was about to block the sound when she suddenly discovered that there were only two female accounts in the team, so the sister the other party called her could not be called her, right?

When Lu Ning paused, she heard another male voice from the team saying: "Who is the best female shooter in the national server? She's just a piece of trash who doesn't even dare to open the mic. Maybe there's a stingy uncle behind her. Be good, Wife, let’s ignore this kind of person.”

Lu Ning frowned. She didn’t seem to have provoked these two people, right?

“Husband, don’t say that, I’ve seen my sister’s operation, it’s really amazing.”

"I don't believe there is a female shooter who plays so well. If she is really a girl, why wouldn't she dare to open the mic? I heard that she has been playing games for so long and has never opened the mic once. She must have something in her heart. I think she He’s just a liar who plays a female role.”

“Sister, don’t be angry, my boyfriend just doesn’t believe that there are girls who can play games so well, but I believe you, why don’t you open the mic and say something? Then my boyfriend will believe it.”

Lu Ning watched the two people singing along and was not prepared to pay any attention to it. She moved her finger to the top of the middle of the screen and was about to click "Exit" when suddenly another voice said: "Why didn't I know when my wife had a sister?"

"What's more, who are you? If you want my wife to open wheat, you are worthy of it?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Lu Ning was stunned for a moment. Is this person arriving home so soon?

 Also, who is his wife?

 This man is so shameless! !

On the other side of the team, the boy said angrily because of Lu Shian's sudden voice: "How can you talk? What if I doubt her? Who told her to never turn on the mic? Isn't it because she has something in her heart? Besides, I My girlfriend said that to give her face, and she really thought she was so great."

 (End of this chapter)

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