Chapter 263 Everyone gets what he needs

 Soon, the day of the school anniversary arrived.

Nancheng No. 1 Middle School has been established for a century and has cultivated many talents. There are elites from all walks of life, and several of them are people who can often be seen in TV magazines.

 At the invitation of his alma mater, many people were willing to put aside their work and come back to support him, including Lu Ning’s mother, Ms. Tang Li. There are also many elites from other industries.

 What's more, even the city leaders came, and the scene was very lively. The principal personally led a group of people to greet and entertain them at the school gate.

At this time, in the backstage dressing room of the school auditorium, Lu Ning had just changed into a dress and came out. Suddenly, someone ran over and handed her a small note: "Lu Ning, someone asked me to pass this to you."

Lu Ning took the note and unfolded it, and saw that there was something important to discuss with her, and she was asked to go to the last room on the second floor now.

There was still half an hour before the event started. Lu Ning finally decided to go over and take a look, so she said to a girl who was about to go in to change clothes: "I'm going to leave for a moment. If anyone comes to see me, just tell me that I have something to do, and I'll be there right away." return."

The girl naturally knew her. We had rehearsed together before. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, go ahead!"

Lu Ning immediately came out from the backstage and went up to the second floor from the other direction of the auditorium.

At this time, everyone was busy rehearsing and changing clothes, and no one noticed Lu Ning leaving.

On the other hand, Yu Shu walked out from the corner and watched the other party's figure disappear at the top of the stairs with cold eyes.

 The second floor of the auditorium is the club office. Very few people usually come here. The last room mentioned in the note is the utility room.

Lu Ning pushed the door open and entered, feeling a puff of dust blowing into her face. Because the space in the utility room is closed, there is not even a skylight except for the door, so the environment is very dark.

Before Lu Ning had time to adapt to the dim environment inside, she felt someone push her behind. She couldn't help but stumble. When she stood firm, she heard the door being closed behind her.

Lu Ning stepped forward quickly, and as expected, the door was locked from the outside.

 Before she changed into her dress, her mobile phone was given to Lu Shian for safekeeping, so it was impossible to call for help.

There were no windows here, so Lu Ning could only knock on the door desperately and said, "Who are you? Open the door quickly and let me out."

Outside the door, Yu Shu listened to the knocking on the door, glanced at the key in her hand, curled her lips coldly, and turned around.

Downstairs, Lu Shian saw her coming down from the second floor, walked up and asked, "What did you do to her?"

"Don't worry." Yu Shu handed him the key in her hand and said, "I'm just going to let her stay in the room alone for a while. When the school anniversary starts, you can go up and pretend to find her, and then let her out."

"Are you sure she will be fine?" Lu Shianjun frowned, looking a little worried.

"What could be the problem?" Yu Shu disapproved, curled her lips and said, "You are too cautious with her. In fact, I suggest you let her out later. Girls, after experiencing despair, suddenly there is someone If you appear like a **** to save her, she will definitely be moved. And her defense is at its weakest at that time. Maybe if you say a few words of love, she will agree to be your girlfriend. . Of course, the key is in your hands now. It’s up to you to decide what to do. It’s a win-win situation for both of us.”

 (End of this chapter)

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