Chapter 251 Recording

 “Lu Ning!”

Lu Ning left the office, and within a few steps she heard Li Xu's voice.

 “Teacher Li.” Lu Ning stopped and looked at him.

Li Xu greeted her and said, "Let's go to my office and have a chat."

“But it’s time for class later.” Lu Ning glanced at the other party hesitantly. She also heard what the director said just now, and she was afraid that what the other party wanted to talk to her about was probably related to that matter.

Since the other party is the head teacher, he must deal with the problem from the perspective of the school.

 “It’s okay, just a few words.”

Lu Ning didn't say anything and followed the other person into the office.

Li Xu sat down and said, "Congratulations on winning the first prize in this competition."

"Thank you, teacher."

“Tell the teacher, how did you find out that the pen had been replaced?”

 Lu Ning described the situation at that time.

After hearing this, Li Xu nodded approvingly and said, "Yes, I have careful observation, and most importantly, I have good luck." Otherwise, it would be too late to find out there was something wrong with the pen when the exam started.

“Fortunately, it didn’t affect your exam, otherwise our school would have lost a gold medal this time.”

The other party's tone was relaxed, but Lu Ning was not very happy. Hearing this, he frowned, looked at the other party and said, "Does the teacher also want me to forget it?"

"Of course not. Don't worry about this matter. The teacher will help you communicate with the school and will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation." Li Xudao, "However, although this matter is of a bad nature, it has not caused any substantial impact after all. , it is impossible for the school to give the other party any serious punishment because of this, and the most it can do is verbal education and public criticism.”

Lu Ning also thought of this, so at first, all she wanted was an apology.

I just didn't expect that the other party didn't even show her face, and only asked her parents to come forward. If I let go easily, it would be too easy for the other party.

“Teacher, I just want her to apologize to me,” Lu Ning said.

 This request is not excessive.

Li Xu nodded: "I understand, I will communicate with the director. Okay, you can go back and take classes in peace."

"Thank you, teacher." Lu Ning left the office immediately, but met Song Tingzhi at the door.

The latter glanced at her and said: "I heard that Yu Shu's parents are here. I just remembered that I have a recording in my hand of the other party admitting that he secretly changed your pen. I can take it out if necessary."

 A piece of surveillance video alone cannot explain the problem. If the other party denies that she replaced the faded pen, they will not be able to provide other proof. On the contrary, the other party will most likely bite back and say that they are framed.

 So he paid attention at the beginning and recorded the sound when the two were confronting each other.

 Now it can be regarded as a piece of evidence.

Lu Ning didn't expect that the other person, who seemed so calm and unconcerned and didn't pay attention to anything except studying, would actually do such a thing as recording.

 Always feel that it is a little inconsistent with his character.

 “Thank you!” she said.

 In fact, she naturally thought of everything Song Tingzhi could think of. So in addition to the recording in Song Tingzhi's hands, she also recorded one herself. However, she didn't plan to take it out from the beginning. She just wanted to see if Yu Shu would excuse herself. If the other party refused to admit it, she would take out the recording and leave the other party speechless to argue, which would be a slap in the face.

 (End of this chapter)

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