Chapter 229: I receive your sincerity

Shen Yu cleared his voice and said, "Actually, there is a possibility that the other party's anger has not subsided. Just wait for two days and it will be fine."

 As far as the friendship between the third brother and Sister Ning is concerned, we cannot judge it in terms of the ordinary relationship between men and women. It is impossible to break up a relationship, and most of the time it will be over in a day or two.

"Yes, yes!" Shanxi nodded in agreement, "Sister Ning is not the kind of stingy person. She will be fine after being angry for two days. If you coax her then, it will definitely be over."

Only Lu Shian knew that the girl was very vindictive in her bones, so she was not as easy to coax as they said.

Lu Ning came back from the restaurant after dinner. As soon as she got to the room, her cell phone rang suddenly. As soon as she answered the call, she heard a wailing voice: "Sister Ning, save the child!"

"What's wrong?"

“Third brother didn’t know what kind of stimulation he got today, he caught us and tortured us violently.”

“Where is he now?” Lu Ning asked.

Statement: "At the stadium, we are almost dying. Please help persuade him to let the child go!"

Lu Ning immediately clicked on Lu Shian's WeChat. Looking at his last WeChat message, she knew that the guy must have mistakenly thought that he was ignoring him on purpose.

"Waiting." Lu Ning ended the call with the other party and immediately sent a message to Lu Shi'an: [I just went to eat. My phone was dropped in the sink and became useless. I just replaced it with a new one today. 】

On the other side, sitting on the steps of the stadium, Baba stared at Lu Shi'an who was making a statement on the phone. He suddenly received a message from Lu Ning and jumped up from the ground excitedly. He held his phone and carefully sent a message back to the other party: [Don't you? Angry? 】

Lu Ning raised the corners of her lips while typing: [Some people even call me grandma. I can't argue with my grandson. 】

Lu Shi'an couldn't help but giggle while holding his cell phone. When he saw a few people standing next to him looking at him in a disgraceful manner, he quickly suppressed the raised corners of his lips and dialed Lu Ning's number.

 “Are you in the hotel now?” Lu Shian asked.

 Lu Ning: "Well, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." As soon as Lu Shian finished speaking, he heard a knock on the door.

Lu Ning went over to open the door while holding her cell phone.

She saw a man wearing hotel customer service clothes standing outside the door, handing her a bag and saying: "Hello, guest, your takeaway has arrived."

"Thank you!" After Lu Ning took it, she remembered that she had never ordered takeout.

But after taking a look at the information on the takeout order, I realized that it was indeed for me.

Lu Ning was still wondering who ordered it for her, when she heard Lu Shian's voice on the other end of the phone: "Have you received the item?"

"How do you know?" Lu Ning asked subconsciously, and then realized: "Did you order it?"

 “Hmm! Isn’t that surprising?”

 “How do you know my room number?” She didn’t seem to have told anyone.

 “Just think that I can count!”

It is naturally impossible to calculate. There are only two people who know that she lives in this room.

Even the tour leader doesn’t know she lives in this room now.

I think this guy probably asked one of Song Tingzhi and Yu Shu. Since the other party didn't mention that he knew Yu Shu, it was probably Song Tingzhi who asked.

No one knows better than her how repulsive that guy is to Song Tingzhi. Now it would be even harder for him to take the initiative to ask for help than calling himself grandma.

Lu Ning opened the takeout bag and found a cup of milk tea and a piece of mousse cake inside, both of which were her favorite flavors.

She was in a good mood and couldn't help but curl her lips and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "I receive your sincerity."

 (End of this chapter)

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