The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 207: Come up, I'll carry you

Chapter 207 Come up, I’ll carry you

“Let me call my mother!” I already trouble Aunt Ji and Uncle Lu normally, but I can’t trouble their family even when I’m sick.

 When I called the phone, it showed that it was turned off.

 Lu Ning looked at Lu Shi'an: "My mother should be busy now. I'll call her later."

“Okay, I’ll take you home later.”

With half a bottle of water left, Lu Ning squinted on the bed for a while. Because she was a light sleeper, she woke up immediately when the needle was removed.

When she got out of bed, her head was still a little dizzy and her whole body was weak. Lu Ning was planning to take a moment before leaving, but Lu Shian squatted down directly in front of her and said, "Come up, I'll carry you."

 “No need!” Lu Ning refused.

“Hurry up.” Lu Shian stretched out his hand and pulled her onto his back.

Lu Ning stopped insisting when she saw this. Besides, she didn't have the strength to show off.

Lu Shian's back was very broad and stable. Lying on his back, Lu Ning could smell the familiar smell of shampoo on his head.

This guy suddenly found out that there was no shampoo at home some time ago, so he had to run to her house to wash his hair. After washing it, I deliberately researched which brand it was, and then ran to the supermarket and bought a bottle of the same product.

Lu Ning wrapped her hands around his neck. From her angle, she could clearly see his profile as long as she turned her head slightly. Long eyelashes like crow feathers, high bridge of nose, thin lips...

Looking at his familiar facial features and outline, I seem to have seen every detail of the two people from the first time they met to the present, frame by frame, scene by scene, like light and shadow flashing alternately in my mind.

Like a drop of water falling into the lake of her heart causing ripples, or like a beam of warm light shining on the dark road and shining into her heart.

Lu Ning looked at the person in front of her, feeling warm in her heart. The hand around his neck couldn't help but tighten, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

Lu Ning was very thin, and Lu Shian carried her without any pressure at all. He arrived at the school gate easily. Since he had a leave note from the school doctor in his hand, the guard let the two of them out without asking any questions.

Considering that Lu Ning was not feeling well, Lu Shian did not take her to take the bus, but called a taxi in advance. As soon as the two of them left the school, they sat directly in the car.

 After returning home and getting out of the car, Lu Ning refused Lu Shi'an's suggestion to carry her on his back again and insisted on walking home by herself.

 Lu Shian followed her to the door.

Lu Ning opened the door, turned around and looked at him and said, "I'm already home. You should go back to class quickly!"

Lu Shian: "The doctor said that I can't let you stay at home alone. I won't leave until you call Aunt Tang."

“No, I’m really fine. Go back quickly!” Lu Ning urged.

Lu Shian was also very insistent: "Just leave me alone. Your fever has just gone away and you are still very weak now. Go back to your room and lie down to rest. I will wait until you fall asleep before leaving."

"Okay!" Lu Ning didn't say anything after hearing this, opened the door and went straight to the bedroom.

This was not the first time Lu Shian entered the girl's bedroom. Compared with his room, Lu Ning's room was full of girlish atmosphere. It was full of cute decorations and stuffed toys. Most of those dolls were Lu Shian's toys. Caught by a claw machine.

 Almost every one of them carries the memories of two people.

Lu Ning glanced at the guy and saw that he really had no intention of leaving, so she stopped trying to persuade him. She took off her coat and lay down under the quilt.

 (End of this chapter)

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