The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 205: Does this count as a mutual support between the two of us?

Chapter 205 Are the two of us mutually supportive?

 “What if I don’t do it?” Lu Shian decided to be tough in front of this girl.

 Lu Ning: “So what you said before were all lies?”

 “What words?”

 “Of course it’s a bonus.” Couldn’t this person forget it as soon as he said it?

"Of course not, but what I said is that our family tradition is to listen to your wife, so are you admitting that you are my wife?" Lu Shi'an said with a bad smile.

 Lu Ning: It seems that I accidentally dug a hole for myself.

 “Forget it if you don’t do it!” She stretched out her hand to take back the test papers.

Lu Shi'an hurriedly rushed over and said: "Do it, my wife's words are orders, of course you must do it."

"Stop yelling, who is your wife?" Lu Ning rolled her eyes at the other party, but her ears couldn't help but feel hot. This man is becoming more and more shameless.

"You are, I will recognize you in this life." Lu Shi'an vowed.

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you." Lu Ning glared at her, but there was not much anger on his face.

Knowing that this girl was not really angry, Lu Shian became bolder, "Don't worry, it's China Southern Airlines. I will definitely pass the exam. My wife's position will only be reserved for you."

Lu Ning looked at him and sneered: "Didn't I just say that there are many people who like you? If I don't grasp it well, it might become someone else's?" He turned around and forgot about what he said.

Lu Shi'an immediately expressed his loyalty to her and said, "That's nonsense. My heart for you is as great as the sun and the moon. No one can shake my determination for you."

"Ha!" Lu Ning sneered again, "You let me fully understand what a man's mouth is, a liar. Okay, you'd better do the questions honestly!"

To prevent the guy from saying any more shameless words, Lu Ning peeled off a piece of candy and stuffed it into his mouth.

 “Sweet!” Lu Shian bit the candy and smiled evilly and wantonly.

Lu Ning twitched the corner of her mouth, feeling that the other party looked a little blind.

  After retracting his gaze, he ignored him.

 Time has entered November in a blink of an eye. It rained intermittently for several times, and the weather suddenly became cold.

The highest temperature was clearly in the twenties two days ago, but suddenly it dropped to the teens.

Many people in the class have caught colds, and Lu Ning was also unfortunate enough to catch a cold.

 I felt dizzy when I woke up in the morning and sneezed several times in succession.

When he went out, Lu Shi'an saw that the girl had put on a thick coat and put on a mask. Her palm-sized face was covered by the black mask, leaving only a pair of big, dark and translucent eyes.

Lu Shi'an was short-handed and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pull off her mask and said, "What's your look today?"

Just when Lu Ning was about to speak, her nose felt itchy. She couldn't help but sneeze loudly, and sprayed Lu Shi'an's face with saliva.

 They were both stunned for a moment.

 There is an eerie stillness in the air.

 After a while, Lu Shian was the first to speak: "Tsk, do we really understand each other?"

 Helping each other, your sister!

Lu Ning's eyes were a little red because she had just sneezed, and there was still a touch of water vapor in her eyes. Her big eyes looked wet, like a cute and harmless deer.

However, the next second, Lu Ning pulled up the mask.

He glared at the other person angrily.

This guy deserved to be sprayed with spit on his face because of his poor hands, but he still took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to him to wipe his face and said: "I have a cold. If you don't want to get infected, stay away from me."

Lu Shian took the tissue, raised his eyebrows lazily and said, "It's okay, I have good resistance. You're fine with me being hot or cold, so what's this little cold?"

PS: Happy New Year, my little cuties, and good luck in the Year of the Tiger. May everyone be greedy but not fat, and may everyone have sweet dreams.



 (End of this chapter)

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