The School Sweetheart’s Soft Green Plum is Sweet and Wild!

Chapter 199: Just hug me and you won’t feel cold anymore

Chapter 199: You won’t feel cold after a hug

 By late October, the temperature difference between day and night has become significantly larger.

During the day, the high temperature is in the twenties and close to 30 degrees, and at night it is only in the teens.

Lu Ning forgot to put on her coat when she went out in the morning. When she came out of the classroom, she felt a slight chill and subconsciously rubbed her arms.

 The next second, my body felt warm.

She saw Lu Shian took off his coat and put it on her body, and said to her in a commanding tone: "Put it on."

Lu Ning saw that he was only wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, "Aren't you cold?"

Lu Shi'an picked up the schoolbag on the ground with one hand and put the other hand in his trouser pocket. He raised his eyebrows at her and said, "It's cold! Why don't you give me a hug? It won't feel cold anymore."

 “You think beautifully.”

As Lu Ning said this, she was about to take off her coat and give it back to her, but Lu Shi'an held her arm down and said, "Okay, I'm kidding you, I'm not cold. You should put it on quickly. My dad should be waiting for us at the door." , just wait until you get in the car.”

Lu Ning didn't say anything at this moment, and put her hands into her sleeves.

At the door, Lu Yue's car stopped at the school gate early in the morning. When he saw the two people coming out, he immediately greeted them to get in the car.

The two quickly got into the car. Lu Yue did not rush to drive, but turned around, looked at the two of them with a smile and said: "Are you two hungry? Do you want to have a late night snack? Your mother works the night shift tonight. We’re not home yet, we can eat something on the way before going back.”

Lu Shi'an said in a casual tone: "Why did I hear you say yesterday that this month's pocket money has been spent, so why do you still have money to treat us to supper? You shouldn't be hiding private money behind my mother's back. Right?"

“You brat, are you and I like this?” Lu Yue glared at his son in anger.

  In front of Ning Yatou, she didn't know how to save him some face. This son was raised in vain.

He said: "This money was given by your mother. She knew that you two had a hard time going to school, and she was afraid that you two would be hungry after school. She was not at home and no one would make supper for you two, so she specifically asked me to take you two to eat something." ”

“Aunt Ji is so nice!” Lu Ning said with a smile, not forgetting to bring Lu Yue with her, “Uncle Lu is also nice!”

 Then he looked at Lu Shi'an: "You are so happy!"

"Flattery!" Lu Shi'an reached out and pinched her face and said, "Am I not treating you well?"

Lu Ning glared at him and said, "Let go, you told me not to pinch my face!"

One of her cheeks was pinched, and the other cheek was slightly swollen because of anger, and her brows were raised, which was very cute.

If it weren't for the fear that she would jump up and hit someone, Lu Shi'an would have been reluctant to let go for a while.

That girl's skin was so delicate and soft that Lu Shian couldn't help but pinch his fingertips, feeling nostalgic.

 Lu Yue looked at the two people playing with a smile. The two children had such a good relationship, and the adults were also happy. He asked with a smile: "Have you two decided what to eat?"

 Lu Shi'an and Lu Ning looked at each other and said in unison: "Barbecue!"

Although Aunt Ji usually cooks a lot of delicious food for them, she usually does not allow them to eat unhealthy food such as barbecue.

 It’s rare that the other party is not working overtime today.

“Okay, let’s go have barbecue!” Lu Yue looked at the two of them with indulgence, and then drove the car to a nearby barbecue stall.

 At this point, there were not many people at the stall.

While the boss greeted them warmly, he chatted with Father Lu and said, "These are your son and daughter. It's so good to have two children! You are really blessed to have both children. Judging from the appearance of the two children, they should Are you a student from the nearby No. 1 Middle School? The kids who can study there are all smart and will definitely be successful in the future. You will be blessed then. "

 “Yes, yes!” Lu Yue responded with a smile throughout.

Lu Shi'an glanced at Lu Ning with a smile but not a smile and said, "Sister?"

 Lu Ning responded calmly: "Brother!"

 It’s just that I regretted it after calling it.

 She must have been poisoned by this guy. Why would she call him brother if she had nothing to do?

But the annoyance was only for a moment, she even screamed, and regretting it was of no use. Moreover, the guy was older than her, even though he was only a few months older, calling her brother was not a disadvantage.

Lu Shi'an was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and said, "Be good!"

Lu Ning rolled her eyes at the other party silently.

However, Lu Shi'an became interested. He folded his hands on his chin and looked at her and said, "Tell me, where did he see that we two looked like brothers and sisters? Is it possible that we look alike? Could it be that we are the legendary ones? Husband and wife, right?"

Seeing that the guy was talking more and more enthusiastically, Lu Ning was too lazy to pay attention to him and simply stood up from the stool.

 “Where are you going?” Lu Shian couldn’t help but ask when he saw this.

Lu Ning glanced at him and said: "Aunt Ji must be hungry when she comes back so late from working overtime at night. I just saw a porridge shop nearby is still open. I will pack a porridge for her and put it in the pot to warm. , I can drink it when Aunt Ji comes back.”

"Tsk, no wonder my mother has always wanted to have a daughter, saying that a daughter is caring. But now there is no chance of having a daughter. It would be nice to have a caring daughter-in-law, what do you think?" Lu Shian stood up.

This person will die if he doesn't take advantage of her?

“Then work hard!” Lu Ning replied angrily.

Lu Shi'an raised his eyebrows: "I'm just working hard now!"

The porridge shop is about 200 meters away from the barbecue restaurant. When the two of them packed up a portion of porridge and returned, the boss happened to bring over the grilled skewers.

The freshly grilled mutton skewers are still sizzling with oil, sprinkled with cumin and chili powder, and the aroma can spread to the other end of the street.

 Lu Yue handed Lu Ning and Lu Shi'an a skewer of meat and said, "Here, the freshly grilled mutton skewers should be eaten while they are hot."

"Thank you, Uncle Lu." Lu Ning took it politely and took a bite. Although there was a faint smell of mutton, it tasted really good.

The three of them just sat next to the stall and shared a plate of skewers. When they left, Lu Yue was still a little unfinished: "It's a pity that I'm driving. Otherwise, if I ordered two bottles of beer, the beer and the skewers would be better than a living god!"

Lu Shian glanced at the other person and said, "If you like it so much, why did my mother never hear you mention it when she was here?"

Lu Yue sighed and said, "Don't I want to? It's not like you don't know your mother's temper. You know that we have to talk about it a lot when we eat this. I do it to keep my ears clean. By the way, eating kebabs today is a big deal. We can’t let your mother know. Otherwise, we won’t be able to sneak out for a midnight snack next time.” Finally, I didn’t forget to remind them.

Lu Shian looked down upon him and said, "Tell me, when can you be tougher in front of my mother?"

Lu Yue's expression was slightly awkward: "You brat, what do you know? This is mutual respect between husband and wife. Besides, isn't your mother doing this for our own good!"

Lu Shi'an: "If you are afraid of your wife, you are afraid of your wife. We won't laugh at you, so why bother saying it so grandly?"

 Lu Yue:…

 So angry!

I regret that I didn’t shoot the brat into the wall.

 (End of this chapter)

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