Chapter 116 The Notes of the Male God

 When Song Tingzhi took the dog and came back from outside after throwing away the garbage, he saw Lu Ning standing alone in the yard.

With the lights on in the yard, Lu Ning knelt down and touched Gray Shadow's head, and played with it for a while. Then he stood up and looked at Song Tingzhi: "I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Song Tingzhi untied the rope around Gray Shadow's neck, patted its head and let it move freely.

Lu Ning: “I just wanted to ask you if there is any way to quickly improve your science scores?”

Song Tingzhi's score in the last exam was higher than hers, and she had seen many trophies from his previous competitions at home, so she thought he should have his own learning method.

Song Tingzhi raised his eyes and looked at her, "I remember you were second in grade in the midterm exam this time?"

"I'm not asking for myself," Lu Ning said, "I'm asking for a friend of mine. My method doesn't seem to be very effective for him, so I wanted to ask if you have any better methods."

 “You wait a moment.”

She saw Song Tingzhi return to the room, and soon took out a few notebooks and handed them to her and said: "These are the notes I compiled myself. They contain some important test points and example questions. I usually review based on this. I hope I can Helpful for your friend.”

 “Thank you.” This saved her the trouble of sorting it out herself.

“I’ll give this back to you after I make a copy.” Lu Ning took it.

"It doesn't matter," Song Tingzhi said, "I'm not in a hurry to use it."

on Monday

 As the final exam approaches, teachers ask everyone to arrive at school earlier and earlier.

"What's this?"

Jian Nian looked at the notebook Lu Ning took out from her bag and couldn't help but asked curiously.

 The black cover is not quite like the style her sisters usually use. Moreover, the handwriting on the cover is clear and powerful, with each hook and stroke giving it a unique and unique feel.

Lu Ning glanced at it and said, "Your boyfriend's notes."

 “Who?” Jian Nian thought for a moment that she had heard wrong. He quickly raised his eyes and looked towards her.

“Song Tingzhi’s notes contain the knowledge points and examples of various subjects he compiled.” Lu Ning repeated.

Jian Nian's eyes suddenly lit up. He looked at her and said, "Good sister, lend me a copy." You must treasure a copy of the male god's notes.

 The original is not acceptable, but a copy is also acceptable!

"Okay, I just have to make copies in the afternoon, let's come together!" Lu Ning thought that the other person was not a stingy person. His notes could help more people, so he probably wouldn't mind.

Jian Nian couldn't help but rushed forward and hugged Lu Ning: "You are indeed my good sister, I love you so much."

"What are you two talking about? Are you so excited so early in the morning?" As soon as Shen Yu entered the classroom, he saw the two of them hugging each other. Especially someone's excited voice, which could be heard at the door of the classroom.

Jian Nian picked up the notebook on Lu Ning's desk and waved it in front of Shen Yu in a showy way: "We are talking about the secrets of high scores for top students."

Shen Yu: "There is such a thing? Why didn't I know about it?"

“There are so many things you don’t know!” Jian Nian raised his eyebrows, and the two bickered every day.

"Isn't this what you're talking about? Lend it to me." Shen Yu grabbed the notebook from her hand.

Jian Nian immediately said nervously: "Be careful, don't break it."

Shen Yu flipped through two pages, his eyes could not help but shine, and then he looked straight at Lu Ning and said, "Sister Ning, why didn't you take out such a good thing earlier?"

If he had known that there was such a thing, he wouldn't have had his pocket money stopped by his mother just because he didn't do well in the last exam.

 (End of this chapter)

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