The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 179: If Life Sees Only 3

Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

Su Nian walked back unhappyly, and for a moment, she felt a cold gaze staring at her.

She looked up, Gu Zichen was standing in front of her steps, Da Yuan clutched his pants legs intimately, and the bag was on the side of the fence opposite them, meowing and meowing constantly.

For some reason, she made a sudden noise in her heart, instinctively fearing Gu Zichen's eyes.

She walked over, picked up her bag, and prepared to slip away.

"Su Niannian, it feels good to have a boyfriend, fight for you and take you home, shouldn't you be happy to die?" Gu Zichen's voice was cold, showing a hint of indifference.

Su Nian didn't understand how good he was yesterday. How did her attitude towards her change today? She gritted her teeth: "He's not my boyfriend, don't talk nonsense!"

"Oh, that's a spare tire." Gu Zichen continued to poison his tongue.

Su Nian was hot: "I and Tang Yu are good friends and good brothers. If you do n’t understand, do n’t talk nonsense. And, Gu Zichen, it ’s my business to whom I associate. Why are you talking like this? It's up to you! "

Gu Zichen chuckled softly: "How can there be pure friendship between men and women in this world, Su Niannian, are you stupid or originally stupid?"

The night breeze was slightly cold, but Su Nian felt that those words he spoke into her body like ice blades.

In the past, no matter what gossip or other people's bad eyes, she felt indifferent because she didn't care.

But now, she finally experienced the uncomfortable feeling.

Because I like it, I care.

So it will be painful.

She took a deep breath and thought that she and Gu Zichen would definitely quarrel in this way, so she said, "I'll go back to bed first, goodbye."

"Are you going to make up for lessons?" Gu Zichen frowned.

Dayuan seemed to feel the displeased emotions of his master, shouted "Wang Wang", and appeared very suddenly on a quiet night.

"I'm uncomfortable. Please take a day off, bye." Su Nian left, and Gu Zichen moved his throat. He wanted to say something to save, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He is a person who is not good at expressing his feelings. Maybe he is excellent in other aspects, but in front of the girl he likes, he is at a loss.

Back home, Chen Yuan watched her bulging look and asked curiously, "Are you okay every year? Why is your face so ugly?"

Su Nian rubbed his teeth every year: "It's all about Gu Zichen's neurosis, but Tang Yu is my boyfriend! I have been talking with thorns, and I haven't messed with him, he said I'm stupid ..." Thinking of Gu Zichen's words I feel sad.

Chen Yuan blinked, handed Su Niannian a box of yogurt, and asked without a trace: "I found that you and Ah Chen are simply happy enemies. Every year, if you care so much about him, do you like him? ? "

"Of course I like him!" Su Niannian was anxious, and she said what she was saying, but immediately realized that she was wrong, and quickly reached out and covered her mouth.

But Chen Yuan had heard it clearly.

Su Nian found an excuse to hurriedly return to his room. Chen Yuan stayed in place and sighed.

In fact, he had already guessed that maybe Su Nian didn't realize it, but the look in Gu Zichen's eyes had already revealed everything.

But he didn't know if Su Nian's love of Gu Zichen was a good thing.

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