The School Prince’s Exclusive Sweetheart

Chapter 167: Men's Contest 3

Biquge, the fastest update honey love 100%: the latest chapter of the school's exclusive sweetheart!

Invisibly, Gu Zichen has regarded Tang Yu as a foe, and Tang Yu is no different.

Eyes intersected in the air, Zhang Wutang's pressure pervaded along the two, and the students on the field quieted collectively.

Su Nian blinked every year, glanced at Gu Zichen from a distance, and smirked, and continued to devote herself to cheering on her class.

Ten minutes of rest, the second game begins.

Each grade is tested first, and the first place enters the school finals, competing for the first place in this competition.

All competitions must be completed in the afternoon, and the requirements for the contestants are very high.

In the second game, a third was played. Tang Yu returned to his seat to rest, and several substitute students attended. Compared to the main force, several of them have ordinary skills, and they were overtaken by their opponents not long after they played.

In desperation, Tang Yu had to play again, this turned around.

"Oh, there is something wrong with the tactics of our class. Look at these people. The rhythm is too bad. He Xiao made a sudden progress too fast. The squad leader runs too slowly. Oops ... "A boy complained in the back, and Su Su frowned every year.

She doesn't know much about basketball, but she can also see that all the heavy duties of class F rest on Tang Yu. Once Tang Yu is out, he must lose.

But if it keeps going ... he doesn't know if he can sustain it physically.

During the intermission, Su Nian ran to give him water every year. Tang Yu took a big mouth and drank a few mouthfuls of water.

"Tang Yu, don't take a break." Su Nian said worriedly.

Tang Yu shook his head and smiled, "It's okay, you forgot that I played in the provincial team before? This amount of exercise is nothing, don't worry about it."

"Oh ..." Su Niannan sighed and looked at the score on the whiteboard.

Now the scores of the two classes are close. If Tang Yu ends at this time, the situation may be reversed.

Fortunately, He Xiao also went up in the second half and successfully won the game.

In the senior year, Gu Zichen also won a game.

It didn't take long for the third game to begin, and Gu Zichen habitually looked at the position of class F.

Su Nian shook the colored ball in his hand and shouted, "Tang Yu, come on, f, come on!"

Gu Zichen's eyes sank, don't go over, dribble rushed directly to the opponent's basket.

The opponent was caught off guard, and Gu Zichen's defensive person flashed a slam dunk.

There was another screaming sound above the playground.

Gu Zichen played a defender who was in charge of passing and passing the ball. The first two games have been very low-key. At this moment, however, the style was changed, and the savage offensive, fast movement and accurate shooting made the audience dazzled.

Everyone was happy, but the opponents of Class A in Grade 3 were almost depressed ...

They are also seed teams anyway, but why were they abused by Gu Nanshen into this dog-like!

Even if you are handsome, do you want to score 100%! Can you leave us some way of life!

In the opponent's despondent eyes, Gu Zichen shot the last three-pointer, gently lifted his shirt and wiped his sweat.

The score on the white board shows: 89:34.

Everyone was scared by such a fierce play. What kind of stimulation was Gu Gushen doing? Do they need to be so cool?

On the other side, the sophomore class f also succeeded.

At this point, all the high school, high school and high school champion teams have been created. Several physical education teachers who acted as referees had a good discussion and announced that the championship competition would start soon!

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