The knowledge learned in Blue Star High School is divided into martial arts and liberal arts.

Martial arts is cultivation.

Liberal arts is history, mathematics, geography, etc.

There is very little introduction to spiritual materials and fierce beasts.

This is also normal.

High school students basically will not enter the territory of fierce beasts, so teaching them is just a waste of effort.

Therefore, Qin Feng hesitated.

Who knows what will happen if he takes this bite ?

【Red umbrellas, white poles, let's lie down together after eating~]

The system made a heart-breaking complaint in a timely manner.

This time Qin Feng did not roll his eyes.

Although the system is dark, it will not be aimless.

It seems that this flame grass cannot be taken internally.

So... is it for external use?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng slowly tilted the essence of the flame grass.


The moment the red liquid landed, it directly ignited a raging fire, burning the grass on the ground into black ash.

Qin Feng's mouth twitched.

Fortunately, he didn't drink it, otherwise his internal organs would be burned?

"The essence of the flame grass contains huge heat energy, but I don't feel any burning sensation when I hold it. So it must need a certain external force to release heat energy."

"So can I take advantage of this?……"

Qin Feng has a solid knowledge of liberal arts.

In just a moment, many ideas came to his mind.

He cut off a branch, hollowed it out, smeared it with resin, filled it with flame grass essence, and finally sealed it.

A simple explosive can was made.

Then, he threw it forward!


The moment the burning can landed, the flame grass essence suffered a strong impact and exploded like a grenade, splashing out fierce flames.

In just one breath, the entire grassland was burned!

Qin Feng was dumbfounded.

The power is so great!

It is estimated that it can overturn a steel-haired wild boar!

"The teacher is right. If you learn math, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel the world!"

Qin Feng smiled and immediately searched for other flame grasses along the rock wall.

He planned to make more.

It could also be used as a trump card when he encountered any danger later.


Military base.

A Hummer stopped.

Five or six people slowly got out of the car.

One of them was the famous figure of Yuancheng - Lin Fei!

"Fei'er, you must follow us closely after entering the barren mountain, and don't fall behind," a middle-aged woman warned.

Lin Fei still raised her chin proudly and said casually,"I know."

"Don't worry too much, we will wear down the beast's strength, and then you can kill it with your own hands."

The leader was a bald man with muscles as hard as granite and a very hearty laugh.

They were a team of warriors hired by Lin Fei's father to bring Lin Fei to the barren mountain for gilding.

The genius female high school student bravely went to the barren mountain and killed the beast.

This resume was very dazzling, enough to attract the attention of the third-tier key martial arts schools, and even the second-tier key martial arts schools.

As for the first-tier martial arts schools.

Unless there is a major breakthrough, there is little hope.

"It's the Magic Blade Squad, with the leader in front, Centipede’"

"Huh? Why is there a girl here?"

"Lin Fei, the genius school beauty of the No. 1 High School."

The vendors and warriors discussed in a low voice.

When Lin Fei heard these voices, she smiled proudly and did not look at anyone.

Chen Hai was also in the crowd.

He glanced at Lin Fei, then retracted his gaze, wanting to laugh in his heart.

A team of people protected him, and he was still so arrogant.

That young man went into the barren mountain alone and killed more than a dozen ferocious beasts, and the key was that he was easy-going.

So, sometimes the gap between people is greater than that between people and animals!

Thinking of this, Chen Hai called home

"Hey, son, how’s your study going?"

"I have reached 99, so I can go to university without any problems"

"Hahaha, you are my son indeed. I saw the genius of your school and are ready to go into the mountains."

"Genius? You're talking about Lin Fei. She said in the group that she wanted to go into the mountains. That's awesome."

"Oh, son, do you recognize it?……"

"Dad, I'm going to continue practicing while I still have enough energy. I'm going to break through 100 Qi and Blood points. I'm hanging up now!"

Looking at the hung up call, Chen Hai smiled bitterly.

He was just about to ask his son if he knew Qin Feng.

But it doesn't matter.

There will always be a chance in the future!


Study group of Class 1 of No.1 Senior High School:

@Chen Long: Fei'er went into the mountains!

@Ying Huanhuan: I really envy Lin Fei. Her father hired a team of warriors to take care of her.

@Shi Jiu: I guess tomorrow's Yuancheng forum, Tieba, and headlines will all be about Fei'er's news.

@The head teacher said: You are still slacking off here, go and practice!

The group was instantly quiet.


Barren mountain.

Qin Feng collected 9 flame grasses.

After extracting all of them, they were made into blasting cans and tied together tightly to avoid collision and explosion.

During this period, he encountered a black jade python.

This snake is similar to an anaconda, 10 meters long, 50 centimeters thick, and its scales are as black as ink.

Qin Feng went up and smashed the snake's head with a shovel, dug out the snake's gallbladder, and peeled off the snake's skin.

At the same time, he also caught a guinea fowl.

A kind of bird-like beast with feathers like snow and a beak like iron, its body is covered with pearl-like condensation.

Originally, Qin Feng didn't intend to kill it.

As a result, the chicken kept singing and dancing, and it could also lean on the iron mountain.

Qin Feng was so angry that he waved the shovel and chopped off the chicken's head on the spot.

After that, he also solved several wild beasts and put them into the warrior backpack.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 5 HP points】

【Gain: 1 HP point】


Qin Feng climbed up the tree and called up the attribute panel

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 185】

【Realm: Elementary Warrior】

【Talent: Unlimited Extraction (SSS)]

He nodded with great satisfaction.

Today's harvest is good, and the blood value is about to break through 200.

As long as the blood value reaches 300, it will be a medium-level warrior.

At that time, you can try to go deep into the barren mountain.

Fierce beast materials, make money!

Extract ferocious beasts and increase blood value!

Nothing is easier than this!

Suddenly, Qin Feng on the tree stopped smiling.

Through the leaves, he saw someone sneaking in from a distance.

There are quite a few people on the other side, more than twenty people.

They are covered with cloaks, covering their true faces, and are moving forward in an orderly manner.

The breeze blew up the robes.

Qin Feng keenly noticed that the other party had a red tattoo!

"It's a bit like the cult I encountered this morning."

Qin Feng couldn't help thinking.

Just when he wanted to see more clearly, the group of people had disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Qin Feng was too concerned about this.

He was a nobody, so he didn't want to get involved if he could.

Making money to support his sister was the top priority!

Continue hunting ferocious beasts!

Gradually, the sky darkened.

This was the first time Qin Feng spent the night in the deserted mountains.

The stars were twinkling and the moon was high.

Qin Feng chewed dry food and forced himself to be alert.

According to the vendors, the more valuable the ferocious beasts were, the more likely they would come out to hunt at night.

He absolutely couldn't miss this opportunity


Qin Feng suddenly frowned.

There seemed to be someone fighting in front, and the noise was not small.

But not long after, the sound of fighting disappeared.

Just as Qin Feng was hesitating whether to go over and investigate, suddenly, a figure rushed out from the woods.

It was a person!

Strictly speaking, it was a wounded man who kept spitting blood from his mouth. He fell headfirst and fell unconscious as soon as he rushed out of the woods.

Qin Feng observed the man's clothes and seemed to be not an ordinary person.

After thinking for a while, he fell down from the tree and fumbled on the man to see if he could find something to prove his identity.

Soon, Qin Feng touched a hard object.

When he took it out and looked at it, his pupils suddenly contracted.

"It turned out to be them!"

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