Confucius Mansion, the highest educational institution in China.

After the head of the Imperial Capital Wu Mansion fell asleep, Confucius Mansion held an emergency meeting.

There are a total of 34 Wu Mansions in China Dragon Country, which are in a state of high pressure of mutual competition.

On the third day after the suppression of the Imperial Capital Tomb Pit.

The top leaders of the major Wu Mansions gathered in Confucius Mansion.

There were hundreds of people sitting in the hall.

They can be said to be the backbone of the entire China!

"The Lord of Daozun Palace has fallen into a deep sleep, is there any way to wake him up?"

"It's difficult, unless the strong men on the front line are sent back, but then there will be problems on the front line."

"Don't be so rude later, Ananda is easier to talk to than the Lord of Daozun Mansion."

"I heard that he is a fake monk, so I am very curious."

The masters were talking in low voices.

At this time, the door was slowly pushed open.

Everyone's eyes were focused on it.

Ananda was the leader, followed by Deng Ling and others. The group strode over and bowed to everyone at the same time.

"Please accept my condolences!"

All the masters from the major martial arts schools stood up.

Ananda said firmly:"Such a humiliating battle, we will make the other side pay back a hundredfold sooner or later!"

Many people nodded slightly.

Although the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School suffered heavy losses this time, its foundation is still there.

"This is the momentum we need!"

A deep voice sounded.

A middle-aged man with a crew cut, dark skin, and a full beard walked in. He waved to everyone and said,"Please sit down."

Not long after everyone sat down, someone stood up again and said,"Director Sun, our Jinnan Wufu has risen strongly in recent years, but the resources allocated to it have not increased accordingly. Please redistribute them so as not to disappoint the children."

"Our Northeastern Wufu is located in a remote area and has some frictions with Russia from time to time. We also hope that the Confucius Mansion will allocate more resources."

"It doesn't need to be too much, 5% to 10% more is enough, we in Xishu Wufu don't care much about these things."

After the first person stood up, the others also spoke up.

The scene seemed a little noisy for a while.

Director Sun nodded and said,"Don't worry, we will consider it as appropriate."

"In fact, Director Sun doesn't have to worry at all!"

The speaker was Wang Hou, the deputy master of the Magic Capital Martial Mansion. He smiled and said,"Just divide the resources of the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion. They occupy the largest share of resources and can fully feed the other martial arts mansions."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The relationship between the Magic Capital Martial Mansion and the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion is extremely bad. Every year in the martial arts mansion ranking competition, they try their best and the disability rate is extremely high!

In recent years, the strength of the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion has declined, but it still occupies the majority of resources. This has long made many martial arts mansions dissatisfied.

Deng Ling, Huang Zhong and others looked gloomy.

The sex scene has begun!

Ananda twisted the Buddhist beads in his hand and smiled calmly:"Wang Hou, the Imperial Capital Martial Mansion has a huge share of resources because the Lord of the Daozun Mansion and the Yin-Yang couple fought to the death and made great contributions in the past. I believe everyone knows this.……"

"What a joke!"

Wang Hou sneered,"Which martial arts school doesn't have people die every year? Which martial arts school doesn't fight against foreign tribes with all their might? Isn't it a bit too much to think that you can always occupy the majority based on this?"

"Wang Hou is right. As long as Lord Daozun and the Yin-Yang couple are still around, we can endure it!"

"But now, we can't stand it!"

The other deputy palace masters echoed.

Deng Ling and the others looked uglier. They were preparing to attack together!

The Palace Master Daozun fell.

The ten ancient stones died or were injured.

They were going to divide the resources!

Ananda still twisted the Buddhist beads in his hand and said calmly:"You just speak frankly."

"The Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion has two earth essence training rooms, and my Demon Capital Martial Arts Mansion wants one!"

"There is a flame waterfall tree dug from a grave in the Imperial Capital Wufu. My West Shu Wufu is interested in it."

"The Imperial Capital Martial Arts School rarely uses the gravity room, so why not transfer it to our Jinan Martial Arts School?"

The various martial arts schools began to ask for it!

Deng Ling could no longer bear it and shouted,"This is too much!"

"You are bullying my Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy because there is no one there, right?"

His roar shook the whole building violently.

Huang Zhong and the others were even more livid.

This was simply to empty the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy!

Director Sun also had a gloomy expression. It was ugly that the major martial arts academies were so popular.

But he couldn't say anything.

The major martial arts academies asked for resources for the better growth of students, to resist the strong men in the tomb pit in the future, and to protect the blue planet.

The starting point was good.

But the means... were too eye-catching!


Seeing that the atmosphere was completely frozen, Ananda asked calmly:"Is this all you donors want?"

Deng Ling was anxious to speak, but he was held down by the back of his hand.

Hearing this, Wang Hou and the others looked strange.

How could he sit still when he was asked for things so blatantly?

Ananda put his hands together and said:"If you want these things, I can agree, but there are conditions."

"What conditions?"

Wang Hou looked him straight in the eye and asked immediately.

Ananda slowly stood up, and a thousand feet of Buddha light shone behind him, as if thousands of gods and Buddhas were singing, shining brightly, sacred and noble.

"In this year's Wufu Ranking Competition, if the Imperial Capital Wufu regains the top spot, the resources you took away must be returned intact. If even one corner is missing, you will have to pay a compensation of trillions!"

"At the same time, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy can select the resources of their choice from various major martial arts academies and are not allowed to refuse or make excuses!"

"If the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Institute loses, these resources will belong to you and you will never get them back!"

"In addition, we are willing to reduce the share of resources to achieve the success of the major martial arts schools."

His voice was like a real Buddha admonishing all living beings, but his appearance was solemn and dignified, like the angry Vajra!

This is a gamble!

If you win, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School will be wiped out!

If you lose, the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School will fall to the bottom!

Many martial arts schools were intimidated by Ananda's momentum.

This move was too cruel!

Even casino veterans dare not do this!

"Are you serious?" Wang Hou's expression also changed.

Ananda looked at Director Sun and said calmly:"The Kong family is a witness, and it is not false."


Wang Hou showed a proud smile:"Then in two days, we will visit the Wu Mansion in the imperial capital!"

"We are always at your service." Ananda smiled faintly and clasped his hands.

Then, the major martial arts schools left.

They had smiles on their faces, and were obviously very satisfied with today's results.

In the hall, only the people from the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School and Director Sun were left.

Director Sun said helplessly:"You are too impulsive, why don't you let me hold on for a little longer?"

He was born in the Imperial Capital Martial Arts School, so he naturally leaned towards this side.

"Can't hold on any longer"

"This group of people collectively exerted pressure, and it was obvious that they were well prepared."

Ananda's eyes darkened, and his voice was cold:"If they want it, then take it, but don't regret it later!"

Director Sun was stunned and sighed.

""What are you going to do next?" he asked.

Ananda raised his head and stared deeply at the ceiling:"Reform! The entire Imperial Capital Wufu will be completely reformed!"

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