"Sister Wu Zhu is not that kind of person!"

Qin Xue said without hesitation at this time.

Although Wu Zhu moved into this ward later, she had become familiar with Wu Zhu in the past few days.

So she knew Wu Zhu very well.

On the contrary, this man in sunglasses always insulted Wu Zhu at every turn, which made her a little unbearable.

"What do you want here?"

The man in sunglasses turned his head and looked over when he heard Qin Xue's words.

"Wow! You have a nice appearance, but it's a pity that you are a cripple, otherwise you can have fun with your brother!"

The man in sunglasses looked at Qin Xue who was also sitting in a wheelchair, and immediately said frivolously


Qin Xue's face flushed immediately. She had never scolded anyone since she was a child. Now that she was scolded, she didn't know how to fight back.

"This is a matter between you and me, don't go too far!"

Wu Zhu said at this time.

She knew that Qin Xue was more fragile than her, and naturally couldn't stand these vicious words.

"You stinky bitch! Don't think you can get away with not talking!"

"I tell you, if you don't withdraw the lawsuit today, don't blame me for being rude to you two!"

The man in sunglasses said viciously.

"I want to see how you can be so rude!"

Qin Feng had already arrived at the door at this time.

He heard everything the man in sunglasses said just now.

This guy actually dared to scold Qin Xue, he was simply looking for death!

You know, even he couldn't bear to say a word to Qin Xue, but this guy was so arrogant.


Qin Xue saw Qin Feng coming and immediately shouted.

Qin Feng hurried to Qin Xue's side and patted Qin Xue on the back.

"I'm here, it's okay."

"I thought he was someone else? He's just a piece of trash!"

The man in sunglasses looked Qin Feng up and down, but didn't find anything special about him. He said without hesitation:

"If you don't have any skills, don't learn to be a hero and save the beauty. If you offend someone you can't afford to offend, it will only make you die faster!"

The man in sunglasses said arrogantly.

"There are indeed many people I cannot afford to offend, but you are definitely not one of them."

Qin Feng said slowly.

They fought to the death in the grave pit, and they would not let this kind of scum bully his sister.

If this guy does not apologize, Qin Feng does not mind giving him a profound lesson.

"You apologize now and compensate her for her losses, and I can let this matter go."

Qin Feng looked at the man in sunglasses coldly, and then spoke.

After all, in front of Qin Xue, he didn't want to do anything.

""Hahaha! Hahaha! I am dying of laughter!"

Who would have thought that the man in sunglasses burst into laughter without hesitation after hearing what Qin Feng said.

It was as if he had heard some great joke.

"You want me to apologize?"

The man in sunglasses pointed at himself and showed a funny expression.

"I thought you were the spicy one next door!"

"Boy, I tell you, you make me angry now!"

"But I am willing to give you a chance. As long as you kneel down and kowtow to apologize now, I can forgive you!"

The man in sunglasses said aggressively.

Qin Feng couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he heard this.

"It seems that you are not willing to accept my toast and you will have to drink the wine for punishment!"

"I just don't accept the toast, so what? You hit me!"

The man in sunglasses said arrogantly.

After hearing this, Qin Feng didn't hesitate and slapped the man in sunglasses in the face.

The man in sunglasses turned 360 degrees on the spot and sat on the ground.

"I have never seen such a cheap request in my life. You actually asked me to beat you. I am speechless."

Qin Feng wiped his hands with toilet paper, and then spoke lightly.

Qin Feng's words immediately caused laughter.

"You dare to hit me? You dare to hit me?"

"Do you know who I am? I am the second son of the Jiangnan Cao family, Cao Junjie!"

Cao Junjie covered his face and said in disbelief.

"You're still called Junjie? It's really an insult to this name."

Qin Feng said disdainfully

"I don’t care whether you are from the Cao family or the Liu family!"

"Now you apologize and get out! Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you can walk out intact later."

Qin Feng said coldly. He was not afraid of the Cao family.

Could there be anyone more powerful than Li Yiren in Jiangnan Province?

And a truly powerful family would not do such a shameless thing.

""Okay, okay! You wait for me!"

Cao Junjie stood up and prepared to leave.

"Did I ask you to leave?"

Qin Feng looked at Cao Junjie coldly, and then said

"You...what else do you want?"

Cao Junjie looked at Qin Feng timidly, and then said

"Are you deaf? I told you to apologize!"

Qin Feng's eyes were cold, which made Cao Junjie feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar in the coldest days of winter.

After all, he was just an ordinary person and had no way to resist Qin Feng's momentum.

"I'm sorry!"

After Cao Junjie finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, transferred some money to Wu Zhu, and then left in disgrace.


Wu Zhu stared at all this in a daze, as if it were a dream.

The person who had just been cursing at her now paid her money and apologized to her.


Wu Zhu looked at Qin Feng and said blankly

"No need to thank me, this is what you deserve."

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

"But I can't take this money. That guy's family has a huge background. I can't let you get involved."

After Wu Zhu realized what was going on, she spoke without hesitation.

She was just trying to prove herself and get fairness.

But she didn't want to let others get involved, and Qin Feng was obviously a good person.

She felt even more that she couldn't let him get involved.

"Don't worry, Sister Wuzhu, you don't have to worry"

"As the saying goes, evil will be dealt with by evil, and my brother is the best at dealing with such people."

At this time, Qin Xue comforted.

She knew that her brother was different now. Not only did he become a warrior, but he also passed the entrance exam to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Academy. Now he is no longer the same as before.

Qin Feng heard this and looked at Qin Xue strangely.

Is there anyone who describes your brother like this?

"You don't know that the Cao family is in control of Jiangnan Province."

"And there are warriors in their family."

Wu Zhu shook his head bitterly, and then said bitterly

"Warrior? What happened to the warrior?"

""Warriors are here to protect everyone, not to enslave others with their strength!"

Qin Feng said without hesitation.

The Imperial Capital Martial Arts House has always implemented this concept. Although warriors enjoy some privileges in this society, they only get them by fighting hard in the tomb pit, which does not mean that they are superior to others.

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