After saying that, Zhao Jun threw the Qinggang alloy shovel to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's expression was normal, but he was secretly alert in his heart.

Money can move people's hearts.

What's more, it's a treasure!

"Don't worry, it's not like I haven't touched 2nd grade weapons, I've even touched 4th grade weapons." Zhao Jun saw through Qin Feng's thoughts.

Qin Feng did not relax and replied:"Are you a warehouse manager? You always touch things?"

Zhao Jun's face darkened.

What kind of divine logic is this!

However, he quickly recovered his composure and said solemnly:"Thank you for your help, little brother. I, Zhao Jun, will remember this kindness."

"No, just give me the bonus, I think it's closer than people." Qin Feng said with a smile.

While the two were talking, the fire had spread.

The raging fire spread across the mountains and forests.

It was spectacular!

Zhao Jun's mouth twitched.

He was so busy talking that he forgot about this matter.

This time he was screwed!

Qin Feng looked around and said in a deep voice:"The Blood Cult actually wanted to set fire to the mountain and cause a beast tide. It's really a heinous crime!"

Zhao Jun's eyes suddenly lit up and nodded repeatedly:"Yes, it's abominable, fortunately we caught a live one!"

The two looked at each other and praised each other.

This tacit understanding is unparalleled!

Ayi, who had broken his hands and feet, was in great pain, but he never fainted.

After hearing this, his nose was crooked and he fainted on the spot.

Damn it!

You AB C! (Although it was very obscure, I actually knew what he wanted to express!)



The governor of Zhanfu was lying on a chair, listening to Huangmei Opera leisurely.

Ding Dong!

A text message came.

He took a look and rolled off the chair.

The barren mountain is on fire?!

The governor widened his eyes and jumped directly from the balcony.


"The barren mountain is on fire, put out the fire quickly!"

"It will be troublesome if we cause a beast tide!"

He gave the order while rushing to the barren mountain.


After a night of hard work by Qin Feng and Zhao Jun, most of the wildfires were put out.

The two were so tired that they lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

"If nothing unexpected happens, the governor should send someone to support us." Zhao Jun wiped the black ash off his face and chuckled.

Qin Feng nodded slightly.

He didn't care about the governor, as long as he gave enough money.

Cheng Huan's body was still lying on the ground. He was in a hurry to put out the fire just now and had no time to retrieve it.

Qin Feng pretended to check the fire and touched it casually.

【Extraction successful!】

【Gain: 10 HP points】

【[Acquired: D-level Superman Awakening Power: Earth Fusion]

Qin Feng froze.

His expression became extremely wonderful.

What did he extract?

A natural power?!

Instantly, Qin Feng felt that the land in front of him was extremely kind, like a mother's embrace, and he could merge with it anytime and anywhere.

【Name: Qin Feng】

【HP: 315】

【Realm: Intermediate Warrior】

【Talent: Infinite Extraction (SSS), Earth Fusion (D)]

Looking at the two abilities in the talent column, even a calm Qin Feng couldn't suppress his restless mind.

One Earth Fusion, of course, was not worth it for him.

The key is...

Infinite Extraction can extract talents!

This also means that he can have three talents, four talents, or even infinite talents in the future!

""It's over, I'm getting stronger!"

Qin Feng raised his head and laughed like a villain.

Zhao Jun, who was not far away, took a look and sighed and shook his head.

This guy is a good person, but a little stupid!

Soon, Qin Feng's breathing gradually calmed down and he continued to grope Cheng Huan's body.

He touched a medicine bottle.

There was a pill the size of a longan in it, which exuded a faint medicinal fragrance.

"1st-grade wolf blood pill."

Qin Feng's face was even more joyful.

This trip was quite fruitful!

Entering the middle-level warrior, new talents and abilities, pills.

So delicious!


At this time, light footsteps were heard.

Qin Feng and Zhao Jun looked over, and the latter's expression was relieved.

"Zhao Jun? Didn't you go to track down the Blood Cult? Why are you here?"The one who spoke was a member of the Zhanfu team, with a surprised tone. There were many other members of the Zhanfu team following him.

As soon as he arrived, he locked his eyes on Qin Feng with a puzzled expression.

Zhao Jun smiled bitterly and said,"The child has no mother, it's a long story."

After a moment,

Zhao Jun told everyone the whole story.

Everyone suddenly realized.

"So, there is a young hero in Yuancheng?"

A hearty laugh sounded.

The governor arrived.

His figure was like a ghost, and he came to Qin Feng in the blink of an eye, looking quite excited.

Qin Feng often saw this person in Yuancheng News.

The governor of Zhanfu, the top leader of Yuancheng!

"Eliminating harm for the people is a good talent."The governor was very satisfied with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng showed an honest smile and said,"Since I have performed so well, can you give me the bonus earlier?"

The governor was stunned, then laughed,"That's it? When we get down the mountain, come with us to the Zhan Mansion, and I will ask the Finance Department to call you."

Qin Feng's favorability towards the governor +100.

Not deducting bonuses, doing things efficiently!

You deserve to be the governor!


A bonus of more than 100,000 is nothing to the governor.

A genius with strong combat power is so precious.

This is not something that money can measure.

"Can I stay for two more days and continue hunting beasts?"Qin Feng scratched his head.

The governor said:"What happened last night was unusual. The barren mountain will be temporarily closed for two days. Come back later."

The governor of Yuancheng said so. What else can Qin Feng do? Just listen obediently.

However, he didn't care.

The materials in the backpack are worth tens of thousands of yuan at least.

With the bonus, it is at least 100,000 yuan.

This trip has already made a lot of money.

"Go back and buy some new clothes for my sister, and pick a house in a good location"

"Although I can’t afford a house yet, I will be able to soon!"

Qin Feng planned carefully, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became.


It was dawn.

The military base in the deserted mountains was already crowded with people.

These were reporters, who were there to get first-hand news.

【Shocked! A fire broke out in the barren mountain last night, and a genius assisted the Zhan Mansion in killing the cult members!】

【Yuan���What exactly is a genius? Let us go to the scene together!】

【A big fire! What happened in the barren mountain? Please listen to the exclusive report! 】

News headlines are flooding all major apps.

The click rate easily exceeds 1,000 or 10,000!

At this time, a piece of news rushed to the headlines!

【The genius of the first high school?! The beautiful school belle?! A rare woman rarely seen in four thousand years! 】

Yuancheng Post Bar:

@Fengchuidandan: Are the high school students of our Yuancheng No. 1 High School so powerful?

@Seer No. 1 in the World: I know! She seems to be called Lin Fei, very beautiful, and I didn’t expect she is also a heroine!

@Big call for Lin Fei: As a die-hard fan of Lin Fei, this incident has a great impact on me


Yuancheng, Lin Family.

Concubine Lin's father looked at the headline of the list, with a smug smile on his face.

It was obvious that he had paid to get that piece of news up.

The purpose was to build momentum for Concubine Lin!

"There was a fire in the barren mountain, and no one knew who the genius was."

Father Lin called Lin Fei's cell phone and told her,"You are in the barren mountain, you must take this title!"

Lin Fei, who was in the military base, asked back,"Dad, what if that person comes out?"

"Then use the navy to drown him!"

Father Lin sneered,"If he doesn't want to show up, it means he doesn't care, then we can take the credit!"

"Respond in the group, but don't admit it directly."

"If there is a problem, just say that you didn't agree in person."

Father Lin's voice became deeper and deeper:"If this is done, you can go to the Imperial Capital Martial Arts Mansion, the Magic Capital Martial Arts Mansion, the Jinnan Martial Arts Mansion and other high-level martial arts mansions with rich resources!"

Hearing this, Concubine Lin's heartbeat accelerated sharply.

As long as she can get the resources of these high-level martial arts mansions, the War King Realm is just around the corner!


Study group of Class 1 of No.1 Senior High School:

@Chen Long: Wow, the people in our school are so awesome!

@Ying Huanhuan: There is no other genius in the high school except Lin Fei.

@Shi Jiu: @Lin Fei! Come out!

Others in the group also started to make a noise.

After 1 minute,

Lin Fei's avatar started to jump and she said: Keep a low profile, everyone keep a low profile.

In an instant, the whole study group exploded.


Qin Feng assisted Zhan Fu in killing members of the Blood Cult and successfully received a bonus.

In addition to the money for the beast materials, the total was 200,000!

""Xiaoxue, I'll go out with you and buy you some new clothes." Qin Feng shouted with a smile as soon as he got home.

Qin Xue pushed the wheelchair out, her big eyes sparkling, and said in surprise,"Okay!"

The sun was rising and the sunlight was shining.

The brother and sister laughed and walked into the bright sunshine.

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