Campione Godslayer is a king, because he killed all the gods in heaven and seized the supreme power held by the gods.

Campione Godslayer is a tyrant, because he mastered the power usurped by killing gods and used it to control the mortals on earth.

Campione Godslayer is a demon king, because no mortal living in the world can have the power to compete with him!


In the sea of sand, a young man wearing ragged clothes like a piece of cloth is walking forward. From the outside, he looks like a poor traveler who is lost in the desert, struggling with the terrible natural environment with perseverance, as if he may lose his life at any time.

But if you look closely, you will find that this young man is full of energy, and even under the scorching sun, he has almost no sweat stains, and he is walking forward with his head held high and his chest puffed out.

"I don't know where Metatron ran to. It's very likely that he has already gone far away from here."The one who was walking in the sea of sand was naturally Roy who had just killed the gods. The godslayer had a strange feeling for the disobedient gods. As long as the two met, they would immediately recognize each other.���Therefore, Roy walked in this sea of sand in the hope of finding Metatron's breath.

Metatron was seriously injured in the battle with Michael. According to Roy's analysis of his own power, if Metatron did not have the power of resurrection or healing, it would take a long time for him to fully recover. This was the best time to kill the gods, so Roy certainly did not want to let him go.

However, judging from the current situation, he had wasted too much time on the dark sacrifice of Pandora, and Metatron might have run away.

Unless there is a special power, it is beyond the ability of the godslayer to find a hidden disobedient god in the 510 million square kilometers of land on Earth.

Since Roy, the godslayer, has seen him, he will never let Metatron go. The"Heavenly Secretary" has become Roy's next target for killing.

"It is impossible to find Metatron by myself. I need enough manpower."

Roy stroked his chin with his hand. He is now the"king" of the earth. If he announced to the world that he needed subordinates, countless magic societies would come to apply and become his loyal lackeys.

However, Roy is not a person who will accept anyone. Even if he wants to be a subordinate, he needs the other party to have enough power, at least to have a great influence in both the mysterious world and the secular world.

Of course, it would be best to create a new force by himself, but Roy did not want to waste that time. With the absolute power of the God Slayer, he did not have to worry about the loyalty of his subordinates.

"I have decided. Let's go to the Vatican in Rome to find the Crusaders! The god I killed was Michael, the"Godlike One". Now I am also the incarnation of Michael on earth, and I am the one that the Crusaders should bow down to. Slaughtering pagan gods and heretical archangels in the name of"Michael" must be in line with the teachings of the Crusaders, so that they can work for me wholeheartedly!"

Roy clapped his hands and immediately decided on the destination - the Vatican in Rome, Italy.

As for whether the Holy See was willing to be loyal, Roy never thought about it. He was a devil king on earth who did whatever he wanted, so he should do what he wanted.

Roy has a life principle, that is, he will definitely do things that are in line with his identity.

Just like in the world of Magical Index, he is Laura's brother, so he will make himself the best and best brother, and will perfectly present everything that the identity of"brother" should do.

Now he is a godslayer, a devil king on earth, so he will use the devil's style of behavior as a code of conduct. Those who obey will prosper and those who disobey will perish. If the Holy See is willing to serve him, it would be the best. If not, Roy doesn't mind using his"Holy Right" to kill the two thousand years of history of the Holy See.

"Using Michael's power to judge the Church, people will only think that it is the Church's corruption and disappointment to God, because the Archangel of Justice will never be wrong!"

Roy chuckled and quickened his pace. He had already seen human habitation.

There is a power in his"Divine Right" that can be used to travel, but because most of his powers are limited by time and the number of times per day, it would be a waste if he used it to travel instead of fighting. Therefore, Roy chose to walk to find human habitation and use human transportation to go to Italy.

Roy's right hand was tied with a red cloth in his pocket. The cloth was the"holy shroud" he found in the magic workshop in the desert cave. The reason why Roy did this was because the strongest of his seven powers involved the"Lord of Hosts" and the"King of Kings". Yahweh, the only true God of Christianity.

This power has many restrictions, but it is also extremely powerful and difficult to control.

If it is not restricted, Roy will have a"vision" in his right hand, so he will use the magical effect of the holy shroud to wrap his right hand and make the"vision" disappear.

What appeared in front of Roy was a mountain like a sand dune. The mountain was not very high. There were many vehicles parked at the foot of the mountain. Some people were exploring the mountain, as if they were doing archaeological work.

Someone who was busy in the instrument room at the foot of the mountain saw Roy. Seeing that Roy was dressed in shabby clothes and alone, they thought he was a lost traveler. After saying a few words to the people next to him, he ran over quickly.

"Hey, friend! I think you might need help!"

It was a blond, blue-eyed Western man, probably in his twenties or early thirties, who greeted Roy enthusiastically.

"Do you need a doctor? Or we can lend you a cell phone so you can contact the embassy in Jerusalem."

The man ran over and was a little surprised when he saw Roy's face clearly from a closer distance. He didn't expect Roy to be so young. He looked only fifteen or sixteen years old. Under his short silver hair, he had a pair of strange double pupils. His temperament was also very contradictory. He looked like a man, a woman, a child, and an elder. It was confusing and confusing.

"……Or do you need to contact your parents?"

The blond man hesitated a little, because although Roy was dressed in shabby clothes, he was full of energy and spirit, and he didn't look like a lost traveler at all.

"Thanks, I think a glass of water is all I need now"

""Oh, please wait!"

The young man hurried to get the mineral water. Somehow, the boy in front of him looked young, but he, a nearly 30-year-old man, felt fear from the bottom of his heart, just like seeing a beast in the jungle. It was the fear instinct sent by his brain.

And Roy also got a message, that is, this is indeed Israel.

After he saw that the magic workshop in the desert cave belonged to a Jewish magician, he had already guessed where he was by considering the surrounding environment, and now this blond and blue-eyed Western man gave him confirmation.

"What are you doing, archaeology?"

Roy took the mineral water handed to him by the man, took a sip and asked

"Oh, yes, we are doing archaeology. I am a doctoral student and I am doing archaeological exploration with my supervisor."

Hearing Roy's question, the man's eyes lit up and he talked incessantly. Maybe he didn't play a big role in this archaeological team, and he was so excited when he saw someone was willing to listen to his professional knowledge.

"The object of our archaeological excavation is the"First Temple" of Judea, which is also the legendary Temple of Solomon. Although there are descriptions of King Solomon and the Temple in the Bible, in fact, the information about Solomon unearthed by archaeological excavations is very scarce, which makes many people doubt whether King Solomon really existed."

"……According to our research on ancient maps, this should be Mount Murray, the heart of ancient Jerusalem. Traditionalists believe that Solomon's Temple is located on Mount Murray, and now we are looking for the remains of this temple."

Listening to the man's words, Roy nodded secretly, and his interest was also aroused.

"Solomon's Temple? Wise King Solomon? This is really interesting."

Roy looked up at the many people who were carefully digging for archaeology on Murray Hill. They were so cautious, as if they were afraid that they might destroy the ruins if they made a big move.

But Roy didn't want to wait, and he didn't care about the historical value. The only thing he was interested in was the name"Solomon". He gently raised his foot and infused it with magic power, then stomped heavily on the ground.


The earth began to tremble, and the doctoral student in front of him lost his balance and fell to the ground with a scream. At the same time, the sand dune-like Mount Murray began to shake, the sand sea collapsed, the mountain peaks shattered, and a crack appeared on the ground. During the shaking, the main body of Mount Murray showed signs of cracks.

"What happened? An earthquake?"

"Be careful everyone!!"

"The mountain...the mountain is falling...Mount Murray is falling!!"


Roy watched the collapse of Mount Murray expressionlessly, waiting for the possible temple ruins inside the mountain.

This was the only power among Roy's seven powers that had no time limit or quantity limit, and it could be activated at any time as long as there was still magic power.

This power was an ancient fighting technique recorded in the Bible, the strongest technique that could wrestle with an archangel.——『Jacob's brothers and sisters'!

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