Aleister Crowley, this man has all kinds of flaws and shortcomings, which is very different from the description of"perfect man".

But no matter how many shortcomings Aleister has, there is only one thing that is noble enough for everyone to admire, that is his"love" for his family.

This man seems to be so cold that he almost has no human feelings, but that is just a disguise for the deep love in his heart. Aleister is a man who is willing to give everything for his family, even willing to be the enemy of the world.

The reason why he chose to destroy magic and try to make the devil fall is not because he has any lofty ambitions and ideals, but simply because the existence of magic caused his eldest daughter to die before she was born.

Aleister is such a simple and pure man. For a child who died before he was born, he will stand up and fight against the whole world, just to avenge this magical world that made his daughter unable to survive, to break this fate that he absolutely does not agree with.

At the moment Roy disappeared, he saw the essence of Aleister.

He is a man who always lives in failure and frustration. No matter what Aleister wants to do, no matter how detailed his plan is, he will encounter setbacks in the process, and he will definitely fail in the end. Then he will stand up again in failure and continue his life that will never succeed.

This is a pitiful and ridiculous man. When Roy recognizes the true face of his father, he will laugh.

For a man like Aleister who loves his family deeply, killing his son with his own hands, even if it is an accidental killing, will probably be a nightmare that he will never forget in his life.

This irresponsible father, this is the greatest revenge against him!


"Brother...Brother? Roy?"

Laura Stuart wiped her delicate hands with a clean towel and walked out of the storage room, calling her brother's name with confusion on her face. Usually when she called her brother, he would always respond to her immediately, but today Roy strangely did not make any sound.

But when she walked into the living room and looked at the chair where her brother usually sat, the chair was empty.

The confusion on Laura's face slowly disappeared, and she just walked to the table in silence.

The"Book of 777" on the table was spontaneously combusting without fire, turning into ashes bit by bit.

Laura knew that for the original book of magic, this meant that all the knowledge in this book had been completely obtained by others, and this original book of magic had lost its function.

《The Book of 777 completely turned into ashes, and the last part that disappeared was the place where the author of this magic book signed his name - Aleister Crowley.

Laura gently touched the chair that still had Roy's residual warmth, and then she left the room without looking back.

St. George's Cathedral in London is the headquarters of the British Puritan Church. Puritanism (Protestantism) is one of the three major factions of the Christian Church, and there are 900 million people in the world who believe in this sect.

Laura did not know when to change her plain long dress and put on a beige monk's robe.

This monk's robe seemed a little bloated for a 15-year-old girl, as if it was not prepared for her figure. As Laura stepped up the stairs of St. George's Cathedral step by step, her body also underwent tremendous changes.

The long, light-golden hair originally reached her ankles, but in an instant it grew rapidly, almost 2.

5 times her height, and her originally barren body also changed, from slightly malnourished and thin to plump, a 15-year-old girl seemed to have grown directly to 18 years old, with a girl's most mature and beautiful body.

Laura folded her long, strange hair from her ankles back to the back of her head, and then folded it back again from the back of her head.

Even after folding it twice in a row, her gorgeous hair still reached her waist.

A silver-white hairpin was taken out from somewhere to fix her hair, and at the same time, the folded hair also perfectly covered the devil's face in her hair.

St. George's Cathedral was dark and quiet.

Laura walked slowly from the corridor to the cross of the church. She lowered her head as if praying to God. After a long time, she suddenly stretched out her left hand and snapped her fingers.


The candles in St. George's Cathedral were lit one by one, and the candlelight dispelled the darkness. Behind Laura, several men and women in monk's clothes were kneeling on the ground, saying like they were on pilgrimage:"……Supreme Bishop, I wonder what you want me to do!"

"Pass on my order, find that evil, despicable magician and kill him!"

Laura's voice was still pure and sweet, like a little girl who was ignorant of the world. She was very friendly and made it easy for people to forget the difference in their identities.

She was the highest bishop of the British Puritan Church, the actual controller of the Puritan Church, and the spiritual leader of 900 million people in the world!

But what was inconsistent with Laura's sweet voice was the solemnity and coldness in her words."……Kill him, kill him at all costs!"

The Puritan magicians who were kneeling on the ground to receive the order hesitated for a moment, and one of them scratched his head and said:"……Supreme Bishop, your order seems to be beyond our ability. Magicians all over the world are looking for that man. If his whereabouts could be discovered so easily, he would have died long ago."

"……We can't determine his whereabouts with the power of our Puritan Church alone. We may need to join forces with the Roman Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church."

Facing the Supreme Bishop of the Puritan Church, these subordinate magicians did not show any fear. Instead, they talked to her like a friend. This was the atmosphere that Laura wanted and the character she gave herself.

"Aleister Crowley will come to England. He will definitely come to England because he has a reason to come here. Mobilize all the power of the Puritan Church and make sure to find him, find him, and destroy him when he sets foot on this land!"

Laura said confidently with her wisdom in her hands.

"Yes, the Supreme Bishop!"

The magicians did not ask Laura why she was so sure. Although these subordinates did not show much respect to their Supreme Bishop on the surface, they trusted her in their hearts. The

Puritan magicians withdrew, and the candles in St. George's Cathedral went out again. Laura stood in the darkness and looked up at the cross with a slightly complicated expression.

"This was what I had planned long ago, and the development of the matter was also going according to my plan. I was going to use... to lure out Aleister Crowley and complete the contract, but why did I feel so empty inside?"

"……Roy, my brother……"

The Puritan supreme bishop put his hand over his heart and murmured.

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