Many people believe that the Book of the Law was written by Aleister Crowley, but in fact, the book was dictated to Aleister by Aiwass and recorded by Aleister. Therefore, the knowledge recorded in the Book of the Law does not belong to Aleister at all, but to the"Holy Guardian Angel" Aiwass.

In addition to the"Book of 777" that very few people know about, Aleister's real achievement is the"Book of Thoth".

Aleister created a new set of tarot cards for himself - Thoth Tarot with his knowledge of Egyptian mythology, Judaism, Hebrew symbols, I Ching, alchemy, astrology, and spiritual mathematics, and the"Book of Thoth" records his understanding of this set of tarot cards.

Thoth Tarot is the most classic set of tarot cards in the world, and it occupies a great position in mysticism and is an important item for practice.

Now Aiwass appears behind Roy in the form of"plurality". If Roy is willing, he can also copy the"Book of the Law" through Aiwass's mouth.》

"《The Book of Law should have been written by Aleister Crowley, right? If I write another Book of Law, will it conflict with Aleister's Book of Law in the original text?"

Roy sat in front of the chair, playing with a feather pen in his hand, and opened the Book of Law in his hand.

This Book of Law has been written three quarters, and only one quarter is blank. For the Book of Magic, it is just an ordinary book with words before it is written, but when the Book of Magic is completely completed, incredible magic will emerge.

"The so-called magic book is just a medium for a magician to record the knowledge he has learned throughout his life. If someone else copies the magic book, because he cannot understand the knowledge in the book, the copied new book is just an ordinary thing. But if the original author of the magic book has the ability, he can write two identical magic books."

Aiwass's voice was still obscure, like a distorted tape recorder, but Roy understood what she meant.

That is to say, if someone else copies the contents of the"Book of Law", then it will not have any magic power, but if a new"Book of Law" is dictated by Aiwass himself, then there will be two"Books of Law" in this world.

Aiwass is a"secret leader" who has the ability to create two identical magic books.』

"I understand. Let's start transcribing now. Let's finish the Book of Law today."

Roy finished speaking, and Aiwass who appeared behind him turned into rays of light and disappeared. Then Roy's eyes became empty, as if his body was controlled by someone else.

The slender hand holding the feather pen slid across the paper spontaneously, and the movement of his lips seemed as if a 'spirit' was controlling his body, passing on 'only the necessary part of the necessary knowledge' to him through word of mouth.


"《The Book of Law, Chapter 3, Section 72, I am the 'lord of two powerful staffs', these staffs are the power of COPH.NIA, but my left hand is empty, because my right hand has shattered the universe without leaving anything!"


"《The Book of Law, Chapter 3, Verse 74, My hidden and honorable name is radiant, just as the midnight sun is always a son!"

"《The Book of Dharma, Chapter 3, Section 75, the word that ends everything is: ABRAHADABRA!"

"《The Book of the Law was written and then hidden, AUM.HA,AUM.HA!"

When Roy finished writing the last letter of the Book of Law with his right hand holding the quill pen, the book suddenly moved without wind, and the sound of paper rustling resounded in the bedroom. Roy's eyes were still dull, his heartbeat was strong, his breathing was steady, but his brain had lost its movement, as if his"soul" had left his body, traveled through the material world, and went to another"phase" unknown to the world.

This is a phase where only the"soul" exists, lacking any known matter. Neither the laws of physics nor the rules that people are familiar with can be applied here. It has its own set of laws.

Roy came to this wonderful"phase" for the first time. Because he was unfamiliar with this"phase", his body could not move temporarily, and even the"body" did not exist. All he had left was thinking.

And just as Roy was thinking, a voice suddenly came from this"phase" where there should be only Roy and no one else.

The voice sounded like a man or a woman, as if it was full of infinite possibilities. The owner of the voice exclaimed as if he had discovered some new animal:"……Interesting, interesting, how did you come to this 'phase'?"

"……Oh? Let me think, it should be through the Book of the Law. I remember that the book should have fallen into the hands of the Roman Orthodox Church. Are you one of the people sent by the Roman Orthodox Church to interpret the Book of the Law?"

"It seems that I underestimated the Roman Orthodox Church. There are people who can find the most correct interpretation among the endless errors."

The voice was talking to itself, with a slightly frivolous tone. Then Roy"saw" a human figure appear in this void. He had long silver hair that reached his back, and wore a gorgeous black coat that looked like a military uniform. He wore a long military cape on his shoulders, which made this man look more serious in his elegance.

This was a man who could make countless women fall in love with him just by relying on his face and temperament.

Aleister Crowley, Roy recognized him the first time he"saw" this man.

His father, the father he had never met, the Beast of the Apocalypse.’,‘King of Beasts’,‘"The most evil man in the world" and so on are all his names.

After seeing Aleister Crowley, Roy's surprise turned into ecstasy. He was still thinking about how to find this man, but he didn't expect to see him in this wonderful"phase" after he completed the Book of Law.

Roy wanted to speak, but he couldn't utter a word. The laws of this"phase" were completely different from those of the material world. Before he adapted to and understood the laws here, even a simple action like"speaking" was impossible.

Roy now doesn't even have a body. He is just a spirit, a thinking spirit.

But Aleister is different. He obviously knows this"phase" very well and has done in-depth research. Not only can he speak easily here, he can even manifest his own body.

"This is the phase of imaginary numbers. It is your misfortune to meet me here, unknown person.……‘"Imagine Breaker" was broken in the battle with Mathers. For my grand plan, now is not the time for you to pass on my location information to the magicians."

Aleister Crowley said so, and then under Roy's stunned gaze, the greatest magician of the 20th century slowly raised his right hand, clenched his right fist, extended his thumb and index finger, and made a well-known shooting gesture.

And the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Roy!

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