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Alexander Gascoigne has almost no active offensive powers, he is a complete non-combat godslayer.

If the power usurped by killing gods is the one that is most compatible with oneself, then Alexander's power can show his character - if you want to defeat the enemy, you must set traps in advance, if you want to defeat the enemy, you must have intelligence, and his method of fighting is to use cunning deception to win. However, Gascoigne

's fighting style is completely defeated by Roy's"Clairvoyance". No matter how superb his acting skills are, no matter how flawless his strategies are, everything he does will be recorded by the world and then seen by the"Clairvoyance".

From the very beginning when he entered Roy's sight, he lost the possibility of victory.

‘The magic eyes also have limitations. If you want to know something, you must determine the time, place, and person. Only when these three elements are gathered can the annoying eyes work.

After knowing Roy's ability, he conducted in-depth research on the eyes. Human history is too long, and there have been more than tens of billions of humans on this planet. Adding the total area of the earth, Gascoigne does not think that Roy can know everything about the past. He must have a medium, that is, the elements of time, place, and person, to know what he wants to know.

‘So as long as I create enough distance, leave some bait, and then flee randomly to various parts of the world, I can get rid of the gaze of those eyes for a certain period of time. '

Gascoine, who turned into thunder and moved at an amazing speed, looked back and saw Roy, who also turned into flames, chasing him relentlessly. The God Slayer sighed. If he was a Chinese, he might even say, 'Why was there a Gascoigne and a Crowley?'

Before Roy appeared, as the fastest of the God Slayers, he came and went without a trace with his speed power. Even if his plan failed, he had enough means to escape. But when Roy appeared, the other party also possessed the same speed power, and also had the 'Clairvoyance' that completely defeated his intelligence. These two things alone were enough to overwhelm him.

‘If this continues, he will be caught up! I hope this power can stop him for a while.

Gascoigne had a plan in mind. He waved his hand while moving at high speed, activating the power that he could only use once a month.——『The Great Labyrinth!

This power comes from the famous Greek myth of Minos' Labyrinth. It is the power Gascoigne usurped after killing Minos. As the name of this power says, it is not offensive at all, but it can imprison godslayers or even disobedient gods for up to three or four months.

Gascoigne waved his hand, and strange white mist appeared in the surrounding space. Roy, who was following Gascoigne at great speed, felt that the surrounding environment suddenly changed. The white mist turned into a physical labyrinth, and he was imprisoned in the depths of the labyrinth like the Minotaur.

"The power"Great Maze"? Then let me tear it apart!"

Seeing himself trapped in the maze, Roy's expression did not change at all. He raised the"Sword of Judgment" in his hand and slashed at the maze that suddenly appeared!

"You are guilty!"


Just like the sound of a torn silk, Roy directly cut a gap in the maze, revealing the scenery outside the maze. Before the gap was closed, Roy passed through it at a lightning speed and crossed the maze. There is a simplest and most violent way to get out of the maze, which is to blast the maze open and move forward in a straight line.

Roy's"Sword of Judgment" has the ability to cut off sin. The meaning of the word spirit is actually to judge the sin of the thing it is about to cut. Because the other party is guilty, the Sword of Judgment will definitely be able to cut it. The ranking of the Sword of Judgment is always above sin. Therefore, as long as the other party's sin is judged, then under the influence of the ranking of things, there is nothing that cannot be cut.

This power is the one with the highest upper limit of Roy's"Divine Right", because in addition to being able to cut off matter, it can also cut off concepts and other illusory things. In theory, it can even cut off things like fate and cause and effect. The reason why Roy can't do this now is just because he is not strong enough and his knowledge level is not enough.

"How could it be?!"

Seeing that the power that he could only use once a month did not stop Roy for even a second, even Gascoigne could not help but make an incredible sound.

He found that he seemed to have misunderstood the power of Roy's"Sword of Judgment". It was definitely different from the magic sword of the Sword King Salvatore. Salvatore's sword was said to be able to cut through everything, but it only cut through matter, while Roy's sword could even cut through power and concepts!

Although the power of this sword seemed to be a little insufficient, it only cut through the"Great Maze" for a moment, and then the"Great Maze" recovered again, but this moment of blankness was enough for Roy, who had super speed, to pass through the maze and return to reality.

""Alexander Gascoigne, stop here, this is going to be your grave!"

Suddenly, Roy's voice echoed in the ears of the Black Prince. Gascoigne, who was running away at great speed, felt a pain in his internal organs, as if the speed of an airplane flying at hundreds of kilometers per hour suddenly dropped to zero. The instantaneous impulse from movement to stillness made him so uncomfortable that he almost vomited blood.

He found that his great speed was cut off by the sword again!

This time Gascoigne did not dare to use the great speed again. He was afraid that he would be cut off by Roy's sword the moment he used the great speed. The pain of suddenly coming out of the great speed state would only come a few times, and he would be defeated without fighting.

At this time, Roy was holding the sword in his right hand and clenching his fists with both hands, rushing towards him at lightning speed.

"『Saint Fulong』!"


The fist with the power of the dragon hit the Black Prince's chest fiercely with an unstoppable momentum.

Even the body of the God Slayer could not withstand the punch of the dragon slayer, and the sound of bones breaking came from the sternum.

At this time, Roy had completely locked the"Sword of Judgment" to Gascoigne's speed.

Although this sword could not cut off other things for the time being, as long as he restrained Gascoigne's speed, he would be the easiest one to fight among the God Slayers!


The Black Prince spat out a mouthful of blood, and felt his internal organs churning. He didn't know if his spleen was ruptured. Roy didn't hold back in this punch, and for this non-combatant godslayer, this punch almost took his life.

Gascoigne didn't dare to fight, because he knew that if he got into close combat, he would definitely die.

His brain reacted instantly, and the Black Prince's body turned into thunder again. He habitually wanted to enter the super speed state, but as soon as lightning flashed on his body, Roy's"Sword of Judgment" in his right hand followed him and slashed down again.


The Black Prince screamed. His internal organs were already badly injured and he felt the pain of the speed change again. Becoming a God Slayer only brought changes to his strength and body, but no enhancement of his will. Gascoigne, who was just an ordinary magician in the past, could not bear such pain and could only use screams to relieve the pain.

Except for the Marquis of Vauban, who lived for three hundred years and tempered his will with time, the only God Slayers with incredibly strong wills were the Leader and Salvatore. The rest of the God Slayers were still ordinary people in essence.

Even if Roy was seriously injured now, it would be very difficult for him to endure it with his will, because he was just an ordinary person in the past and had not practiced his will.

""Angels, blow the trumpet of doomsday!"

Roy was determined to kill, and he recited the words"Blow the trumpet seven". At the sound of the trumpet of doomsday, the gate of heaven opened, and hundreds of angels appeared in front of Gascoigne.

If it were the Black Prince in the past, he could directly get rid of these angels at great speed, but now great speed is useless. These hundreds of angels lined up in formation, for Gascoigne, they are already enemies that need to be taken seriously. With the appearance of these angels, Gascoigne knew that he had no chance of escaping in the sky, with blockades in front and pursuers behind!

‘Since it is not possible in heaven……’

Gascoigne descended quickly. In a short time, he and Roy had flown from America to Canada. If they couldn't escape in the sky, they would use the complex terrain of the earth to find a way to escape from the pursuers.���Very good, but when he just descended, he saw a tall goddess with a wreath on her head and a beautiful face, already drawing her bow and drawing an arrow.

The goddess stood on the head of a giant snake, and beside the giant snake, there were hundreds of snakes waiting in battle formation. It was like an angel above and dragons and snakes below.

Gascoigne was now in a situation where he had no way to go up to heaven or down to earth, and was almost doomed to die!

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