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"Edward, ahhh, Edward!! Why are you so stupid?!"

"Oh, even people who believe in God and preach justice can be so ugly... If that's the case, reading the Bible will definitely not give you the truth. Blindly following the teachings of our ancestors and giving up your own thinking will only lead to that ugliness."

The young man named Edward Alexander whispered in a tone full of doubt and mockery."……In this case, I will find out the truth and take back the path that has been lost due to people's foolish blind obedience!"


At the beginning of the 20th century, in 1919, London, England -

Roy Crowley placed the book he had just finished reading on an old wooden table and closed it heavily. He rubbed his forehead with his hand and whispered tiredly:"……As expected of a magic book, just reading it is as painful as being poisoned. If a normal person reads it, they will be corroded by the toxins in it and either go crazy or die."

"……"Ha, am I not a normal person? Or should I be grateful for the blood flowing in my body?"

Roy laughed at himself, and after closing his eyes and resting for a while, he stood up from the chair that came with the table.

He looked around, and what he saw was a slightly old apartment, and the furniture inside looked quite old.

The furniture was wiped very clean, and the few decorations on the table were also ingenious, and there was even a small potted plant by the windowsill.

There were no luxury items in the house, and the most expensive thing seemed to be the densely packed books in the bookcase in the corner. From the furnishings in this room alone, it can be seen that although the owner of the house is not penniless, he is definitely not rich.

Roy was very satisfied with this cozy little house. In London at the beginning of the twentieth century, in London where the First World War had just ended, he could live in a small house of his own in a residential area with his sister instead of living in the slums. house, he had nothing else to ask for.

He didn't know whether he should thank the father in this life whom he had never met, or the mother who died not long after giving birth to them?

Ah, he should thank his mother, although the mother in this body did not do her best to raise him, but that was force majeure.

And the existence called father might even have forgotten about them, but fortunately Roy was an adult who had already worked before he crossed over. Although the life he started over after crossing over was hard, he at least raised his sister successfully with his maturity.

Thinking of this, Roy looked at the book that his fingertips touched with a complicated expression.

The paper was cold, and the book looked very new, without any sense of history, but if this book was thrown into the world of magic, it would definitely cause a sensation among all magicians.

——《The Book of 777, by Aleister Crowley

"A Certain Magical Index……"

Roy muttered to himself, then shook his head helplessly.

Not long after he traveled to this world, he already knew which world he had come to.

《The world of"A Certain Magical Index" is both familiar and strange to him. Familiar because he has watched this anime. Although he can't recall many details, he can at least know some of the general plot flow.

Strange because he seems to have traveled a hundred years earlier. Now, let alone Academy City, even Aleister Crowley, the father of this life and the big boss behind the scenes, is alive and kicking, and has not been put into a nutrient tank as a hanging man.

In this era of unfamiliar interpersonal relationships and even less familiar forces, Roy did not run out to die, but chose the most correct decision, which is to live honestly with his sister in this shabby apartment in London.

Roy had no idea of looking for Aleister Crowley, and even wished that he could get as far away as possible. If his memory is correct, Aleister Crowley should be hunted by magicians all over the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the enemy of the world.

If he dared to run out and say that he was Aleister's son, he would probably face countless magicians coming to kill him that day, and it would be difficult to survive until the next day.

Now Roy was quite glad that Aleister had forgotten about the siblings. Even he, as a father, had forgotten his own children, not to mention other magicians. This gave Roy and his sister a relatively stable living environment. Besides

, even if Roy wanted to go out and cause trouble, he couldn't do it. He was not a"raw stone" that might only have dozens of people in the world. He did not have innate superpowers, and at this time, there was no superpower development in Academy City.

As for magic, Roy did know some, but it was just a little. These magics were learned by self-study. He did not receive basic magic education since he was a child, and could only learn by himself with some books left by Aleister.

Roy's mother should be Aleister's closest lover. Aleister must have lived in this apartment, otherwise he would not have left many of his works here. The books placed in the bookcase are Roy's greatest wealth now.

And the most valuable of these treasures is the book that Roy placed on the table.——《The Book of 777.

In the Christian Bible, the number 7 has a very important meaning, representing completeness and perfection.

It took God 7 days to create the world and he rested on the seventh day.

In the Book of Revelation, God lists 7 churches, representing all the churches in the entire church period.

7 is the seven spirits of God. In the process of God's judgment, there are seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls and seven plagues.

After Noah entered the ark, God still left seven days of grace.

Solomon built the temple for seven years and observed the festival for seven days.

On the cross, the Lord Christ spoke the famous seven words.

——etc. etc.

‘777' is the most important number in the Bible and has great magical power.

If someone in the magic world sees the Book of 777, they will doubt that the book is related to Christianity. In fact, the book does record some analysis of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, mysterious rituals, the names of angels, and even astrology and divination. (

Note: The Book of 777 really exists in reality and was written by Aleister Crowley.)

However, only Roy, who has read this book for more than ten years, knows that the knowledge recorded in the Book of 777 is only the most superficial things. This book actually expounds Aleister Crowley's thoughts. It can be said to be the culmination of Aleister's work and his real source of power. What is recorded in the book is not the Kabbalah Tree of Life at all, but the inverted tree twisted by Aleister himself, also known as the 'Evil Tree.'’

‘7' was originally a sacred number in Christianity, but Aleister connected '7' with 'beast', making this magic book full of 'human evil' and rebellion against God, showing Aleister's arrogance.

"It is worthy of being called the 'Beast of the Apocalypse'’,‘The most evil man in the world, he is simply betraying the world created by God."

Roy exhaled heavily. Just thinking about the contents recorded in the"Book of 777", Roy felt a dull headache. The original sin filled with"human evil" almost dragged his body and soul into the filthy mud.

At this moment——

"Brother, I'm back!"

A sweet and pleasant voice came from outside the apartment door.

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