The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 874: you are married?

Chapter 874 You Are Married?

Zhou Se realized that her own words might make him uncomfortable. She turned to the phone and whispered, "Uncle?"

Ouyang Duan said guiltily, "That incident was a debt that I never wanted to mention again in my life. It was my fault for hiding you. I hope you can forgive me."


Zhou Se felt uncomfortable in her heart, but she was not the kind of person who had a bad life and did not make others feel better.

Especially, the opponent is Ouyang Duan.

She said softly: "Uncle, there is nothing to forgive. Today, attorney Gao is right. I am a latecomer. If you don't have my past in your life, I shouldn't make any comments. I just said casually."

"I understand that no one would like to be deceived. I didn't do this well. There will be no secrets between us in the future. Let's live a good life."

Live your life well..., then you have to have your husband by your side.

Now that others are in a faraway place, she wants to live with him.

Can't reach it.

Humans are really weird species, and they obviously got married before they knew each other for long.

Except for physical contact, the two don't know each other too much.

But... just because he is her husband now, she would miss him unexpectedly.

It has nothing to do with love, but she will think of her husband who is far away.

Sometimes she wondered, can people's ideology really control people's hearts?

The result... unconsciously positive.

She was probably **** by the words her husband.

When he arrived at the company the next day, Zhou Se saw Team Leader Liu standing in the lobby on the first floor at a glance.

Seeing her staring straight at her, Zhou Se intuitively felt that the other party was looking for her.

She thought for a while and walked over bravely, standing opposite Group Leader Liu with a calm expression.

"Leader Liu, good morning."

"I'm waiting for you, come with me after punching in, I have something to tell you."

Zhou Se returned to Team Leader Liu after punching the card.

Group Leader Liu gave himself a cold look and then walked to the door, Zhou Senu spoke, and quickly followed.

Just talk, she didn't believe the other party and even dared to kill others.

Team Leader Liu took her to the back of the office building. Seeing no one on the left or right, she stood where she stood and turned back to look at Zhou Se.

Zhou Se was not afraid either, raised her eyebrows, it was not her who did the wrong thing, and she had no reason to be afraid.

"What happened last night..." After Mr. Liu said a few words, he fell silent and looked at her.

Zhou Se calmly said: "What happened last night? I didn't offend you. You take your Yangguan road, and I'm crossing my own single-plank bridge."

"Since you think so, then I hope you can manage your own mouth well and stop talking nonsense."

Zhou Se smiled disdainfully, because she was afraid that she would kick her old friend.

She is a little too able to think highly of herself, she really doesn't have that hobby, to do those boring things.

"I will naturally take care of my mouth. Your business has nothing to do with me, and I won't talk nonsense in front of others, so you don't need to be like a gentleman here."

Team Leader Liu sneered: "Okay, if you know your relationship is hard, you can be arrogant."

"What nonsense are you talking about."

"Nonsense? You were not the only one who saw my secret last night, I also saw you. Aren't you with the boss of the famous Huaiqin law firm? Don't you dare to say that you entered the company not for Attorney Gao? Does it matter?"

"Cut," Zhou Se was speechless.

Although she does have a family relationship.

But this has nothing to do with lawyer Gao.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the mouth is on the other's face, she just said it if she wanted to talk nonsense, she didn't care.

She doesn't become a junior, and she doesn't get tricked. How can this group leader Liu stand her?

She turned and was about to leave, and Team Leader Liu looked at her back with a touch of calculation in his eyes.

Attorney Gao said last night, Zhou Se is the wife of his good buddy, right?

So she is already married...

She entered the office with her front foot, and Team Leader Liu followed with her back foot.

The work arranged by Team Leader Liu today is not much, but it is not easy.

Team leader Liu did not accommodate her because she discovered the secret.

Of course, she didn't plan to let anyone accommodate herself.

I just feel that this group leader Liu's behavior is really annoying.

Those who are other people's juniors and destroy other people's families are not worthy of forgiveness.

And those men who abandon their wives and go out to find women are not worthy of forgiveness.

In Zhou Se's eyes, it was just a pair of adulterers.

A month later, Zhou Se's work gradually improved.

She has gone from working overtime every day to occasionally working overtime once or twice.

And when she translated the materials, she no longer needed a dictionary, which was a good thing for herself.

After dinner in the evening, Zhou Se lay on the bed to do her bills. Since she went to work, her Taobao shop has been supported by Xiaoqing and Min'er.

She only started to pick up her old profession in the last few days.

After she watched it for a while, Ouyang sent a video request.

She picked up the video and chatted with the other party for a while. As she was talking, a phone call came in.

Seeing that the caller ID was Su Zhe's number, she picked up the phone at will.

"Hey, Brother Su."

Su Zhe asked very enthusiastically: "Xiao Se, are you still in your unit?"

Zhou Se said lightly: "No, I'll be back after half an hour of shift tonight, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just made some dinner and I intend to send it to you. If you are not here, I won't go to you."

Zhou Se felt weird and a little stressed.

In the recent period, Su Zhe has indeed been over-enthusiastic about his performance.

At first, she suspected that she was thinking too much, but these days, she felt it was not as simple as thinking too much.

Although the other party didn't treat him well, what if the other party really had any thoughts?

She decided to say: "Brother Su, you won't have to be so troublesome in the future. I have adapted everything in the company and you don't need to take care of me anymore."

Su Zhe was embarrassed and said, "Oh, that, I don't mean anything else, I just think that everyone is a colleague and should take care of each other."

"Brother Su, I don't mean anything else. Everyone is a colleague. If we walk too close, people will gossip."

Su Zhe immediately said, "I'm not afraid."

Zhou Se is not a fool. If he is really not afraid, he will not only care about himself behind his back.

"But I'm afraid, Brother Su, I wasn't that popular in our Corey. It's better to do my duty."

Su Zhe replied: "I know that Team Leader Liu always makes things difficult for you, but... she has a backstage, so don't worry about it."

"I don't care about her. I just want to work hard. I don't want to be made irresponsible. I don't want to hurt you and myself. Besides, I am worried that my husband will misunderstand me because of this."

"Husband?" Su Zhe was a little surprised: "You...are you married?"

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