The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 212: The principal is a clumsy

Some scandals, once fermented, it is really difficult to calm down.

Wenqing and Huo Tingren have deliberately kept a distance in school.

Wenqing also specifically clarified in the student group that it is only a teacher-student relationship with Huo Tingren, but the discussion in the forum is still endless.

If there was only this scandal, it would be fine, but a few days later, a new ‘scandal scandal’ appeared in the forum.

The news also had a big headline.

Big money and rich people take turns to favor, there is no bottom line in life, Beijing Normal University's warmth is always black.

Many photos were posted in the news.

There are scenes of her sitting back to back on the lawn with Gao Moran and reading a book.

Some of her met Bai Nancheng in private, and some had dinner with Bai Nancheng in the restaurant.

She saw Luo Chengshu at the school gate some time ago.

There was also a photo of her getting into a luxury car. When she saw this car, Wen Qing didn't feel shocked. This was Huo Tingshen's car. Fortunately, Huo Tingshen was not in the car at the time.

There is also the picture of Huo Tingren whispering to her in school.

In addition to these, there are still some photos taken secretly when she talked with the parents of students of the opposite **** before graduation.

This shows that someone has followed her, otherwise how could it be possible to capture so many... weird pictures.

Looking at the text below, not only used some nasty words to insult the chaos of her private life, but also exposed the basic information of her brother, Luo Chengshu, Huo Tingren and the parents of her students.

In the office, she turned black while looking at the post.

Li Beibei looked at her face and couldn't help but gossiping: "Teacher Wen, who is trying to harm you."

Huang Ya squinted at Li Beibei and said, "Mr. Li, they are all in the same office. When this is the time, don't follow along and make trouble."

"Teacher Huang, don't be angry, don't I worry about Teacher Wen."

"Where are you worried? I think you clearly want to pick up something that others don't know."


"All right, Teacher Li," interrupted Li Beibei warmly, and looked at her: "I know you are curious, but I really don't know what to say about this news. These photos are very clever. The man inside , I do know all of them, some are older brothers I have known since childhood, some are parents of my students, our relationship is really good.

But...Except for Gao Moran, no one has ever had an even ambiguous relationship with me. This clearly shows that they are against me and pour dirty water on me. It's okay to splash me with dirty water, the other party even announced other people's information viciously, which is obviously... leaking other people's privacy. "

Huang Ya condensed her eyebrows and said, "Teacher Wen, what are you going to do with this matter?"

After all, it's an office. Teacher Li is naturally on the warm side. She said, "Why don't you ask the school to delete the post."

Yin Dacheng said: "You are thinking about this too simply. It is useless to delete this post. After all, most students have already read it, and...seriously, deleting the post seems to be very warm. The teacher really has a ghost in his heart."

Li Beibei curiously asked: "Then what should you pay attention to?"

Yin Dacheng thought for a while: "It seems to have to think about it."

After thinking about it warmly, he picked up the phone and dialed a number directly.

"Hello, I want to call the police. I was slandered and attacked in the school forum. This person also leaked the privacy of some of my friends of the opposite sex."

The three people on the side looked at her in surprise.

Warmth is calm for a while, yes, family ugliness should not be publicized, but she will never be a soft persimmon that anyone can handle.

She hung up the phone, and Li Beibei was surprised: "Mr. Wen, why did you call the police? Then, don't you know more people?"

"Teacher Yin is right. I didn't intend to calm down this matter. If I delete the posts rashly, it would seem like I am guilty. I clearly did nothing wrong, so why do I want to get rid of it? Let the police investigate. As soon as the result of the investigation came out, the person who wanted to harm me would assume the legal responsibility she should bear. There is nothing wrong with that.

Huang Ya looked at her, smiled in praise, and gave her a thumbs up.

When she presses her lips warmly, she knows that Teacher Huang must support her.

More than half an hour later, a policeman came to the door.

Seeing the police coming, many faculty and staff came to their office to join in the fun.

After the police learned the specifics, they set about investigating the matter.

At this time, Huo Tingshen had just received a call from Huo Tingren.

Huo Tingshen felt very relieved to learn that Wenqing had reported the police decisively.

Instead of calling Wenqing, he found the chief of the police station.

And sent two network masters to the director to help them solve the case.

The school where rumors and rumors were originally aroused, because of this incident, there was even more trouble.

In the afternoon, the principal called warmth to the office.

He originally thought that Wenqing was the person of the little fourth master and couldn't afford to offend it.

But when I ate dinner the other night, looking at San Ye's attitude towards warmth, it seemed that she and Xiao Si Ye were not optimistic about her.

So... he always felt that he was taboo about tenderness and it was too early to say.

Seeing Wenqing, Peng Aiguo's face was serious: "Teacher Wen, do you know why I am looking for you?"

Warmly shook his head: "I don't know, please be clear from the principal."

"Today, the school was so messy because of your mess. Don't you think you should come forward and solve it?"

"I have solved it."

"I heard that you reported to the police. You think there are not enough negative news in the school, right? Dignified Beicheng Normal University, because of the scandal of a counselor, the police have to be used. Our school has always been very positive. Now because of you ..."

"Principal Peng," Wen Qingyi interrupted his words: "I hope that as the principal, you can speak fairly. I am also a victim of this incident."

"Victim? Is it possible that those pictures were spelled out by others?"

"It was not made by others. Those photos are real, but don't you, the principal, never talk to the opposite sex? I just want to know, which one of those photos can prove that I have an improper relationship with a man? Orpiment, slander me, is the principal trying to help this evil force do evil?"

"Tenderness," Peng Aiguo patted the table: "You speak with respect. I am the principal."

"I know, just because you are the principal and my leader, I hope that you can be fairer and fairer, and your subordinates have been wronged. Is the way you take it just to step on and not help?"

"You..." Peng Aiguo looked at the warmth of Yizheng's words, a little annoyed: "You have to admit that because of you, bad wind has blown on the campus."

"This matter has nothing to do with me. The responsibility lies with the person who is inexplicably hacking me. I am acting upright and sitting well. There is no reason to carry this scapegoat for the wrongdoer."

"It seems that you didn't realize your mistake at all. Warmth, don't think that if you have a small fourth master to support you, you can do whatever you want. This time, I ask you to write a public review. If you are unwilling , Then don’t do this job either."

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