The Romance Of Mr. Walton

Chapter 1023: Take your dirty hands away

Chapter 1023 Take Your Dirty Hands Away

After Lin Zhanqing hesitated for a moment, he let go of the hand that was pressing her wrist, and hurried to Shi Shi.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Moli was instantly pierced by a thousand arrows.

She has liked a man for ten years...

Seeing Lin Zhanqing gently hugged Shi Shiheng and rushed to his car, Xiao Moli closed her eyes.

She loosened her clenched fist and got into the car.

Before Lin Zhanqing's car left, she drove away first.

Her heart is indeed painful, but no matter how painful, she must keep her pride.

The moment the car drove away from Jasmine's residence and started on the main road, Xiao Moli's eyes finally couldn't help but burst out.

Her heart really hurts, it hurts so much.

Ten years of youth and ten years of deep love have resulted in such a deep betrayal.

If something happens to my father, how will she... face the future?

Tears blurred the eyes.

The speed of the car is not consciously getting faster.

When she realized that something was wrong and wanted to brake, the front of the car had been firmly arched into the front parking space.

The two cars stopped at the same time.

When the driver of the vehicle in front came down and saw the driver of the rear-ending vehicle through the window glass, he was startled.

Isn't this Xiao Moli?

Xiao Moli did not look at the car in front, but because of heartache and grief, she lay directly on the steering wheel, crying bitterly.

Upon seeing this, Kang Yawei, who had already approached, stagnated, and looked at Xiao Moli through the window glass.

Xiao Moli... was crying?

She won't be hurt.

Thinking about this, Kang Yawei immediately came to the door and pulled the door.

But it didn't open.

He raised his hand and knocked on the car window glass.

Xiao Moli exhaled, knowing that this was her problem.

She secretly wiped away her tears and raised her eyes, but when she saw Kang Yawei, she was also stunned.

Kang Yawei pulled the car door, although his expression was cold, but his eyes were full of concern: "Open the door."

Xiao Moli felt that today must be her unlucky day.

She unfastened her seat belt and pulled the door to get out of the car.

I thought Kang Yawei would be as cynic and sarcasm as before.

Who knows, Kang Yawei took her by the wrist and brought her in front of him, and said, "Injured?"

Xiao Moli shook her head, but said nothing.

Kang Yawei stared at him: "Hit dumb?"

"I'm okay," Xiao Moli sank: "I was in a hurry to go to the hospital. When you turn back, you tell me the cost of repairing the car. I'll call you."

Kang Yawei smiled contemptuously: "What are you doing in the hospital?"

He looked up and down Xiao Moli: "Pregnant?"

Mentioning these two words, Xiao Moli's eyes filled with tears instantly.

She did not make a sound and opened the car door to leave.

Kang Yawei pressed the door and said, "Should I talk to you?"

Xiao Moli shook off his hand, and nearly collapsed and shouted, "My father is in the hospital. Are you satisfied? Can I go now?"

Kang Yawei was stunned and released his hand that was pressing the car door.

Xiao Moli was about to open the door, and Lin Zhanqing's car stopped behind.

When Lin Zhanqing got off the car, he just saw Kang Yawei standing with Xiao Moli from a long distance, feeling a little uncomfortable.

But when I drove closer, I found out that it was a traffic accident.

After he got out of the car, he rushed to Xiao Moli's side, looked at Kang Yawei coldly, and put his arm around Xiao Moli's wrist: "Mr. Kang, today’s accident, no matter who’s the problem, I’ll pay the repair cost when I look back It’s on your card."

Kang Yawei stared at Lin Zhanqing coldly: "My little master sent you three melons and two dates?"

Lin Zhanqing was about to speak, Xiao Moli had already thrown away his arm without giving any face, and said coldly, "Take your dirty hands away."

Hearing this, Kang Yawei raised his eyebrows. Oh, the loving couple of Qin Se and Ming, this is an awkward situation.

Lin Zhanqing frowned displeased, he just didn't like Xiao Moli's straight-forward temperament.

If a problem is solved in private, why vent it in front of outsiders.

In the back car, Shi Shi got out of the car and came to Lin Zhanqing, covering his stomach with his hands, and said in pain, "Zhanqing, what happened to Miss Xiao? My stomach...really sick, I ..."

When Xiao Moli saw Shi Shi, her face instantly fell cold, and her fist was clenched again.

Kang Yawei's lips curled up when he saw Xiao Moli's appearance of erect barbs.

Xiao Moli's husband was accompanied by a pregnant woman who also called Lin Zhanqing ‘Zhanqing’.

No matter how close it is, Xiao Moli said that Lin Zhanqing...dirty!

This... really made him catch up with a good show.

Lin Zhanqing said coldly: "You ask the driver to take you to the hospital first, I will come soon."

Shi Shi's eyes instantly reddened: "I...I am scared by myself."

Xiao Moli suddenly felt sick when she saw the appearance of the two of them.

She turned to face Kang Yawei and hooked his Kang Yawei's arm: "Send me to the hospital."

Kang Yawei raised his eyebrows and looked at Xiao Moli.

Although Xiao Moli looked at him with a sharp face, the hand holding his arm was tight.

Kang Yawei raised his eyebrows sexually, smiled at the corners of his lips, and handed the car key to Xiao Moli: "Go to my car and wait for me."

Xiao Moli took the car key and walked to Kangyawei's car without hesitation.

Lin Zhanqing said coldly: "Jasmine, get in my car, I'll take you to..."

"No, if I remember correctly, from now on, I have nothing to do with President Lin!"

She took a cold look at the dog and the dog and left.

Kang Yawei took a look at Lin Zhanqing, then sneered at Shi Shi’s stomach, sneered, got into Xiao Moli’s car, drove her to the side of the road, and then returned to his car and walked away. .

Shi Shi looked at Lin Zhanqing's dignified look, took his arm, and asked worriedly: "Zhanqing, hasn't Miss Xiao rejected Mr. Kang before? Why are they still so close to Mr. Kang now? They... ...Will not always be in contact, just like...we are?"

Lin Zhanqing turned his head and looked at Shi Shi displeased.

Shi Shiman said guiltily: "Zhanqing, I have no other meaning, just...look at them..."

"Get in the car, I'll take you to the hospital for an examination," Lin Zhanqing did not scold her, and returned to the car with her arms around her shoulders.

The Xiao Moli matter, in the future, take your time.

The woman he doesn't want can't let Kang Yawei pick up a ready-made one!

After Kang Yawei got in the car, without seeing Xiao Moli, he immediately started the car and set off.

"Which hospital?"

"He An."

Conyawei goes straight.

Along the way, Kang Yawei did not speak.

Xiao Moli knew that Kang Yawei was a person who couldn't stay idle. If she didn't speak at this moment, there must be a problem.

But she didn't think too much, after all, she is now too busy to take care of herself, so she is in the mood to take care of other people's affairs.

After the car arrived at the hospital, Xiao Moli unfastened her seat belt and said, "Thank you for sending me to the hospital today. I will call your account on time for the cost of repairing the car."

After she finished speaking, people have gotten out of the car.

Kang Yawei looked at her hurriedly back, raised his eyebrows, got out of the car, and followed...

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