The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 432: An ambitious plan

The time came to the next morning.

Riding the double-bomb gas all the way, he hurried back to Nobunaga on the unnamed island of the Orange Archipelago. Looking at Joyline and Kona standing at the entrance of the center of the elf, the tired look on their faces instantly turned solemn.

But while commanding the double-bomb gas and landing smoothly in the open space, thinking of Lugia's previous telepathy Nobunaga, he had probably guessed the purpose of Kona's visit this time.

After walking slowly to the side of the two women and handing over all the Poke Balls to the Variety Monster, Nobunaga smiled at Joelin who was a little nervous, and said softly:

"My elves are very tired after the war. Please prepare some food for them with Variety."

"By the way, by the way, let Happy Egg and Geely Egg give them a full body massage."

When Joylin heard Nobunaga's unceremonious words, the nervousness radiating from the inside out instantly dissipated.

After sneaking a peek at the frost-eyed Kona, he gently lifted his skirt to answer the order, followed the two elves, Double Bomb Gas and Variety, and walked into the door of the center of the elves.

When Joylin walked away as if relieved, only Kona and Nobunaga were left in front of the gate at the center of the elf.

Kona, who had never expressed anything, turned around and walked to the wooden bench to sit down gracefully. He raised his head to look at Nobunaga, who had a serious face but a very relaxed body, and said in a low voice:

"Actually, Yuji also came, but he was waiting for the result of the conversation between the two of us."

"Judging from the information I have received, I am afraid that now you have the strength to overturn the chessboard."

"However, I still hope that you can continue to abide by the agreement you made earlier."

After hearing that Kona's confidence was not too strong, Nobunaga also understood what she was worried about, so he walked to the other side of the bench and sat down, with a very serious look in his eyes, looking directly at her thoroughly. With his eyes, he whispered softly in his mouth:

"The Hoenn Continent will release my wanted order, and if Team Rocket and Itaki have no accident, they should disappear in Kanto and Hoenn soon."

"I don't want to deceive you, the Guandu Alliance's wanted order is the only thing left that can threaten me, but as long as they don't let those old things shoot, I won't be easily defeated by others. "

"The time has come, and the world situation is undergoing earth-shaking changes. No one can stop this change from happening."

"Do you remember my previous analysis, when I said that the alliance system would eventually dominate the world."

"So I came back this time to build an orange alliance that is not restricted by other regions and truly belongs to the people of the archipelago. Nobunaga will serve as the first president of the alliance to lead the people of the archipelago out of the predicament!"

"Make your choice, Kona."

Although Nobunaga skillfully expressed his personal ambitions in the way of dreams, Kona, who had experienced the intrigue within the league, still saw through his trick of stealing concepts at a glance.

He raised his head and slowly looked at the clear sky, then stood up and looked at the blue sea in the distance.

Knowing that Nobunaga was giving him a choice, and at the same time making a symbolic notification, Kona thought of the alliance's long-standing distrust, and the images of high-level families fighting fiercely for their interests.

And after taking charge of the alliance in Quartz Plateau, he stopped contacting his Yulongdu, and quietly came to the final answer in his heart.

Looking down at Nobunaga, whose seriousness was almost overflowing his eyes, the four ambitious Kona with **** words suddenly appeared in his mind.

After a short silence for a few seconds, as if she had completely discarded something, she sat back on the side of the bench that belonged to her, and said firmly:

"At present, the people of the archipelago have no basis for trust in you, so let me be the first president of the alliance."

Nobunaga, who heard Kona's bargaining and understood that she had already made a decision in her heart, immediately showed a bright smile on her face, pulled her weak and boneless palm sideways, and said to her in a calm tone:

"You must know that the gun is the first bird. If you think you can take the responsibility of being the number one target of the Kanto Alliance, then I have no opinion."

After Kona heard Nobunaga's pun, her face stiffened, as if she suddenly reacted.

Yes, although being the first president of the alliance can hold the righteousness, control most of the power within the Orange Alliance, and show off the limelight.

But the Guandu Alliance, which is the leader of the alliance, will not give any way to the person who jumped out first and took the initiative to provoke them. Even the elders like Mother-in-law Chrysanthemum may personally take action to eradicate the threat.

Kona, who figured this out, looked at Nobunaga, who was playing with his little hands like no one else, with an extremely confident expression on his face. After sighing helplessly in his heart, he could only whisper a little unwillingly:

"My position as the secondary vice president with Yong, and once you fail to resist the pressure from the Kanto Alliance, then we will put all the blame on you."

"As for the specific plan, let's discuss it in detail when you come to Little Orange Island next week."

"After all, the Orange League is not my opinion, and Yuji's opinion is also very important."

Kona didn't ask, why Nobunaga thought he could resist the pressure of the Kanto Alliance, because since Nobunaga dared to raise this topic, it already represented that he had enough confidence.

After listening to Kona's words, and seeing Nobunaga who was about to leave, she quickly got up and stopped the patron saint of the Orange Islands. she asked:

"Didn't the sea **** Lugia tell you?"

"It asked me to go back to the Orange Islands to find and then go to meet it together."

Suddenly, Nobunaga stood up to block the route of travel, and Kona, who showed a faint look of surprise, heard his question, and a solemn light suddenly appeared in his eyes. He raised his hand and grabbed the clothes on Nobunaga's forearm, and solemnly said it. question asked:

"Are you sure you have received Lugia's oracle? And it personally invited you?"

Seeing that Kona's whole body suddenly became nervous, Nobunaga couldn't believe that Lugia, the sea god, would take the initiative to invite him.

His eyes flickered to the left and right for two times, then he returned to the center line to look directly into Ke Na's eyes, and responded with a very serious tone:

"Fengyuan Divine Beast Battlefield, came to help Risakuza seal Groudon and Kyogre, the sea **** Lugia of these two violent Divine Beasts, indeed sent me an invitation by telepathy after the battle."

After getting a clear answer from Nobunaga's mouth, Kona couldn't help showing a hesitant expression on his face, let go of his subconscious fingers, and said in a low voice:

"After discussing the specific plan next week, I will take you to meet the Sea God."

After all, Kona, regardless of the thoughtful Nobunaga in front of him, released a champion-level fangirl and let it fly to the center of the nameless island with him.

Looking at Nobunaga, who gradually turned into a black dot in the sky, one person and one elf floated under the superpower, turned around and saw Gengar and Smelly Mud, and quietly ran to the backyard in the center of the elf.

Immediately, a pampering smile appeared on his face, and he followed behind the two pretending to be mischievous elves. He also greeted the fragrance of the food and walked quickly into the gate of this dilapidated center of the elves.

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