The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 336: surprising joey

Nobunaga, who stood on the back of the cross-shaped bat, looked down at the center of the elf sitting on the north side of the island in the sky above the sea area of ​​Wuming Island. His slightly calm eyes could not hide his disappointment, and he softly ordered:

"Fork bat, just land in the clearing at the entrance of the center of the elf."

Hearing Nobunaga's order, the cross-hatched bat, which spread its wings and gliding in mid-air, immediately reduced its speed and swooped toward the iconic building on the north side of the island.

After the bat landed smoothly, Nobunaga stepped down from his back, looked at the slightly dilapidated elf center in front of him, adjusted his emotions, picked up the elf ball and retracted the bat, wearing a variety of monster camouflage After passing the face, he stepped in.

Inside the counter in the hall, Miss Joy, who was wearing a pink nurse's uniform and had bronze skin, heard the copper bell ringing as the glass door was pushed open. She quickly raised her head and showed a warm smile.

"Are you a lost trainer? The Elf Center can provide you with hot water and accommodation, as well as Elf physical examination services, but before that, please show your ID."

Walking through the hall to the service counter, Nobunaga saw the entire elf center, only this smiling Joey in front of him, and Stink Mud and Gengar did not warn him.

In the bottom of his heart, he didn't have any intention of continuing to disguise. He immediately stretched out his hand and pushed the Variety Monster to the top of his head. With a polite smile on his face, he whispered towards Miss Joy at the counter:

"You've been kidnapped by me now, hurry up and prepare the equipment and give me and my elves a comprehensive physical examination."

After Joey heard Nobunaga's words, his big watery eyes quickly blinked twice, as if he also recognized the man who was wanted by five stars in Guandu, so he lowered his head slightly and said obediently. :

"Yes, I'm going to debug the instrument now."

Seeing Joey being so sensible, Nobunaga understood their family, and must have taught how to deal with and appease wanted criminals.

However, each Joey has a family dispatched to protect their elves, so the vigilance in Nobunaga's heart has not diminished in the slightest. .

Minutes and seconds passed, and after Joey led Happy Egg to debug the instrument, Nobunaga followed them into the treatment room, and released all his elves on the queuing passage next to the inspection instrument.

Double Bullet Gas, Abo Monster, Crosshair Bat, King Nido, Smelly Mud, Gengar, Poisonous Algae Dragon, Alidos, Dragon King Scorpion, Wonderful Frog Flower, Three-Headed Evil Dragon, and Variety Monster.

The twelve elves were already explained by Nobunaga in advance last night, so now they are all very calm, and they behave very calmly in the queue.

Because he was standing next to Joey, Nobunaga could easily kill her with his bare hands, so the stinky mud, Gengar, who was originally in charge of the protection work, was also in the queue at Nobunaga's request.

Looking at Joey, who was carefully introducing himself to the use of various instruments as if he was treating the alliance's direct descendants, Nobunaga couldn't help showing a gentle smile on his face, then put his right hand on her shoulder, and suddenly asked:

"Aren't you afraid of facing a five-star wanted criminal from the Guandu Alliance?"

Joey heard Nobunaga's question, but his eyes were still fixed on the screen of the inspection equipment.

"I'm on this uninhabited island, and I deal with wild elves on weekdays. Are you still more vicious than those injured wild elves?"

"Besides, we have no grievances before, and our Joey family has never been involved in alliance affairs. Even if you want revenge, you can't find me. Why should I be afraid of you."

After hearing Joey's words, Nobunaga's right hand, which was on her shoulder, slipped to her neck, his head slowly pressed to her ear, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a low smile:

"Wanted criminals don't necessarily have to kill you. Maybe it's the most wanted criminals' favorite thing to do."

With his back to Nobunaga, Joey, who was wearing a nurse's uniform, felt the hot wind and whispers in his ears, but the movements in his hands were not deformed at all, and even a blush appeared on his face, and said with a light smile:

"If it was another wanted criminal, maybe I would still be afraid, but you...hehehe"

Nobunaga heard Joey's laughter in front of him, and his face was stunned for a moment, with a little doubt in his eyes, he stroked her cheek with his right hand, and hurriedly asked:

"What's wrong with me? I'm one of the most ferocious wanted criminals in the Kanto area."

When she said this, Nobunaga actually just wanted to tease the little Joey in front of her, but she didn't expect that she would say something that was enough to make people speechless.

"Hey hey, I read your profile when I was resting before. Although you are quite a bad person, you have never done such a thing. Because of this information, some people in the alliance headquarters even suspected you. I like male style."

The two words in Joey's words made Nobunaga's left hand in his pocket clenched into a fist.

Released Joey, who was being held in his arms, Nobunaga said in a deep, blue-faced voice:

"Tell me, someone in the headquarters of the Alliance is spreading rumors about me, a bunch of bastards!"

Joey, who had already checked several elves and was directing Alidos to enter the instrument, heard Nobunaga's direct question, he couldn't help but turn his head and rolled his eyes at him, and replied with a chuckle:

"I don't know who it is, but it's because of you that this rumor was born and spread, in the final analysis∽ If it weren't for the fact that you were wanted by the Alliance, who would have spread your rumor?"

Hearing Joey's presumptuous answer, Nobunaga's livid face gradually softened, he walked slowly to the side, took out a chair and sat down, and said to her in a gentle tone:

"Since the beautiful Miss Joy doesn't mind that I'm a wanted criminal in the Alliance, can you show me your face and have dinner with me tonight?"

Joey, who was staring at the screen of the instrument, heard Nobunaga's invitation to dinner, a charming smile appeared on his face, and he lowered his head slightly and replied softly:

"Anyway, it's just the two of us on this Then I'll agree to your invitation."

"However, you can't have bad thoughts about me."

When Nobunaga saw Joey agree, the smile on his face grew stronger, he took out a sealed cup of Aberdeen venom from his backpack, raised his head and drank it directly, thinking to himself:

"It seems that after coming back from Hoenn, my whole body and mood have become more cheerful. If I was calm as usual, I would never have taken the initiative to provoke Joey like today."

Thinking of this, Nobunaga silently raised his head and put the glass in his hand back into his backpack, his eyes swept across the dark purple skin of his elf, his eyes fixed on Joey, who was busy in front of the instrument, and suddenly asked:

"After checking the elves, is it my turn?"

When Joey heard Nobunaga's question, he couldn't help but have a smile in his eyes. After the three evil dragons finished the examination and came out of the instrument, he turned around and replied with a smile:

"There are only the most primitive kinds of instruments in the elf center. If you are not afraid of misdiagnosis, I can also use it for you."

Nobunaga waited for a long time to hear Joey's words, and his face couldn't help showing a look of distress, then stood up and walked to her side, stretched out his right hand to lock the Poké Ball hanging around her waist, and put his head against her. Coming to her ear, she said softly:

"It doesn't matter, I can identify the authenticity of the report by checking the instrument."

Seeing that Nobunaga was about to stick to him again, Joey's face suddenly turned crimson, and he quickly pushed Nobunaga away and said softly:

"Okay, you'd better go back to the chair and wait."

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