The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 133: emergency help

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The next morning, when Nobunaga woke up, it suddenly occurred to him that this little guy, the pincer-tailed scorpion, seemed to be able to go without food for a year.

Smile, then get up to wash, ready to start a new day.

After walking out of the room, the two elves, the pincer-tailed scorpion and the frog grass, have already begun to move their bodies on the training ground.

On the other side, the Variety Monster is also preparing breakfast for the elves on the stove.

Just as Nobunaga stepped forward and started to warm up, the communication device in the room suddenly rang.

"Beep beep, beep beep."

After hearing the sound, Nobunaga hurriedly returned to the house, picked up the contact device, and checked the information on it.

"I'm very sorry for disturbing you! But we are now trapped in a cave in the Blue Stone Mountain by a group of big rock snakes, and we can't escape. If you receive this news, please come to help quickly!!!———— - Mitsuhide."

After reading the news from Mitsuhide, Nobunaga did not rush to rescue. Instead, he put down the contact device and sat beside the bed to think quietly.

"Mitsuhide and the others are besieged in Lanshi Mountain. Could this be the Miyata family's conspiracy?"

"No! No! I sent Mitsuhide and the others to Lanshi Mountain on a temporary basis. It is impossible for the Miyata family to know about this!"

"Is it really an accident? Or is this news leaked by my own people!"

"Ah... No matter what, Mitsuhide City Guard is my person, no matter what, I will definitely go!"

Thinking of this, Nobunaga picked up the contact device and sent Athena the news that he was going to Blue Stone Mountain, then took the space backpack and walked out of the door quickly.

After waking up all the elves, Nobunaga wanted to go straight, but when he saw the breakfast prepared by the Variety Monster, he remembered that the elves didn't eat dinner last night, so he said to the elves: "The situation is urgent, let's solve it quickly. Skip breakfast and leave in ten minutes!"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Variety Monster quickly distributed the food into each elf's rice bowl.

The elves from all corners of the venue also quickly gathered by the stove.

Under the devour of the elves, the breakfast was over in just five minutes.

Then Stinky Mud, Gengar, and Variety returned to their positions, and Nobunaga quickly took the other elves back into the Poké Ball.

Just as he was about to leave, Nobunaga thought that the poisonous algae dragon had just broken through, and the source had not yet recovered.

Immediately after releasing the poisonous algae dragon, he said softly to him, "You stay and watch the house, absorb the power of the source well and wait for me to come back."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the poisonous algae dragon nodded, indicating that he understood, and then returned to the pool and began to absorb the power of the source.

After confirming that there were no other problems, Nobunaga quickly left the training ground and walked towards the gate of the base.

On the way, Nobunaga met Osawa who had just returned. Nobunaga did not talk to him, but Osawa stopped Nobunaga.

Looking at Ozawa who was blocking him, Nobunaga said coldly, "I have something urgent. If you have anything, please wait until I come back!"

After finishing speaking, Nobunaga quickly bypassed Osawa's left side and walked towards the base exit.

Standing on the spot, Osawa looked at Nobunaga's leaving figure, chuckled twice, shook his head, and then walked towards the logistics office.

After leaving the base, Nobunaga released a fork-shaped bat in the woods, and then rode the fork-shaped bat and flew towards the blue stone mountain.

Just as Nobunaga was on his way to Blue Stone Mountain, Osawa also took the elevator and came to the door of Athena's office.

Hearing the sound of a phone call coming from inside, Daze didn't wait, he pushed open the door and walked in.

Athena, who was on the phone, didn't get angry and didn't hang up the phone when she came in after seeing Da Ze.

After finishing the story, Athena hung up the phone, then turned to Daze and asked, "What's the matter with me?"

Sitting on the sofa, Daze heard Athena's question, took out a set of photos from his trouser pocket and threw it on the table, and then said softly: "This is Apollo's subordinate, after investigation, each of them is fine. ."

Hearing Daze's words, Athena sat back on the chair and said slowly, "Then according to your opinion, isn't the one who threatened Marilyn from Apollo."

After hearing Athena's words, Osawa took out a black instrument from the space backpack, and said, "This is the latest product of the scientific research department, and I put its child in Marilyn's office, guess what? what happened."

After Athena heard it, she got up and walked to Dazawa's side, and said softly, "Don't be rude, who is threatening Marilyn to monitor me."

After hearing Athena's words, Daze pressed the switch on the black instrument, and Marilyn's voice came out from the black instrument.

On the other side, Nobunaga on the back of the bat didn't know what was going on in Athena's office. At this time, he was concentrating on observing the blue stone mountain under the bat.

Looking down from the air, there is nothing out of the ordinary about a blue rock mountain.

But on the surface of Stone Mountain, Nobunaga did not find a single elf, not even the most common small fist stone in this place.

Seeing that the problem could not be found in the air, Nobunaga commanded the cross-shaped bat to land.

After landing smoothly on the ground, Nobunaga released double-bomb gas, and then let the cross-shaped bat release the ultrasonic waves with all his strength to check the entire mountain.

Hearing Nobunaga's order, the cross-shaped bat sat on the ground, stimulated the penetration characteristic, and then closed his eyes and began to release the ultrasonic waves with all his strength.

As the ultrasonic wave gradually invaded the mountain, the forked bat did not find the reason for the changes in Lanshi Mountain, but found the cave where Guangxiu and others were.

Although he knew where Mitsuhide and the others were, but because he didn't know what was going on in the cave, Nobunaga didn't dare to enter through the entrance easily.

After thinking for a while, Nobunaga took out a Poké Ball and released the Abo, and said to him, "Abo, dig a way for me to get out of the cave!"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the Abo monster swam directly to the rock mountain.

Then the snake head moved, and the hard rock mountain was gradually dug a wide passage by the Abo monster using the digging skills.

Abo was constantly digging in front, and Nobunaga followed behind with the other elves.

At this time, in the deepest part of the cave, the people of the first squadron were alerting the surrounding big rock snakes with elves.

As time passed bit by bit, in the quiet cave, everyone suddenly heard the sound of the elves digging holes, and suddenly became nervous.

Then, under the leadership of Guangxiu, everyone brought the elf to stand beside the wall, preparing to attack the elf as soon as the elf got in.

Thanks to the efforts of Abo, the last layer of rock was drilled through and successfully arrived at the location where Guangxiu and others were.

However, as soon as the Abo monster appeared, it was attacked by many elves, and the Abo monster immediately became on fire, ready to launch a destructive death beam.

And Mitsuhide, who was commanding the crowd to attack, wiped his eyes after seeing the Abo monster, and recognized that this was Nobunaga's elf, and quickly told everyone to stop.

At the same time, Nobunaga, who was behind Abo, also quickly stopped the destructive death light he was about to launch.

After seeing Nobunaga, Mitsuhide and Shiwei immediately became excited, and hurried to Nobunaga's side.

Looking at the disgraced duo, Nobunaga asked aloud, "What's going on? A squadron was trapped by wild elves!"

After hearing Nobunaga's words, the two of them lowered their heads with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

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