The Rockets of the Spirits Start

Chapter 107: chase mission

Time flies, a month later.

In the center of the training ground, the double-bomb gas and the Abo are fighting.

At the shooting range, the bat and King Nido continue to use various skills.

And the stinky mud melts into a puddle of mud, practicing its stickiness.

Gengar and the poisonous algae dragon soaked in the pool, adapting to the toxins inside.

On the stovetop, the magical force transformed from the ever-changing monster is busy preparing food for the elves.

And Nobunaga is currently practicing skills in the corner of the training ground with the two elves, the pincer-tailed scorpion and the wonderful frog seed.

The fierce and cute pincer-tailed scorpion, Nai Meng Nai Meng's wonderful frog seed, the two elves smashed each other with their skills.

One is the proficiency of practice skills, and the other is to exercise their fighting ability.

After all, one is the future warrior, and the other is the future meat shield.

Although the seeds of the wonderful frog are a little bigger, the pincer-tailed scorpion also grows very quickly as a bug-type elf.

The two elves are now at the peak of ordinary, and can break through at any time to become elite elves.

Looking at the elves training **** the field, Nobunaga took out the mission log sent by Mitsuhide and looked through it.

Since the defense was taken over by the team directly under the headquarters, all the three squadrons of the former Rainbow Base have become task teams.

Nobunaga briefly glanced at the mission log, then thought about what had happened recently.

The four generals and three beastmen of Team Rocket all came to the Rainbow Base.

But it didn't take long. After a meeting, all the cadres left one after another.

Nobunaga guessed that the Rockets were going to build a black market all over Kanto.

However, there is nothing about him here. Since the last cleaning task, Athena has never given him any tasks.

Nobunaga was also happy to relax, and just took advantage of this opportunity to give a special training.

After finishing today's training, Nobunaga informed the logistics department using the liaison device.

A Team Rocket elite quickly sent all the poisonous weeds and poisonous insects he needed.

In order to spend more time with the elves, Nobunaga simply lived in the training ground and did not usually take the elves back into the Poké Ball.

In the evening, Nobunaga was washing the scales of Aberdeen when he suddenly received a message from Athena.

Looking at the text on the contact device, Nobunaga said to the elves, "The days of leisure are gone, we're going to dispatch."

After taking the elves back into the Poké Ball, Nobunaga quickly walked towards Athena's office.

On the way, Nobunaga saw Osawa who had just returned from the mission, and Osawa also saw Nobunaga walking towards the logistics office.

Neither of the two spoke, but it was obvious that Ozawa was not happy.

Nobunaga came to Athena's office and was about to knock on the door when the door opened by itself.

Marilyn walked out of the office and saw the letter chief outside the door whispering, "Come to my office later, I have something to tell you."

Nobunaga heard Marilyn's words, and was about to ask what was the matter, but Marilyn walked quickly into the elevator.

At the same time, Athena's voice came from the office: "Why are you still standing at the door and not coming in?"

Nobunaga heard the sound, so he had to walk into the office, and then asked Athena, "Sir, did you inform me that I have a mission?"

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Athena took out a portfolio and handed it to him, and said at the same time: "This person is a quasi-cadre of the base in Nibi City. The intelligence department found out that he is a member of the Alliance, you go and deal with him. "

Taking the portfolio, Nobunaga said softly, "If he has returned to the Quartz Plateau now, then I wouldn't dare to chase after him."

When Athena heard Nobunaga's words, she teased and said, "Aren't you very courageous, why are you afraid again?"

Nobunaga hurriedly replied, "My subordinates are not very courageous at all, but sometimes they are desperate when they are forced to do anything."

After hearing Nobunaga's words, Athena laughed and said, "Don't worry, the intelligence department found out that he has lost contact with the Alliance, and is now hiding in Baiguo Town."

Nobunaga heard the words and said quickly: "Time is running out, my subordinates will deal with him now."

After speaking, Nobunaga quickly left Athena's office.

Taking the elevator back to the first floor, Nobunaga walked into Marilyn's office of the logistics department.

"What exactly are you looking for from me?"

Hearing Nobunaga's question, Marilyn said softly, "Just now, did Lady Athena give you a mission to kill?"

Seeing the solemn expression on Marilyn's face, Nobunaga said, "Yes, is there any problem here?"

After receiving Nobunaga's reply, Marilyn said, "I advise you not to go into this muddy water. That prospective cadre is from General Apollo."

Hearing Marilyn's words, Nobunaga asked with a little doubt on his face: "How do you know this matter so clearly?"

Then Nobunaga said with a serious look: "Don't forget, we are the subordinates of Lady Athena."

Hearing Nobunaga's words, Marilyn's face showed a trace of panic, and she quickly explained, "I just remind you, it's fine if you don't listen!"

Nobunaga looked at Marilyn, who turned away, without saying anything, turned and left her office directly.

After Nobunaga left, Marilyn called the phone and said to the person on the other side: "Sir Athena really gave Nobunaga the task of killing."

"But that guy didn't care about my advice at all, and even doubted me!"

After hearing it, the person on the other end of the phone said in a hoarse voice, "You don't need to worry about this matter, just do what you should do."

After speaking, the person over there hung up the phone.

On the other hand, Nobunaga was thinking about what she just said after leaving Marilyn's office.

"Apollo's people? Hmph, if it's really a traitor under Apollo's subordinates, who would have his own business, Apollo will definitely execute him personally!"

"Besides, I'm from Athena. As long as Athena still needs she won't push me out easily."

After thinking about it, Nobunaga quickly walked back to his office and opened the portfolio that Athena gave him.

In addition to a mission warrant and information about the traitor, there was also a photo of the prospective cadre in the portfolio.

Nobunaga looked at the middle-aged man in his thirties in the photo, and then flipped through his information.

Tuocang, male, thirty-two years old, with the strength of a miscellaneous quasi-celestial king, with six elves of the same level.

They are Lada, Pidiao, Chuanshan King, as well as Gotha Duck, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Giant Claw Mantis,

After reading the information, Nobunaga pondered for a moment and felt that he should have no problem taking this extension.

Then he got up and walked out of the base quickly, released the cross bat, and flew towards Baiguo Town.

Under the full-speed flight of the fork bat, they came to the forest outside Baiguo Town in just two hours.

After landing, Nobunaga took the cross-shaped bat back into the Poké Ball, and the Variety Monster also slid onto Nobunaga's face, turning into another face.

After preparing, Nobunaga walked into Baiguo Town and found Team Rocket's base here according to the address.

Walking into this tea shop, only the boss was standing at the counter, and Nobunaga took out his quasi-cadre ID card and mission warrant.

He directly said to the shop owner, "I was ordered to hunt down, where is Tuocang now?"

After confirming that the ID card and the mission warrant were correct, the boss said quickly, "Tuocang is now hiding in a small courtyard in the west of the town, and our people are following."

After getting the answer he wanted, Nobunaga said to the boss, "You can have your people withdraw, and I'll go over and deal with him now."

After speaking, Nobunaga turned around and walked out of the shop, hurried to the west of the town.

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