The Road to Slaying God

Chapter 091 Peerless Master

This night was painful for Zhang Yang and Liu Biao!

When humans face hunger, nothing else matters. The pain of hunger far exceeds any psychological blow. Love and family affection all pale when faced with hunger. Of course, there are no absolutes in the world. There are many examples in history of people who would rather starve to death so that their lovers, relatives and friends can be fed. Among them, maternal love is the greatest!

Two young and strong people each had four small steamed buns, which were barely enough to fit between their teeth. If they hadn't eaten, they might not have felt so hungry. However, eating a few small steamed buns actually aroused a strong appetite.

That night, Liu Biao was too hungry to sleep. He touched the fruit knife in his waist several times and looked at Zhang Yang. In the end, he still didn't move. He tossed and turned on the chair for several hours before falling asleep.

As for Zhang Yang, he didn't sleep at all. He was hungrier than Liu Biao because he didn't eat at noon. Moreover, he walked around some of the main streets in the provincial capital. The amount of exercise was quite large, and the consumption of physical strength was equal to the consumption of nutrients.

The hunger made Zhang Yang unable to sleep, so he simply started doing those actions again. Although doing these actions could not replenish nutrition, at least he could forget his hunger.

There were many people walking around in the park at night, but no one noticed Zhang Yang, an inconspicuous homeless man gesticulating randomly.

As time goes by, Zhang Yang's movements become more and more cumbersome and complex. The seemingly smooth movements appear extremely gorgeous, leaving shadows in the sky.

Zhang Yang felt as if the blood in his body was boiling. He was getting more and more excited. It was a very special feeling, as if his body was transforming again and again. The transformation was so fast that his mind could hardly keep up. On.

Zhang Yang didn't understand what was happening inside his body, but he knew very well that his body was becoming stronger and stronger!

Zhang Yang's hand speed is getting faster and faster, and he is becoming more and more dexterous. He is like a spiritual snake in the air, and the sweat on his forehead is getting denser and denser. The mist in the park seems to be stirred by him, rushing and rolling like Millions of heavenly soldiers were arrayed in the sky.

At this time, Zhang Yang had forgotten everything. He even didn't know what he was doing. He was waving his hands and feet completely based on intuition. This was a state of complete selflessness and desirelessness. The state of mind of inaction, in the world of Zhang Yang, has left only countless strange memories in the mind. Those memories are like a flood, and they are out of control...

Every move, every detail, every turn brings Zhang Yang to a whole new world.

Crack, crackle!

The joints all over Zhang Yang's body made slight crisp sounds, and Zhang Yang's arms made some disorderly, irregular and dizzying movements in the air. They were dexterous, powerful, and their jumps were astonishingly large.

Slowly, slowly, Zhang Yang's movements began to slow down. His rapidly beating heart and boiling blood also slowed down. Everything became calm again. Those same movements appeared again, and Zhang Yang was like an unknown machine. The tired machine does it over and over again...


Zhang Yang felt a cold breath wavering in the air. This was an extremely dangerous breath. It was so dangerous that he felt that it surpassed any crisis!

Open your eyes suddenly!

Zhang Yang's body was like a beast in danger, and the hairs all over his body suddenly exploded. Less than one meter in front of him, stood a person, an ordinary person, but there was something hidden in the ordinary. A touch of elegance, a touch of dustiness, and a sense of power. This is a strange feeling, because it is impossible for people to have this feeling at the same time. Most powerful people are high-ranking people, and people will not feel it. The feeling of being elegant and free of dust, but this person just gave Zhang Yang this feeling, as if this person might drift away in the wind at any time...

This man was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and looked very old. His specific age could not be discerned. He looked like he was thirty, forty or fifty years old.

This man's gaze is like the cold stars at night, extremely profound!

Who are you? Zhang Yang lowered his voice and arched his body like a compressed spring.

Are you Zhang Yang? the visitor asked without answering, looking indifferent.

Are you a buyer?

Zhang Yang retreated violently, like a frightened rabbit. The other party actually said his name in one breath. This already revealed his identity. You must know that there are only two types of people who know him, one is friends and the other is enemies. , obviously, he didn’t know this person.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, someone sent by Brother Qi. However, this idea is simply impossible. Even if Brother Qi has that ability, he will not do this. Even Xiao Yuanxing cannot Protect, let alone protect him, a little guy who has nothing to do with him.

Why didn't you run away? The visitor couldn't help but asked curiously when he saw Zhang Yang taking a step back but stopped. However, he immediately reacted from Zhang Yang's eyes and said, Well, you are worried about your companions.

Can you answer a few questions for me?

The visitor smiled softly, walked slowly to the chair where Liu Biao was sleeping, and gently touched Liu Biao's head. What was strange was that Liu Biao didn't react at all. He was completely motionless, as if he couldn't even breathe. Stopped generally.

Suddenly, Zhang Yang's pores exploded again, and a stream of air circulated all over his body. He rushed towards this weird-looking person like a cannonball. His momentum was extremely powerful, and his fist actually made a sound of breaking through the air, which shows his speed and power. How fast and how big.

In fact, this is completely instinctive. Zhang Yang didn't even know that he had become so powerful. It was Liu Biao's danger that inspired all his potential.


Zhang Yang looked at the face less than one meter in front of him in horror. His body seemed to have hit an invisible wall, a transparent wall. His fist was only a palm away from the face. This distance , as if it were an insurmountable mountain.

An indescribable feeling of fear spread in every cell of Zhang Yang.

This has gone beyond his imagination, this is no longer a human existence.

A gentle and huge force pulled Zhang Yang to the ground, and the visitor slowly sat down. To outsiders, the two of them looked like long-time friends having a heart-to-heart talk.

Okay, how about we ask each other a few questions? The visitor's face was still as calm as water, but it was full of irreversible power, as if this expression could remain unchanged for thousands of years.

Zhang Yang could only keep nodding. He couldn't resist the other party's request. The strong mental pressure made it difficult for him to breathe. Only then did he realize that he couldn't speak, as if there was an invisible force controlling his throat.

Then let me ask first, who taught you Kung Fu?

Huh... no one taught me... Zhang Yang took a long breath, the feeling of his blood vessels and heart stopping was very uncomfortable.

No? The visitor frowned immediately, Then how did you know about the actions you just made?

I don't understand either. After reading some books, these actions appeared in my head inexplicably.

With his mind spinning, Zhang Yang immediately decided that the secrets of memory knowledge could not be revealed to this stranger. Of course, it was not a lie when he said that the actions he found in the books were because he did feel this way. He felt that he He integrated the knowledge from those ancient books into some actions, but he couldn't express a specific idea himself, as if it was a spiritual blend.

What? The middle-aged man looked shocked and stood up suddenly.

The middle-aged man stood up suddenly, Zhang Yang seemed to be blown by a strong wind, and a pressure made his heart feel as if it was being squeezed by a huge hand.

Ashamed, haha, I laughed so hard. It's really unexpected. After such a long time, I actually saw the birth of a genius again. I'm a little excited, a little excited...! The middle-aged man seemed a little uncomfortable with his shock. Sorry, he sat down with a smile.

Did you kill Maimaiti's youngest son? the middle-aged man asked again.


Then why is he chasing you? The middle-aged man was stunned.

It must have something to do with me. Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the strange smile of the young man before he died.

Well, I understand. Since it matters, you will definitely not survive. The middle-aged man thought for a moment and nodded.

Can I ask you? Zhang Yang asked.

Well, yes, I can try my best to satisfy your questions, because if you can survive, we will become friends. The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Are you Maimaiti's subordinate?

Ah...haha...haha... The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter. The laughter soared into the sky, as if he had heard a big joke.

Oh, I understand, he is not, because he is not worthy of being your boss. Zhang Yang saw the middle-aged man's disdainful expression.

Haha... The middle-aged man smiled noncommittally.

Then why do you want to kill me? Zhang Yang felt the middle-aged man's murderous intent at first.

You are actually able to sense my murderous intention. You are truly the most talented person in history! The middle-aged man sighed and said: Although I am not Maimaiti's subordinate, I know him, and I also know him. I am chasing two people, and when I saw you, I was ready to kill you to make him owe me a favor, but now I have changed my mind.


Haha, you will know the reason in the future. In this world, we are the only people who will not kill you, not even your enemies. I think if you don't die, you will understand in about twenty years, Our world is too boring and monotonous. It’s time to add more people. I hope you can live until twenty years from now...

Why twenty years?

Because it will take at least twenty years for you to reach my current state. Of course, this is the fastest speed I predict. It is very likely that you will not be able to reach it in your lifetime. It depends on you. I can't help you.

Is Maimaiti very powerful? Why do you think about the favor he owes you?

Haha, this question is difficult to answer. Maimaiti is very powerful for ordinary people, but to us, he is like an ant. However, the background of Maimaiti is that we also need to see his face. That's all for this problem. I don't want to be hunted down by people all over the world. The middle-aged man smiled at first, then suddenly turned serious.

Ah... Zhang Yang's heart palpitated. If Maimaiti was really so powerful, even this mythical figure would be afraid of him. Then he and Liu Biao were almost sentenced to death. No wonder the little monk made him suffer so much. Escape as far as you can.

Haha, Zhang Yang, you are a genius. You can understand many things at a glance. If you want to know about Maimaiti's background, you will only die faster. Maimaiti is not terrible. You can attack his power. But, you can’t kill him, it’s that simple, if you kill him, no matter how powerful you are, no one in this world can save you, well, let’s stop this topic!”

Hmm, I really want to learn martial arts. Do you have any secrets? Zhang Yang looked forward to it.

Ah...ahem...don't you know how to do it already? The middle-aged man was stunned.


There's nothing wrong with this. You can only rely on yourself on this path. If I can teach you, then you won't be able to survive today. It's because there are very few people like you, so I cherish your life. In fact, It's much more important than Maimaiti's son, so work hard! The middle-aged man stood up and seemed ready to leave.

I would also like to ask, how did you find me in the park? This is a very critical question. Zhang Yang does not want to be chased by someone who knows his whereabouts at any time.


Aura... Zhang Yang couldn't help scratching his head, this was a bit profound.

Just like you felt my murderous intention, when you are practicing, the human body will emit a breath. I sensed your breath, so I found you.

Oh, I get it, just like happiness and fear are contagious.

When the middle-aged man said this, Zhang Yang immediately understood. Some scientists have proven that when people are afraid, their armpits will secrete a kind of gas. When another person smells a certain pheromone in this sweat, he can Subconsciously notice whether the person is nervous or scared. The same is true for the contagion of happiness.

Researchers have found that areas of the brain associated with fear became more active after volunteers who underwent brain scans breathed in fear smells. This study shows that humans, like many animals, are able to detect pheromones emitted by their own species and respond subconsciously.

As expected, you are smart. Don't worry, there are not more than twenty people in this world who can sense your aura. Well, let's go... the middle-aged man laughed.


Huh? The middle-aged man who was about to leave turned around. He felt Zhang Yang's heartbeat, as if there was something unspeakable.

Can you lend me a hundred yuan? Zhang Yang's face turned red, his voice was so low that he couldn't hear it, and his head almost dropped to his crotch.

... The middle-aged man's originally indifferent expression suddenly turned dull.

I only need one hundred yuan, and we just ate a few steamed buns tonight... Zhang Yang said weakly.

Okay, haha... remember, you owe me a hundred yuan, remember, haha... The middle-aged man took out an exquisite wallet from his clothes, took out a hundred yuan and handed it to Zhang Yang, then looked up and laughed. left.

I will pay it back to you! Zhang Yang shouted.

No, just think you owe me a favor, haha...

The middle-aged man's voice gradually faded away, but it was extremely clear.

Hey, if you owe me a favor, I owe you a favor. Anyway, you are so powerful that you won’t beg me. Holding the brand new red banknotes in his hands, Zhang Yang also wanted to imitate the middle-aged man who looked up to the sky and screamed. He could finally eat, woo woo... So touched!

For Zhang Yang now, the pain of hunger far exceeds the threat of Maimaiti. After all, hunger is already threatening their lives, and Maimaiti's pursuers have not seen it yet. Maimaiti is just a psychological Just the pressure.

Immediately, Zhang Yang suddenly felt a little regretful, why didn't he borrow more? If he borrowed more than Qian'er800, he could leave the provincial capital directly. Anyway, he owed a favor. Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, but it was too late to regret now. .

Of course, even if Zhang Yang was beaten to death, he would not have imagined how uneconomical it would be for him to owe someone a favor for a hundred yuan based on his future achievements and status. Although Zhang Yang's wisdom and calculation ability were superb, he could not calculate his own In the future, now he is still running for three meals.

Liu Biao, Liu Biao, get up, let's eat...

The dog said, wake up, it's time to eat!

Ah... don't make any noise, I'm already eating! Liu Biao turned over and salivated at the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he didn't want to interrupt his dream of eating steamed buns.

Whether you want to eat it or not, I will eat steamed buns instead.

Ah, steamed buns! Steamed buns! Where are the steamed buns? Where are the steamed buns...

Liu Biao suddenly sat up and looked around.

Poor Liu Biao suffered from hunger all night, and all he could see in his eyes was steamed buns...

Look! Zhang Yang shook the banknotes in his hand proudly., hahaha...I can finally eat...where did you get the money? Liu Biao looked around at the darkness. It seemed that it was not dawn yet.

I picked it up, hehe... Zhang Yang didn't bother to tell Liu Biao that this thing couldn't be explained.

***, I'm so lucky. I walked around the park all day yesterday and didn't find a single cent. Liu Biao looked depressed.

Let's go eat steamed buns!

Yeah, let's go eat the steamed buns, eat one and throw one away...

The two ran to a nearby breakfast shop, bought a large bag of steamed buns, and bought two boxes of milk. Then they ran to the park to enjoy it slowly. Naturally, eating one and throwing the other away was not possible for the time being.

Why don't you eat egg rice noodles?

Liu Biao finished off more than a dozen steamed buns in one breath, and he slumped down on the chair. Not satisfied, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh, this man, after eating steamed buns, he wants better things. When he was dreaming just now, he was still thinking about steamed buns. Now, immediately Just think of eggs.

Zhang Yang believed that if he ate rice noodles with eggs, he would definitely have higher requirements.

Damn it, this is our living expenses for the next few days. I can't give it to you. The aunt who sets up a stall and plays balloons in the park is much richer than us! Zhang Yang carefully put the remaining money in his pocket, although he was ready to I have to find a job today, but the money for food in the bag is always more reliable and cannot be wasted by Liu Biao.


Finally full.

The morning light slowly opened, and Liu Biao's stomach was as full as a balloon, and he fell down on the chair to sleep. In Liu Biao's own words, he was suffering from rice sickness, that is to say, he felt like sleeping after eating.

Of course, Zhang Yang believes that this is just the living habit of a pig, eating and sleeping!

Seeing the morning glow getting brighter and brighter, Zhang Yang was too lazy to sleep. Sleep didn't seem to be very important to him now. Doing more actions would make him more energetic.

The dewdrops dotted the green grass, reflecting the dazzling light. It was another refreshing morning. The park seemed to be arranged to alternate with each other. Some wanderers also got up early and left, replacing their They are still the same old men and women who exercise.

Zhang Yang performed the movements selflessly, still repeating them thousands of times. However, if you watched Zhang Yang's practice yesterday, you will find that Zhang Yang's movements are now smoother and more flexible...

(To be continued)

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