The Road to Slaying God

Chapter 50 Ten Billion Dollars [Strongly Call for Recommendation Tickets]

Damn it, what's the point? I always keep my word, that's it, I'm here for you, but I guess you can't understand it, hehe... In addition, I will give you a copy of Sunflower Treasure , remember... don't tell others that Xiao Na didn't fulfill your wish, Xiao Na made a wish when he was sleeping, if anyone can wake me up, Monk, I will grant his wish, you must not destroy Xiao Na Xiao Na attaches great importance to his pure reputation. I lost the book in your qq space. Besides, your qq space has already set a password, so others can’t see it. By the way, your little lady is going to trouble you ...

Before Zhang Yang could react, the little monk had already stepped onto the huge motorcycle and ran away in a hurry, leaving only smoke and dust all over the screen.

Slowly, the smoke and dust dissipated, the screen turned into a page, Zhang Yang was still a little dazed, what happened today was incredible.


Zhang Yang's hand just touched the mouse, and there was a low roar of the engine, and the little monk appeared on the screen again. However, although it was still the same motorcycle, the environment was different. On the screen, there was an endless rolling Huang Sha, the little monk is not wearing the same clothes as before. Now, he has a set of jeans, a pair of high-top leather shoes, a broken felt hat on his bald head, and two revolvers stuck under the leather jacket.

Excuse me, didn't you ask for money in the first place, why did you ask for martial arts? The little monk seemed to want to understand Zhang Yang's thoughts.

Ah... I, I... I'm afraid you won't be able to spend one million... In fact, Zhang Yang still wants money, and he doesn't have much hope for the little monk to give him martial arts secrets. If Zhang Yang is really allowed to choose However, Zhang Yang, who has no ambitions, is willing to ask for one million.

I don't have money, and you're actually worried that I don't have money...

The little monk's eyes froze, and he fell off the motorcycle violently, spurting blood from his mouth. If Zhang Yang hadn't guessed that the little monk was just a smart program, he would definitely be worried that the little monk would vomit blood and die.

Damn, I have no money, I will have no money, you will go to the bank to check your account later, shit, I have no money, I have no money, oh my god, someone actually suspects that I have no money... woo Huh... I'm telling you, I've put ten billion dollars into your account, but, in order to punish your ignorance, you can only watch it, not use it, hahahaha...

Seeing the little monk laughing wildly away on a motorcycle, Zhang Yang looked contemptuous, ten billion dollars? A hundred dollars he might believe.

Finally, the computer screen was restored, and Zhang Yang was a little disappointed. He thought that seeing the video of the first guard could awaken the memory in his body, but he didn't feel it at all, and it was even worse than those ancient books.

It has to be said that the skill of the first guard has gone beyond Zhang Yang's thinking, especially the shot of kicking the Vietnamese man into the air with the bald head still makes him shudder when he thinks about it now. That kick, at least kicked More than ten meters high...

Of course, the iron blood and cruelty of the bald head were the most influential to Zhang Yang, and the domineering image has been deeply implanted in Zhang Yang's brain.


Just when Zhang Yang was about to click on the QQ space, a cold voice sounded from behind, and the notebook slapped him hard on the head.

Ah...Xiao Yiran... Zhang Yang turned around and saw Xiao Yiran's frosty face, the notebook was in Xiao Yiran's hand.

Why didn't you answer my question? Xiao Yiran stared fiercely at Zhang Yang, and took a step back to keep a distance from Zhang Yang, as if she was afraid that Zhang Yang would pounce on him.

I...I don't know...

Zhang Yang was dumbfounded, as if his QQ little monk had never received any messages after he appeared. Suddenly, Zhang Yang understood that it must be the little monk who intercepted Xiao Yiran's message, and he didn't say that the little lady was looking for trouble when he left of it?

I don't know? You're blind, stand away... Xiao Yiran sat on Zhang Yang's chair and opened the QQ chat history, she couldn't help being surprised and said: No really! Strange? Obviously I sent a lot of messages, is it you The computer is poisoned...

what did you send?

Nothing. Xiao Yiran blushed.

It's nothing, then I'm leaving. I haven't eaten dinner yet. I have something to do after dinner. You play slowly, I'll go first... Zhang Yang didn't want to get entangled with Xiao Yiran, fearing that Xiao Yiran would cause trouble for him, he quickly reached out and took the server and The screens are all off and I want to run away.

Hmph, want to run?

Xiao Yiran suddenly crossed her waist and blocked the entrance of the booth.

What do you want?

Zhang Yang's scalp tingled for a while, and Xiao Yiran's small movements were full of temptation, even when she was angry, she was very cute, but cuteness is cute, but behind this cute beauty, there is a terrible brother.

If it was in the past, Zhang Yang might not have taken it seriously, thinking that no one would dare to kill in this bright and bright world. Only after coming into contact with the world of killers described by Uncle Li, and seeing the first guard's carelessness about human life, Zhang Yang has already believed Given the darkness and power of this world, it is easier for a person like Xiao Yuanxing who is in charge of the wind and rain in City C to kill a student than trample an ant...

If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price and get punished. Hmph, you have to promise me now. Without my promise in the future, you must never touch my body. At least, you must stay away from me... half a meter away. Xiao Yiran looked at the distance between Zhang Yang and herself.

Hmm. Zhang Yang could only nod his head.

Now, I can't do a few math problems, you have to tell me.

But, I'm going to eat, I'm hungry... Zhang Yang glanced at the twilight outside with a sad face. After eating, he had to help Uncle Li watch the alley. Much more important, because most people gamble at night.

Well, yes, it's time to eat, and I'm hungry too, please invite me to eat.

Xiao Yiran had a natural expression. At this time, Xiao Yiran already had a very special feeling for Zhang Yang. The more Zhang Yang avoided her, the more she subconsciously wanted to get close to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was like a fan, saying He is bold and usually looks wretched and obscene, saying that he is timid and he is daring, and he has raped her twice in a row.


Zhang Yang sneaked his head down and followed Xiao Yiran towards the restaurant, for fear of being seen.

Where to eat? Xiao Yiran looked at a row of restaurants and asked.

It's at Fatty's place.

Zhang Yang walked into Fatty's restaurant first, followed by Xiao Yiran. At this time, the business was booming, and Fatty and his wife were sweating profusely.

You order? Zhang Yang asked.

I'm sure I'll order, go, take a seat inside, it's too noisy outside. Xiao Yiran seemed to be familiar with this place too.


Boy, I don't see that you are stupid, but you are quite powerful! The fat man who was cooking happened to raise his head, glanced at Xiao Yi, and then said warmly to Zhang Yang. [Crazy smashing recommendation tickets]

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