The Road to Slaying God

Chapter 1 The Immortal Boy

Zhang Yang, male, 21 years old, a taciturn, cowardly, lustful, but not courageous student of the College of Arts and Sciences in C City, H Province, who can occasionally do earth-shattering events.

More than a month ago, Zhang Yang encountered a terrorist attack that shocked the whole country when he was doing a summer job in a hotel cafe. Zhang Yang was also seriously injured and sent to the provincial capital for treatment. No one knew about the confidential treatment for more than a month. Including Zhang Yang's relatives and friends, when Zhang Yang opened his eyes, people of different identities would come to ask about the situation almost every few hours.

Except for the sentence I don't know anything, I don't remember anything.. Zhang Yang has remained silent all this time. He hasn't said a word for more than a month. Whether he is facing the police or the doctor, he always has a straight look in his eyes, and the sentence I don't know anything...

In the end, the doctors and the police came to the conclusion that the student really didn't know anything and was terrified.

Of course, Zhang Yang doesn't know nothing, but he knows a lot. After the bombing, he invaded the memories of countless people. For more than a month, he has been thinking about firearms, machinery, calculations, fighting... ...This is a field he has never thought about, he is just an ordinary student, and now, there are countless profound knowledge and some obscure professional vocabulary in his mind...

He didn't dare to say anything, he didn't dare to say anything, he was afraid of becoming a guinea pig in the laboratory.

It was getting dark outside, and the train was advancing tirelessly in the night. In the middle of the seventh car, sat a pale young man with short hair. His eyes were a little dull looking out of the dark window. , holding a newspaper in his hand.

This young man was Zhang Yang, and the newspaper in his hand contained the death list of that terrorist attack. He had read this list no less than a hundred times, and it was this list that made him sure that he had inherited their memories. However, he still didn't understand why elites from all over the world would go to a hotel in city C to drink coffee, and what's more, these elites were involved in completely irrelevant industries.

He couldn't think of any reason for a singer and a boxing champion to sit and chat together, let alone a firearms expert and a psychologist who had a common language. The most outrageous thing is that all these elites from various industries are sitting together drinking coffee.

This has become an unbreakable secret, because these people are all dead, and Zhang Yang has no way of knowing. Although he inherited their memories, in fact, it should be said that he inherited their knowledge, and it is some incomplete knowledge. It was precisely these incomplete and half-understood knowledge that made Zhang Yang depressed for more than a month in the hospital...

Zhang Yang sighed, and moved his body after several hours of inactivity. He had been thinking about it for more than a month, but he couldn't figure it out. He carefully folded the newspaper and put it in his pocket. He glanced at the student sister beside him, It wasn't until now that he realized that the younger sister beside him was actually very, very beautiful. Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that such a good chance to meet him was wasted by him, so why be so dazed...

Of course, even if Zhang Yang is not in a daze, he would never dare to take the initiative to hook up with a girl, even if he had ten courages.

Zhang Yang closed his eyes, pretending to be extremely tired, and leaned slightly towards the girl. He could smell the virgin fragrance from the girl's hair. Zhang Yang liked this smell very much, and he also felt the girl The skin on the child's arms is very slippery...

Although Zhang Yang is very timid, he will never let go of the opportunity to profit from this kind of unfamiliarity. This is not a school, nor is it city C. This is a train. Zhang Yang is not at all worried that his ugly behavior will be caught. People found that, of course, his lust was only to bring his body closer to that girl.

I have already arrived in County S, and I can reach City C in about an hour. In the entire carriage, except for Zhang Yang who is single-minded in taking advantage of it, most of them are asleep. Even those who don't sleep are drowsy, the worst It was the girl next to Zhang Yang, who didn't know if she was really asleep or just asleep, she was squeezed into a ball by Zhang Yang and leaned against it. With her eyes tightly closed, her long eyelashes fluttering non-stop, she looked pitiful and disgusted.

In fact, from the corner of Zhang Yang's eyes, he has already seen the disgusted expression, but he doesn't care, no one knows anyone when he gets off the train, and if he gets off the train, he wins. Hehe, little sister, what are you afraid of, you won't get pregnant if you get off the train !

Suddenly, Zhang Yang, who was feeling the delicate skin, was full of evil thoughts, his ears twitched, his hairs stood on end, and a dangerous feeling spread all over his body, permeating every cell.


Zhang Yang's body leaning on the girl's arm suddenly sat upright, Zhang Yang's sudden movement startled the girl, and he opened his big eyes...

In an instant, Zhang Yang's sluggish gaze suddenly became sharp, and his whole body was like an unsheathed sword, showing its sharpness. At this moment, Zhang Yang could feel that he was no longer Zhang Yang before, and he had completely become a different person. People, although their thinking is still their own, but neither their hearing nor their reactions are what they used to be...

Zhang Yang tightly clenched his fist, and then slowly loosened it, clenched and loosened. Finally, his trembling fingers regained calm, and his eyes turned to the source of the danger.

Sure enough, Zhang Yang's judgment was correct. Five men with naked upper body smiled and pushed open the door of the carriage. The five men were all muscular, each holding a sawtoothed dagger in their hands. A chilling light shone under the light.

The heist has begun!

The people in the carriage seemed to sense the danger, and most of them woke up, but no one dared to make a sound in front of the gleaming sawtooth dagger.

The robbery of the five people was very professional. They searched passengers one by one. They cut a thorny face at the beginning and suppressed the commotion of the crowd. The blood flowing, the rampant grin and the sharp blade made all the passengers swallow their breath.

Getting closer, getting closer, Zhang Yang's heart beat violently again, and he couldn't control his fear.

Calm down, calm down, take a deep breath.

Although Zhang Yang kept reminding himself that the cowardice of the original surname does not become courageous just because of having a few awesome incomplete memories, those few serrated daggers that shone with cold light reduced the courage accumulated in a moment when they first encountered a dangerous atmosphere. A little deprivation, and more importantly, the girl's trembling soft body seemed to be able to infect fear, which made Zhang Yang's sharp eyes return to a timid look, and his hands and feet trembled again.'t be afraid...

As a man, Zhang Yang felt that it was his duty to comfort the girls around him. What's more, he didn't take advantage of it at the beginning. He should comfort and comfort both emotionally and rationally. Maybe his own comfort would turn into a beautiful encounter.

Zhang Yang patted the back of the girl's hand lightly with his hand, but he didn't realize that his hand was shaking more than the girl's.

The girl's hand was soft and warm, and Zhang Yang really wanted to hold it in his hand to experience the feeling of icy muscles and delicate bones.

It's a pity that the girl didn't look moved at all. The back of the hand that was slapped by Zhang Yang seemed to be stabbed by a needle, and she hid behind her back fiercely. The whole body shrank into a ball. It was photographed on the horse's leg...

Of course, Zhang Yang's embarrassment was only for a moment, and he didn't have time to spend his thoughts on embarrassment, because those burly men with their upper body naked were robbing very fast, and they had already squeezed in front of him from the crowd. The snakeskin bag in a man's hand was already buzzing, obviously, it was already full of their trophies.

Hand over the money!

A man patted Zhang Yang's face lightly with a sawtooth dagger, his face was ferocious, Zhang Yang felt the cold blade, and even saw a few drops of blood on the sawtooth, obviously, this was the beginning of a The blood on the faces of passengers.

Zhang Yang didn't make a sound, his face was dull, no one could have imagined that Zhang Yang's mind was in a fierce struggle at this time, he was considering whether to make a move, he was 100% sure to knock down these robbers within a few seconds However, Li Xing told him that in fact, he did not have such a big certainty at all, this certainty was just his own assumption.

Hey, little brother, don't be afraid, we only ask for money.

The big man withdrew the jagged dagger with a smirk on his face. The child was petrified, and he understood very well that he had encountered such things a lot.

I, I... I'll give you...

Finally, fear overcame his thinking. Zhang Yang believed that although he possessed top-notch fighting skills in his head, his frail body could not beat these five burly men at all. To use the professional terminology of painting, he called it eyes are high and hands are low. .

Hey, not bad, not bad, very good, is this your girl?

The big man took Zhang Yang's wallet and threw it into the woven bag behind him without even looking at it. There was an evil light in his eyes, and the dagger reached the girl's chin and raised the girl's face high. The child looked terrified but did not dare to speak out, and looked sideways at Zhang Yang begging for help.


Yes, I am his girlfriend...

Before Zhang Yang could answer, the girl hugged Zhang Yang's arm tightly with one hand and said anxiously. Zhang Yang's head suddenly became hot, and his arms felt soft and plump. Because the girl hugged Zhang Yang's arms hard, her well-developed chest was tightly attached to Zhang Yang's arms.

Really? The big man looked at Zhang Yang suspiciously and asked.


ps: The new book is released, and we urgently need collection and recommendation tickets!

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