The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 998 Rare freedom

Of the three pots of porridge, there wasn't even a grain of rice left for Li Menglong. The porridge pot was one that didn't need to be cleaned. If you didn't dislike the girls' drool, you could actually put it away directly.

Moreover, several small boxes of kimchi were removed from the refrigerator. The kimchi girls from each family were almost familiar with each other. Now that they had gained a certain level of face and connections, these people began to name each family's kimchi. Kimchi: Kim Taeyeon’s spicy cabbage, Yuri’s radish cubes, Yoona’s pickled crab...

Li Menglong felt that every family would not be very happy when they made kimchi for these girls. They all ate it for free and you were still picking and choosing. Don’t you know that you feel sorry for the hard work of your parents in making kimchi?

But it’s not to blame the girls for being picky. In fact, these girls don’t have much time to eat at home, and if they pick up some kimchi they don’t like, they will end up throwing it away. Fortunately, with Li Menglong, all this has been fundamentally reversed.

Li Menglong is like a food trash can. At least so far, I haven't found anything he doesn't eat, so the girls feel much more comfortable when getting things from home. They can take whatever their parents give them.

Every family is not short of money, so the things they get for their daughter are naturally of the best kind, and there is also a hint of competition. The taste may be good or bad, but the only thing that is consistent is that the ingredients are all very good. precious.

So it seemed that Li Menglong was completely advantaged. The girls picked what they liked to eat, while Li Menglong ate whatever he touched. Fortunately, the girls felt happy watching Li Menglong eat, and they finally lived up to their parents' hard work. Work.

So accompanied by three pots of porridge and several boxes of side dishes, the girls all slumped on the chairs and rubbed their bellies. It couldn't be said that they had eaten too much, but they were a little bloated. Especially Yoona, who almost died under the guidance of hatred. Chewed the pot right away.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the porridge cooked by Li Menglong is super delicious, otherwise Yoona will not be embarrassed to drink it desperately. It is no longer revenge on them, but revenge on herself. How is it like now? She has avenged herself and filled her stomach. She licked her lips proudly, and Yoona smiled happily.

In fact, Xu Xian's pot of porridge was brought out by Li Menglong for himself, because the girls most likely wouldn't eat from that pot, but he still underestimated this group of people. What can't be eaten when hungry? Besides, sweet potato porridge itself goes well with it. It’s sweet and glutinous, and a sip directly warms your stomach. It’s very comfortable.

Li Menglong was not surprised no matter what these people did, so he pretended that it had never happened. He made two boxes of instant rice in the microwave, and then put all the food in the refrigerator Take out all the vegetables and cut them into cubes: diced zucchini, diced carrots, diced ham...

A few drops of dark soy sauce should be added to the fried rice. Li Menglong personally likes to eat colorful things. Just by looking at the appearance of the red rice, you can eat two more bites. The new side dishes in the refrigerator are all placed at the end, so that you can Make sure not to let other side dishes sit out for too long.

Taking out the outermost box, Li Menglong didn't recognize what it was until he opened the lid. It's no wonder that Li Menglong was ignorant. There are really too many things that can be used to make kimchi in Korea, not to mention various vegetables, etc. Radish leaves, sweet potato stems, clams, whitebait, shrimps, in short there are all kinds of things.

Each region is different, and what the neighbors do may be very different. In addition, the girls' families are from different regions, so it is even more difficult to identify. Put an unknown leaf on the fried rice and directly sandwich it. When you pick up the leaves, there is naturally a mouthful of rice inside. You put it in your mouth and chew it together. It tastes very good.

"Whose kimchi is this? It's very delicious. Please bring more in a while!" Li Menglong ate with big mouthfuls.

The girls have long passed the time when they needed to rely on each other's kimchi to compete for position in the team, but Li Menglong still has some weight in their hearts, even if it is to cook more delicious food for them in the future.

So everyone looked over one after another. They were not good at recognizing kimchi, so they all recognized it through the box. This time, Hyoyeon won the prize. I guess when she goes home and tells her mother, she will be extremely happy: "My mother made it." I’ll bring you more next time!”

"Well, thank Auntie for me!" Li Menglong nodded: "What kind of clothes does Auntie want? You buy it for her, and then say I bought it! It's a thank you to Auntie!"

Xiaoyuan didn't take it seriously. It wasn't even the first time that this kind of thing happened. Almost all the girls had been told by Li Menglong like this. It was true that they all bought things for their families, which made the elders in the family like Li Menglong even more. .

But things are still a bit weird. They picked the things, spent the money, and gave the gifts. Li Menglong just kept talking during the whole process, but he was not sincere, but he warned him again and again. It's a confusing account.

"What are you reaching for? Do you want money? Bring the invoice over after you buy something. It's not like I won't reimburse you!" Li Menglong said matter-of-factly, while picking up a chopstick and feeding it to Kim Taeyeon who came over.

"Every time you say that, you bully us and we can't remember it! Besides, whoever buys gifts for the family brings the invoice with them. If the family finds out that they bought something so expensive, they will be scolded!" Xiaoyuan scolded there.

"Then you can't blame me, right? This is your responsibility. I stood on the side of justice the whole time!" Li Menglong looked at Li Soonkyu and Yoona who were approaching again, and said helplessly: "I said Aren’t you full? Why are you gathering here? I don’t have pets! Are you still feeding everyone?”

"Tch, it's just because you've done too much, so I'm kind enough to help you eat a little!"

"How dare I cook more now? Are you too underestimated of yourselves?" Li Menglong is definitely not exaggerating, because girls always like to grab some food, so Li Menglong always likes to bring more food when he first starts cooking. Some.

It's just that this extra band is a bottomless pit. Even if you make twice or twice as much, there will still be nothing left. The girls' appetite is absolutely terrifying, so now Li Menglong makes it normally and can eat it. As much as you can.

Finally, she glanced at Li Menglong's very appetizing fried rice. Kim Taeyeon really wanted to taste it. This time her purpose was very simple, because she could hardly hold anything in her stomach. She just relied on her eldest sister's Due to her status, she often grabbed porridge.

A group of girls were walking around the living room holding their waists with one hand and rubbing their bellies with the other. They had to take a short walk to give their stomach and intestines some exercise before they could go back to sleep. Otherwise, if they turned over in their sleep, they would spit out a mouthful of porridge. .

When Li Menglong finished his portion of fried rice, there were already several girls missing, and there were still a few watching TV in the living room. After all, they didn't have a unified sleep schedule, otherwise they would all rest according to Jessica's time. What was going on with them? There is no need to do anything, just sleep for a day.

He threw a few blankets to a few girls. Although the weather was a bit hot, the girls were not sick. It was not Li Menglong’s business to cover them or not. He wrote and drew in his room for a while, and when he came out Those in the living room were already in a semi-conscious state.

Just pick them up one by one, don't act like you're molesting them, put them in a correct position one by one, or sleep on the sofa or on the floor, as long as they can't freeze anyway.

Li Menglong himself also yawned. Sleeping is quite contagious, especially since he didn't sleep well last night, so he thought about it for a while and then gradually fell asleep. There were only ten people in the huge room. There was a faint sound of breathing, and the space was very quiet and harmonious.

I don’t know what happened this time. Li Menglong didn’t remember his dream. Could it be that he was drugged? Otherwise, why did he get up later than the girls? When he came out of the room rubbing his eyes, nine girls had gathered in the living room and watched TV.

At first, Li Menglong really thought he was dreaming. He could sleep better than Jessica? This is unscientific, but facts speak louder than words, especially with the naked contempt in the girls’ eyes, this is clearly the fact.

"Ahem, Yoona, aren't you still at war with them?" Li Menglong began to provoke the relationship between the girls.

It's just that girls have very strong self-healing abilities. Yoona raised her chin and said, "I have reconciled with the Unnies. Do you have any questions?"

"No, no one can reconcile with you at such a speed!" Li Menglong complained, and then he was so lazy that he didn't want to move, so he strode towards the girls.

Because Li Menglong didn't like sitting on the sofa, he usually sat on the carpet, but this time he wanted to try it for no reason, so he met with fierce resistance from the three people lying on the sofa. The final result was that Li Menglong succeeded. He sat down with Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon's feet on his lap.

A blanket was pulled out and directly covered their feet, which caused bursts of dissatisfaction from the two of them. How many people were drooling just looking at the goddess's feet? Li Menglong still thought they smelled bad? It’s obviously delicious!

When ten people get together, especially with Li Menglong here, there is never a shortage of topics to talk about, especially with Li Menglong’s shameless defense. Xu Xian also dares to complain at such times, which makes the girls think every time. Hands on, teach this young maknae who doesn’t know how big or small he is, just know how to hug his thighs.

The topics were random and all over the place, ranging from Kim Taeyeon’s IQ to Seohyun’s toenails with the best color, from where Yoona’s appearance ranks in the girl group to why cockroaches are so scary…

At a certain point in the conversation, Li Menglong asked casually: "What are you going to do in the second half of the year? There will be no tour this year. I have already said hello to the company. All activities are based on your personal wishes." , at least four months of free time, any ideas?”

The girls who were suddenly liberated are still a little confused. In the past, they were extremely busy and their schedules were always arranged by the company. Who asked them? So now that they have suddenly gained absolute freedom, these girls are not used to it!

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