The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 994 Proof of biological sisters

Yoona was holding a box in the car, her expression was indescribably aggrieved, and there was a bottle of soy sauce hanging under her lips, while the other girls looked at the things in the box and didn't know what to say, no. There was no camera found in the nanny's car, so they must have thought it was a hidden camera.

Don't blame them for being suspicious, it's just that this gift is something that makes people suspicious, and the host did not lie. This gift can indeed be called a surprise. It is estimated that many people will like it, and whether it is given to others again, it will be a surprise. Or if they are resold, they are quite valuable gifts. It is estimated that it will be sold for millions without any problem.

It’s just that gifts have to be distributed among people. Girls are not people who are interested in money. To be honest, Yoona and others did not have high expectations for the gifts. After all, the event is only that big, so no matter what Whether it is a juicer, a rice cooker, or some supermarket shopping cards, they will happily accept it.

But it can only be said that this gift was given to the people who should be the last ones. Yoona looked at the albums with their signatures in her hand, and she almost cried, especially looking at her own signature carefully. Yoona even wondered if this signature was signed by herself?

That's right, the gifts prepared by the organizer are several signed albums of the girls, including some old albums from a few years ago. It is a very thoughtful gift and has a lot of collectible value. Considering the popularity of girls in Korea, it is really a thoughtful gift.

But don’t girls have their own albums in their collection? Absolutely not, let alone one. They keep one or two boxes of each album at home. On the one hand, they plan to give it away in the future so that they don’t feel bad. On the other hand, they simply buy too much. After all, It’s easy to be impulsive when you see a new album.

"Okay, after all, it has a signature, right? Your Lin Yoona's signature from three years ago. Doesn't it look very friendly to you?" Kim Taeyeon persuaded on the other end.

"Tch, if you want an autograph, I can just ask you to sign it myself. What does this mean?" Yoona stared at her signature with her head lowered, as if she wanted to recall the situation when she signed, but Yoona's Ten thousand autographed albums in a year is considered a small number, and she's damned if she can think of it.

"It would be nice to have some prizes. Didn't you see the look of death on the host's face? If you don't want it, they won't give it to you!" Li Menglong complained in front of him: "If you really don't want it, you can give it to me. Ah, if the value rises in the future, I can take it out and exchange it for some money!"

"It's very valuable now, okay? Give us one million, and I'll give you these albums!" Li Shunkyu encouraged from the side. She really doesn't mind making a little money from Li Menglong.

"Where is the current value? Do you know when your album will be most valuable?" Li Menglong said mysteriously: "It will be when one of you dies, and then your album will be completely different. .”

"You just stay here, I won't give you this chance. Just give up on this idea completely. We Girls' Generation will be together even if we grow old and die!" Lee Soon Kyu said confidently.

But this time the first one to pop up was Xu Xian. The little girl had a very troubled expression: "Unnie, it's not appropriate!"

"That's right, Xiaoxian's body will definitely live several years longer than yours. When you guys are about to pass away, don't take them with you. Don't worry and be kind!"

"Ah! What do you two mean? We can live for a long time, okay!" Kim Taeyeon shouted speechlessly from the side. Don't make them look like they are in poor health. We all have to meet together. Live to be ninety-nine.

We chatted casually in the car and then got home. Although this day was not too stressful, the relaxation without pressure made everyone feel lazy. They were the kind of people who were not tired but just didn’t want to move. Li Meng looked at They all wanted to go and lie down for a while.

In the living room, everyone's position is fixed. It can be said that in this family, there is a very strict hierarchy system for who should sit, stand, or queue at the back in each place. The worst part of it is not Seohyun is the maknae.

Although Xu Xian is young, she can't help being diligent. She can get up twenty minutes early in the morning to wash up. If there is no place to sit, she can find her own seat far away to read. But Yoona can't.

To sum up Yoona simply, it is the life of the maknae and the illness of the eldest sister. If Yoona is allowed to be the eldest sister in the team, she will definitely be able to adapt seamlessly and bully Kim Taeyeon and the others to call her daddy.

But it's a pity that she is just the second maknae, and she always wants to eat well and drink spicy food, so she is the kind of person who remembers to eat and not to fight. Although she is taught a harsh lesson every time, she still pounces when good things happen. Go up.

For example, now I sit on the sofa first, then lie on the carpet after being kicked off by Jessica. After being kicked out by Yuli and others, I can only lie on the floor speechlessly. I can still comfort myself: "It's cooler on the floor, unlike your place where it gets so hot that you get prickly heat!"

Li Menglong sighed when he saw this scene. Maybe only maknae like Seohyun and Yoona can survive in this vicious environment: one keeps hiding if he can't be offended; the other has the indomitable self-comfort. Spirit, no one can try to defeat me mentally!

"Why are you laughing there? If you have nothing to do, go squeeze some juice for us. Remember not to put yams!" Kim Taeyeon glanced towards the kitchen and said casually.

"Did you admit the wrong person? I'm not the maknae of your team. I'm going to write something. Don't be too late!" As he spoke, Li Menglong walked to his room and closed the door. .

In the first few days, everyone was not used to it, but now they are used to it. It's not that Li Menglong hates them, he just needs some space of his own to think about the company. The girls give him full respect for this.

It's just that without Li Menglong, everyone was a little bored watching TV. After all, there was a topic maker missing. Without him, we realized how important Li Menglong was in daily chats. First of all, as the initiator of the topic, each topic is very interesting and can attract everyone to follow up.

Secondly, he is a good supporter. No matter who starts a round of complaints, Li Menglong can quickly follow up and continue to make the topic bigger, giving everyone more room to play.

As for now, Kim Taeyeon was holding her stomach and huddled there, feeling groggy. Kim Taeyeon's state was like an alarm clock. After more than an hour, the living room was completely quiet, and all the girls were holding their stomachs and being quiet. Sitting there, his expression couldn't be described as painful, but he didn't have any urge to joke.

"Do you still have yours? Mine has been used up and I keep forgetting to buy it!" "Please, you said this two months ago. You have used up all my share!"

"I think there's another pack on the second floor!" "Forget it, I'm not used to your model!"

"Otherwise, let Li Menglong go buy it!" "Bring me some too!" "I want it too..."

"Li Menglong! Menglong oppa! Menglong kiss..."

"What are you doing? Don't scream so disgustingly in the middle of the night, okay? It's easy to attract ghosts!" Li Menglong opened the door helplessly, but then he was shocked by the scene in front of him and stopped joking. After all, the girls were all Not in very good condition.

To say that he is seriously ill is definitely an exaggeration, but his face is no longer rosy and listless, and each of them has no confidence in speaking: "Don't you have food poisoning? How do you feel now? Do you need me to take you to the hospital?"

"Everyone eats the same thing, so why aren't you poisoned?" Kim Taeyeon hummed. If Li Menglong hadn't had sensitive ears, he wouldn't have been able to hear it.

"There's no need to go to the hospital. You can help us buy something!" Li Shunkyu waved his hand and motioned for him to come to her mouth. After all, only she said these words so she didn't have to be so shy.

Li Menglong's expression changed crazily in response to Li Soonkyu's words, and his body tried his best to resist: "Why do I have to go? You go by yourselves!"

"Nonsense, if we can move, we can still use you!"

"Why can't you move? Aren't there nine of you together..." Li Menglong covered his mouth and looked at these girls in horror: the one who stared at each other fearlessly, the one who covered his face shyly, and the one who lay on the sofa pretending to be dead. , but no one denied Li Menglong’s statement.

"You are really sisters!" Li Menglong really couldn't say anything except this sentence: "This is just this time, it won't happen next time! In one minute, compile a text message with the names you want to use and send it to me!"

Li Menglong went back to the room and changed his clothes. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. But when he saw the text message sent, he rushed out angrily again. Seeing the pitiful looks of the girls, he couldn't help but smile. It was hard to get angry, so he lowered his voice and said, "Are you going to eat this? Buy so much at one time?"

"Isn't this because I'm afraid I'll trouble you again in the future?"

"Then you can go buy it yourself after that!"

"Well, you yelled at me? When we were so vulnerable, when your girlfriend, your confidant, and your sister were all unwell, you still yelled at us?" Lee Soon Kyu's acting skills are so wonderful that Yoona even Can't you help but applaud her? She is indeed the woman who killed Li Menglong.

Sure enough, Li Menglong couldn't say anything except scratching his head in annoyance. He grabbed a handful of money from the living room and rushed down: "Bring more money, this thing is not cheap! "

"You came here so late, do you need anything? By the way, we have stocked the beer that Sunny said she wanted to drink last time. Remember to tell her!" The clerk said very kindly, after all, they are all acquaintances.

Li Menglong pushed his hair hard and smiled sadly at the young man. Then he lowered his head and began to read the content of the text message: "xx brand home night use 20 packs, xxx brand ultra-thin protector" Wing-shaped 50 packs, xxxx brand Super Sleeping 30 packs..."

"Brother, are you talking about sanitary napkins?"

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