When Li Shungui opened her eyes, the first thing she did was to look up at her watch. When she saw that the time had passed twelve o'clock, she lay down again with peace of mind. She can proudly say that in the three-acre land of Girls' Generation, sleep alone Speaking of it, she, Lee Soon Kyu, has never been afraid of anyone except Jung Soo Yeon.

As for Jung Soo-yeon, the "sleep master", she is a god-man who can sleep 25 hours a day. Sometimes they are so afraid that they want to test her breath occasionally, for fear that she will not wake up after a long sleep.

When he walked downstairs, he had already heard Jin Xiayan's noisy voice. He didn't really hate this kind of excitement, but he liked the quiet state of Li Menglong sitting there quietly and busy with his own affairs.

The upside-down bowl on the table also showed obvious signs of movement. The oil stains made Li Shungui lose his appetite in an instant, especially the plate of green peppers made her very angry, and she recovered through the clues on the bottom of the plate. The process of turning a plate of hot pepper beef tenderloin into hot pepper.

After taking a few bites casually, Li Shungui took the cucumber and walked to the living room. Their activities have gradually increased recently, so cucumber, a sharp tool for weight loss, has become a must-have.

In the living room, Hyoyeon and Kim Ha-yeon were studying the plot of the cartoon together, while Kim Tae-yeon was half-starved, her eyes turned to the balcony, and there seemed to be a world like this side, only two of them were holding books. back view of man.

"Ah, aren't you going yet?" Li Shungui couldn't help shouting out of indescribable irritability.

"Oh, you're up too?" Li Menglong was the first to stand up and stretched his waist to follow her words: "Then everyone get ready."

The corners of her mouth raised up unconsciously, Li Shungui still pointed the small half of cucumber in her hand to Li Menglong, saw that he took it in a hurry, then wiped it with her hands and continued to eat, her mood improved a lot for no reason.

Because they were just going to visit the class and didn't have to face the camera, everyone just put on light makeup and changed into a few more decent clothes, but it was Girls' Generation after all, and the simple attire still gave them the appearance of a big star.

Acting as the driver again, Lee Soon Kyu's Hyundai could no longer hold so many people. Fortunately, Xu Xian called the company's nanny car over today.

Because Li Menglong had something on his mind in the car yesterday, it was the first time he took a serious look at the nanny car. The first feeling was that it was big, really big, like a room.

What's more, it's complete. It seems to have everything from food and clothing to useful things. The two bed-like reclining chairs in the middle even have the function of massage. Li Menglong looked envious for a while.

"By the way, if you go to visit the class, wouldn't it be better to bring something to eat? Why don't you go to Shanying's wife and bring some fried chicken, it's delicious and not expensive!" Li Menglong suggested to everyone.

Naturally, everyone has no opinion on this kind of trivial matter, and Li Shungui still has a vague feeling of returning to his hometown after a good time, after all, he was too sloppy when he haunted here.

When a nanny car parked on the side of the narrow road, half of the neighborhood was in a commotion, people walking, grocery shopping and even fighting surrounded him. Seeing this scene, Li Menglong planned to let them rest in the car. Just go down by yourself.

Who knew that Lee Soon Kyu didn't appreciate it at all: "Let's go together, this kind of person is nothing to us."

So the combination of Yishui's sunglasses and masks, the outfits that don't match the broken links here, and even the vague catwalks make them so different.

I don't know who yelled Girls' Generation first, and the scene became restless in an instant. Fortunately, they had already rushed to the store, and Li Menglong cleverly locked the door, and the world quieted down.

But then he was shocked by a scream, and the sound actually had a taste of rising and falling, seeing Kim Taeyeon rising up, seeing Hyoyeon descending again.

The proprietress Shanying is really at a loss, what are these celebrities doing here? It seems that there is nothing else to do except eat fried chicken, right?

"Nuna, why are you standing still, hurry up and take a photo with them." Li Menglong pushed the proprietress from behind, and then went directly to the back kitchen to order the chef to make the portion.

He knew that the photo of the other party was going to be hung in the store, but Li Shungui didn't mind, the other girls didn't say anything when they looked at her or Li Menglong's face, and they helped if they could.

A few girls were left to listen to the experience of Lee Soon Kyu's glorious proprietress, while Li Menglong pulled Sunying's proprietress aside, and asked directly, "Nuna, how much cash do you have in hand?"

"Inside?" The proprietress's eyes were full of doubts. Although she could lend him some money, this attitude was too much to beat.

"I don't want to borrow money." First, I reassured the proprietress: "I have a friend who has a store in Hongda. Do you want to open a big fried chicken restaurant?"

"Huge? Is the location good? What's the area?"

"There's nothing to say about the location, it's surrounded by universities. As for the area, I don't think you need as much as three floors, so I'll give you one floor."

"Three floors? That's not a big area!"

"A thousand square meters is enough for you."

"That's not enough, isn't it! How much?"

Hearing Li Menglong describe the location and area in detail, the proprietress was tempted, but at the same time she was a little apprehensive. The deposit for renting that place for one year was a sky-high price.

"It's easy to talk about the money. I'll give you my friend's phone number. You two can discuss the specifics." It was a good effort to leave the fat man's phone number to the proprietress.

As for Fatty's club, it has been closed since that day. There were not many high-profile customers and they were all offended, so they couldn't continue doing it. Fortunately, the location is really good, and you can't lose anything if you do anything.

"We are also responsible for the destruction of the club's business. If we need some money, we can make some money." The shop is too small, and the conversation between Li Menglong and the proprietress can be heard clearly, Li Shungui came over and said.

"Okay, I won't be able to escape you at that time." Li Menglong responded casually.

Later, Li Menglong originally wanted Xiaoxian to accompany him back to pick up some books. Although he didn't choose, he was really not interested in reading Xu Xian's books, but Kim Taeyeon and the others couldn't help but insisted on going over to read them.

So through the dusty streets and narrow stairs, I finally arrived at Li Menglong's old house. Li Menglong still held the door that would break if he opened it. If he opened the lock, he saw that the proprietress Shanying had come, and there was nothing wrong with the wind in the room. smell.

Lee Soon Kyu lay down on the bed as if he had returned to his own home, Seo Hyun also sat on the window seat and picked up a book, Li Mong Yong really wanted to tell them that this time he was not coming back for a permanent residence of.

(There will be another update later, I hope everyone will support it)

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