The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 976 Don’t be a coward

The warm atmosphere makes people want to get drunk. Lee Menglong is like this now. Although he drinks very little, he is completely dizzy. He can't distinguish the various sounds around him. The loudest ones are Kim Jong Kook and Lee Soon Kyu Na. The wine shop next to me.

Although Lee Soon-kyu drinks a lot, there is still a gap between him and Kim Jong-kook, who does not drink all year round. You must know that Kim Jong-kook is not unable to drink, and he exercises every day throughout the year, so his body is definitely the capital of drinking.

And from a physical perspective alone, the capacity of Kim Jong Kook’s stomach is at least as large as that of two Lee Soon Kyu, so even if Hyoyeon and Sooyoung are added in, it is barely a tie with Kim Jong Kook, and Kim Jong Kook is still very proud of it. Li Menglong waved his hand.

This time it was a bit public outrage. You must know that the girls were also deliberately giving in to Kim Jong Kook. Now they happened to be a little dizzy and the atmosphere was good. Relying on the relationship between Li Menglong and Kim Jong Kook, occasionally there was no big deal at the wine table. It shouldn't be considered a taboo if you are not young.

So Li Shunkyu slapped his little hand directly on the table. The girl was quite smart and knew not to use any force, but what should I do if the sound was not loud enough? I saw Li Shunkyu raised his bowl and knocked it heavily on the table, successfully attracting everyone's attention.

"Can you drink it like this? Go get the soju. One of us must fall down today!" Li Shungui said with great enthusiasm.

"We don't always have this at home, how about I go down and buy some for you?" Li Menglong asked from the side. It was Li Menglong's idea not to prepare soju at home, because girls are always willing to take a few sips secretly when they are stressed.

Li Menglong is not such a pedantic person. He doesn't care if women don't drink. He just can't stand it. The girls have a shockingly low self-control in front of soju. Soju, a low-alcohol liquor, has many advantages: such as the variety of flavors and even fruits. Taste; for example, the alcohol content is low, and you almost don’t feel drunk when you drink it; for example, you can drink it and relieve your hangover at the same time!

Therefore, the more you drink soju, the more you drink it, and your head hurts terribly the next morning. The girls acted drunkenly a few times, and after covering their heads and hitting the wall in the morning, Li Menglong was forced not to keep this at home. If you want to drink it, go buy it yourself.

With how lazy Kim Taeyeon and others are, it would be damning if they are willing to go down. As for Li Menglong taking the initiative to suggest that he buy it, it is mainly because he feels that the atmosphere is really good now. No matter what everyone wants to do, he will agree to it, which is considered to be a blessing to these relatives. A small repayment, thanking them for being willing to be his relatives, Li Menglong.

Li Shunkyu burped cutely, and looked at Li Menglong with a smile: "Tsk, tsk, you are so easy to talk to? You are worthy of being my Li Shunkyu man, but what are you going to buy downstairs? Here are two people who haven't drunk, go and take us upstairs. Bring down the inventory!"

Li Menglong didn't have any surprised expression. There must be stock on the second floor. However, when the second box of soju was carried down, his expression finally changed. When five boxes were placed in front of him, Li Menglong even appeared. A look of admiration.

How did these girls get here? You must know that they are usually very busy, and Li Menglong is also at home. It is not easy for them to do such small tricks. It is very likely that they will bring a few bottles at a time to add up.

But this time they were hemorrhaging a lot, and they had contributed more than half of their inventory. After that, it became a problem to take a few sips occasionally at night. As for now, it was naturally not the time to criticize. I saw Li Shunkyu skillfully placing an open bottle on the foot of the table. Guys, it’s not an exaggeration to call that action a wine-opening machine.

After opening more than a dozen bottles in a row, even a small bottle cap was placed in front of Liu Zhihao. Li Shunkyu directly raised a bottle of soju and stood up unsteadily. Li Menglong was very afraid that she would fall, so he leaned directly towards her. So close that I can catch her.

"Brothers and sisters-in-law, as well as my dearest sisters, and of course my lovely nephew Liu Zhihao!" Li Shunkyu looked around, his expression became much more serious, his lips moved several times but he did not speak. Come on, it seems like she hasn't thought of what to say.

"Anyway, I'd like to thank everyone on Li Menglong's behalf!" He hesitated for a long time before saying this. He glanced at Li Menglong secretly and found that there was no trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes except full of love. Then he felt completely at ease and then raised his neck. A bottle of soju disappeared.

In fact, this sentence is only suitable for her, Li Soonkyu, to say it. Li Menglong himself would not say it if he dislikes being pretentious. Although Li Menglong put a lot of thought into his actions and allowed everyone to truly feel it, many words are still clearer to say.

Li Menglong thanked these people from the bottom of his heart for appearing in his life, so that he would not feel sad because of the loss of some memories. You must know that normal people have all the relatives, friends, and lovers they have, and they are closer. and closeness.

He is willing to give everything he has for the group of people in front of him. Li Menglong doesn't know how to describe this feeling. In a simple analogy, if anyone in the group of people needs to borrow money, Li Menglong can not only lend his own money When he goes out, he is willing to go into debt for these people, even if he needs to repay the money in the end.

Li Menglong looked at each one sincerely, and then he couldn't say anything. He just picked up the bottle in front of him and drank it in one breath. His raised eyes were slightly red. Unfortunately, only Li Shunkyu could see it when he stood up. .

Now that both Li Menglong and Li Menglong have expressed their opinions, this group of people cannot be cowardly. Jin Zhongguo was the first to knock on the wine bottle in his hand: "I won't say anything unnecessary. Anyway, I have been a brother Menglong since I was a teenager. I recognized it years ago, and from now on we can just treat each other as family. I hope you won’t dislike me for being such a troublesome oppa in the future!”

The girls also drank the wine directly. In fact, they didn't care whether they were close to Kim Jong Kook or Yoo Jae Suk. They just simply recognized Li Menglong. This man had completely entered their hearts by relying on his love for them. in life.

As for the identities, they are also very diversified, including parents, elder brothers, younger brothers, presidents, managers, assistants and even some lovers. Of course, there are many attributes of lovers. When no boyfriend appears, I occasionally chat with Li Menglong, a member of the opposite sex. It makes sense to talk about these topics.

As for the difference between this kind of love and the love between men and women, if I have to describe it, it is a bit similar to the Electra complex. Of course, Li Menglong is not yet at this level, but the relationship between everyone is sincere. It is estimated that in the future, the girls will marry Li Menglong might still cry when he was alone.

This atmosphere makes Li Menglong very embarrassed. In this atmosphere, he is like a fish in the air. It is difficult to breathe, so he can express his emotions a little. Anyway, Li Menglong has recognized these people for a long time. .

Fortunately, Liu Zhihao, the "eldest brother" seemed to understand Li Menglong's thoughts very well. A flood of water flooded the Jinshan Mountain, causing chaos at the scene. Seeing Luo Jing'en about to get up, Li Menglong directly hugged the eldest brother: "We men go to the bathroom, you guys Women should stop following me, it will have a bad influence!”

"Gui, then you have to be careful and don't throw your man into the toilet and flush it down!"

"You should be more careful when you speak! I've already spread rumors about my affair with my father, and now I'm going to spread it with my son? I'm still not a human being!" Li Menglong said speechlessly.

With this small interlude, the atmosphere became lively again. Since the atmosphere was so good and everyone was drinking again, those who could drink were welcome. Yoona, Kim Taeyeon and others immediately came to Kim Jong Kook's side. They Girls' Generation is one and the same, and they won't be willing to bring down Kim Jong Kook.

Li Menglong was not idle either. Since he had been drinking, the dishes on the table were not suitable. Fortunately, everything was ready-made at home. The Korean beef and pork belly were all thawed, and the baking pan was set up on the table. Now it is a barbecue restaurant; let’s get another one. In the induction cooker, put all the leftovers in a pot, add some water and let it stew. As for what you eat, it depends on your luck.

With these two pots, the atmosphere has completely climbed to the top. After all, drunkards also need occasions and dishes, and they can't just drink in a dry way.

Li Menglong looked at what he meant now and guessed that everyone wouldn't be able to leave at night. Even in Kim Jong Kook's state, Li Menglong didn't dare, otherwise he would regret it if he bumped into Yin Eun Hye when he returned home.

Fortunately, there was not much else at home but plenty of sleeping places. Li Menglong first called Xu Xian over and told her to arrange the two ladies and his eldest brother for the night. There were plenty of rooms, clothes, etc., after all. There are nine girls with a lot of everything in stock.

Xu Xian is still reassuring, and this girl is not drinking yet. After bumping fists with Xu Xian, Li Menglong turned around and prepared to join the battle. He moved his arms and pulled down his trousers to ensure that his body was in good condition. In top condition.

Then he squeezed directly to Kim Jong Kook and shouted loudly: "Are you Girls' Generation bullying others? You really think that our turbo has no one, right? Today you line up, whoever falls first will be the puppy!"

"Then let me express my opinion on behalf of the sisters. Although we don't have time to keep pets, we really don't mind having a few to spice up our lives occasionally! Let's have a drink first to moisten our throats!" Kim Taeyeon acted as the official spokesperson for the girls. , obviously it has reached the hearts of the girls.

Both Li Menglong and Li Menglong are so heroic. It would be inappropriate for Liu Zaishi to drink there again, right? Men can be knocked down but they must not be cowardly, especially at the wine table, where there are still women.

However, although he rushed over in a hurry and said something very manly, he was still scared to see the half cup of soju. But you must know that Liu Zaishi had tried his best. If he had a drink directly, he could pour it on the spot, so he drank it first. Don’t wait until you’re dizzy after half a cup.

After Li Menglong and the others decided the winner, anyone gave Liu Zaishi half a cup of soju, and he fell unconscious. Li Menglong and the others were very familiar with this routine, so they didn't stop him. People with poor alcohol tolerance were also eligible to participate.

Besides, this is a war between men and women. Li Menglong secretly poured another bottle cap for Liu Zhihao. If you are young, drink less, but don’t be timid!

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