The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 950 I’ll Treat You to Fried Chicken

Lee Soon Kyu's character is the type of one who is held back and forced to retreat. The provocation method is very effective for her most of the time. For example, right now, there are eight other people's signatures on an album. , except that she, Lee Soon Kyu, is missing.

Although it is okay to say that it is because she is aloof, it can also be understood as what Lee Menglong said, that it is natural for her to be excluded, so will Lee Soon Kyu be excluded? This is simply a big joke. Who doesn’t know who is Girls’ Generation’s group favorite?

This fan listened to Li Menglong's words very seriously and was about to go to Xu Xian for an autograph. He didn't understand Li Menglong's fighting intention at all, so he was stunned for a moment when Li Menglong pulled his shoulder.

But before she could ask questions, Lee Soon Kyu stood up and pulled the album over across the table: "I do this for the fans. After all, it's not easy for her to meet us once, so I'm not giving you face!" Lee Soon Kyu She said stubbornly, while signing her own name very large.

Li Menglong nodded and did not refute. After all, after getting the benefits, it is not easy to anger Li Shunkyu anymore. It was an equal exchange, and it was obvious that Li Shunkyu himself was very happy. He pushed the fan who was in a daze, and the two continued to move towards the next step. The girls walked away.

"Did President Oppa do this on purpose?" the fan asked in a low voice.

"It should be said that it is full of well-intentioned guidance. In fact, she is still willing to sign autographs for you!" Li Menglong said with a smile: "This album is valuable, it is always worth a piece of sushi. I want to exchange it next time Keep looking for me when the time comes, but the sushi must be better!"

"I won't sell it. This is a token of me and the girls!" This fan held this commemorative album in his arms: "Of course the sushi is delicious. This is what my dad made in the morning. The freshest fish I brought back from the sea, and the lunch box my mother specially made for me, I gave it to you to eat!"

"Don't be so pitiful. Besides, when we come to SW, we may feel that the venue is small and there are not many celebrities, but I have never heard of anyone finding our fried chicken unpalatable. Our fried chicken is good. The best fried chicken! I treat you today!" Li Menglong patted the fan on the shoulder and said proudly.

"Is it really okay? In fact, I gave sushi to Oppa just so I can eat fried chicken for lunch. I have all my pocket money ready. After all, I don't usually have the chance to come to Seoul!" the fan said excitedly.

After hearing this, Li Menglong was really touched. Only then did he think seriously. It seemed that many of the fans at the scene came from other places. After all, the girls' autograph sessions were limited to two in Seoul.

Therefore, if I want to have close contact with the girls in this album, coming to Seoul seems to be the only way. Although it cannot be said that it is difficult for families to come over to chase stars, but looking at a group of high school students and junior high school students, Li Menglong felt that it was not easy for a group of children.

Since their parents were relieved to let them come over, Li Menglong felt that he, the girls, or SW, had the obligation to take good care of these children. They couldn't be like a treasure at home and become a little match girl when they came to SW.

Just do it if you think of it. Li Menglong motioned to the fan to wait for a while, then turned around and continued teasing Li Shunkyu: "Ms. Li Shunkyu, this little fan of yours hasn't had lunch yet!"

Li Soonkyu said without raising his head: "Isn't there a fried chicken restaurant downstairs? You can go and eat it by yourself! Just charge it to my account, so I'll pay for it!"

Sure enough, Lee Soon Kyu is so generous, but the meaning of this sentence was slightly misinterpreted by Lee Menglong. Of course, Lee Soon Kyu doesn't know it yet, but when fans come to her to sign autographs, they always say thank you sincerely. Li Shungui felt very upset.

Fortunately, she quickly saw the management staff of her personal club, who were very familiar with this kind of old fan Li Shunkyu, so she asked directly what the situation was without anyone else. This person was also very surprised: "It's not you who is treating me to fried food." Damn it, the fans downstairs are praising you like crazy!"

"Nani?" There was an unexpected horizontal line in the well-written signature, which made the fan feel distressed. However, Li Shunkyu was obviously not paying attention to this: "My treat? When will I..."

Li Shunkyu understood halfway through the words. After all, there were countless people who dared to do such things in her name. What's more, she had just agreed to treat guests and keep accounts, but she didn't name everyone clearly.

"It doesn't belong to everyone present. Only after you admit that the girls like you the most and announce it publicly on your personal Instagram, can you use your photo to get a piece of fried chicken!"

As soon as she heard this precondition, Lee Soon Kyu's mood eased a lot. Not to mention those die-hard fans who had already supported her, just a meal of fried chicken would be worth it for a fan. After all, those who can come today are considered to be fans of girls. The backbone is so strong. Lee Soon Kyu will probably go crazy with joy if these people make their stance public.

So the issue now is not about paying for a treat, but how many people will take a stand. As expected, Long Wish is still very upright. It is impossible to make everyone rebel with a meal of fried chicken. Their love for their respective idols is unswerving.

It's just that the fried chicken seems to be delicious. Although the fried chicken itself is not particularly expensive, after all, there are still many fans who are short of money, and the ones they buy and the ones given by their idols are completely different flavors.

Soon, Kim Taeyeon and others also learned the news through various channels. For a while, everyone gathered around and accused Lee Soon Kyu of doing these little tricks. Of course, Lee Soon Kyu would not suffer a loss: "This will cost a lot of money, I'm afraid you will feel bad!"

"You fart! Who invites fans to eat and feels distressed? You can obviously invite us to come with you!" Kim Taeyeon said angrily, and then shouted directly to the fans in the corridor: "Pass the word, Kim Taeyeon's fans also You can go eat fried chicken for free. There is no need to post it on Instagram, just shout out "Kim Taeyeon is the most beautiful" when ordering! The limit is 8,000 yuan per person!"

Because the fans were all connected in a row, the words were passed down one by one easily. When they arrived in the lobby, Kim Taeyeon's fans, who were still a little aggrieved, suddenly became excited, shouting for Kim Taeyeon across the floor. Yandu could hear it.

This time it was Kim Taeyeon's turn to make a fuss. Yoona took advantage of the sisters' accusations and trotted to the first floor. She finally noticed that it was the first one who spoke first, so Yoona directly stood on the table and waved. Holding her arms: "Yooner is treating everyone to fried chicken. Come and line up. The slogan is one of Yoona's strengths. Someone recorded it. Don't repeat it!"

The final result was that the girls treated these people to a meal of fried chicken. The cost was actually not as high as expected. First of all, almost half of the people at the scene paid for it themselves. After all, they felt sorry for the girls when the total cost was added up.

Secondly, everyone didn’t eat much. In addition, the proprietress was making a profit at a loss. Basically, the supply was at cost price. One girl only spent millions. I have to say that the money was well spent. The more you spend, the more money you spend. Doesn’t it mean more fans?

While the girls continued to sign autographs upstairs and the fans were eating fried chicken, Li Menglong was also communicating with several fans in charge and Li Eunxi, because most of the outsiders among these fans did not spend the night in Seoul. Yes, after all, my family is not worried either.

But it would be a pity to just leave after this rare opportunity, so Li Menglong meant that he and SW would rent out the entire hotel nearby as a place for everyone to rest. There will be a live broadcast of the girls tomorrow, so please participate. Playing songs and then going back can be regarded as a more complete trip.

But the most worrying thing is the safety issue. Let’s not talk about what happened during the collective action. Let’s talk about tonight’s stay. If an accident happens while going out for a walk, who is responsible? Therefore, Li Enxi was strongly opposed to this idea.

However, Li Menglong felt that this risk could be taken. Because the starting point of his thinking was different, Li Menglong felt that he should treat these lovely fans better. As for the ways to avoid risks, there were many ways to avoid risks.

For example, tomorrow the girls' stage will be moved to the morning for recording and broadcasting, so that fans can go home in the afternoon. As for tonight, some small group activities can be organized to prevent these fans from acting alone. After entering the hotel, going out at night is prohibited. , this is also a way.

Although there are still many difficulties, these fan representatives are really grateful to Li Menglong for thinking so much for them. What else can they say? Just cooperate fully!

So everyone started to act separately. A few fan leaders went to inform everyone of the news and count the number of people who needed to stay here. Li Enxi started to contact the surrounding hotels. After all, accommodation for hundreds of people could not be so simple.

As for Li Menglong, he went upstairs and briefly communicated with the girls. The girls naturally agreed. They really didn't mind spending some money to give back to their lovely fans. After all, it was because of them that we had The current self.

"The accommodation conditions should be better, we can spend more, and there are also great late night snacks here..." Yoona was already looking for benefits for her fans.

Li Menglong waved his hand to indicate that the girls could continue to sign. If they wanted, they could come over and deliver them themselves at night. Li Menglong didn't care who stopped them. He bought lobsters and delivered them there.

And now he has to confirm tomorrow's singing program. It is difficult to attract thousands of fans for ordinary singing programs. Fortunately, Li Menglong, who feels embarrassed, still has someone to ask: "This is the situation. See if there is any way." ?”

"Is everyone so generous now? It makes me want to invite my fans!" Liu Zaishi said with some envy: "What's so difficult about this? I'll give you a call soon. You can call him and ask. I believe it. With the influence of girls, it shouldn’t be a problem!”

Li Menglong looked at the names on his phone and muttered uncertainly: "Liu Xiyeol? What kind of program is this PD? Or the deputy director? Let's try calling..."

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