The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 946 An accident happened

As usual, Xu Xian and Goddess Xu still have to praise her, so Li Menglong tried the last microphone: "Xuxian, if you dare to continue to be beautiful, the others will force you to quit the group!"

"Hey..." Li Menglong's words received the biggest boos so far. After all, the Long Wish fans don't like any topic related to quitting the group, even if it's just a joke. And most of the boos are because of the first half of the sentence. Although I have to say that Xu Xian is indeed good-looking, can he be a little more low-key? They all felt embarrassed when they heard it.

Along with the shouts of fans, Li Menglong did not hear the slight footsteps on the stage. When he subconsciously prepared to turn his head, his eyes were covered, and then he heard Yoona's naughty voice: "Guess Guess who I am?"

Li Menglong would be damned if he directly guessed Yoona, because the voice clearly didn't come from his ears, but he didn't mind participating in this little game, so he saw Li Menglong's big hand covering the back of his eyes. .

The fans also became quiet, intending to see how familiar Li Menglong was with the girls. The two hands were two people. It seemed that Li Menglong had noticed this, because he quickly let go of one of the hands, and both hands He began to carefully explore the other covered hand, as if he was confused.

But soon some Emmanuel fans discovered something was wrong. Although they didn’t know the specific relationship between Li Menglong and the girls, his relationship with Kim Taeyeon and Seohyun must be better. After all, they have lived together for so long. .

Moreover, Lee Mong-ryong has stated countless times that Seohyun is his true goddess, and even dared to say so in front of Lee Soon-kyu, so since he can detect Kim Taeyeon's hands, there is no reason why he can't recognize Seohyun's hands.

So thinking based on this inference, is it possible that Li Menglong took advantage of Xu Xian in front of so many long-cherished wishes? When a person has a preconceived idea, then looking at Li Menglong's expression, there is an aura of vulgarity.

Especially the way he held Xu Xian's hand in his hands and rubbed it back and forth with his eyes open. This was simply the dream scene of countless male fans. Why did Li Menglong dare to do it so naturally? Isn't this a slap in the face?

As a result, boos began to sound. As more and more people understood, the boos became louder and louder. Kim Taeyeon, who was half a beat too slow to react, also understood, so she became angry and swung her fist. He raised his arm and hit Li Menglong on the back of his head.

It's just that Li Menglong had been guarding against this hand for a long time, so when he noticed that Kim Taeyeon's hand had left, he began to bend down. However, in this way, he deceived Kim Taeyeon. After exerting his force, there was no place to put the force, which made her original. The ground spun around in a big circle and fell towards Li Menglong.

Fortunately, she was wearing shorts and there was no risk of being exposed. As for Kim Taeyeon's fall, Li Menglong could only say that she deserved it. The damn girl actually used so much strength. Fortunately, she avoided it. If she had beaten him, would he have Passed out directly on the stage.

First he touched the hand of maknae Seohyun, and then hugged the waist of the eldest sister and team leader Kim Taeyeon. Many people in the audience were very embarrassed to come up and chop off Li Menglong's dog paws, for how he dared to openly play tricks on their goddess on the stage. , Li Menglong thinks that millions of long-cherished wishes are all dead!

Listening to the loud boos from the audience, even the expressions of other girls who were watching the excitement changed. They originally thought it was just an ordinary joke. After all, fans were used to joking with Li Menglong, but they really didn't expect it would cause With the current situation, many fans are even ready to rush forward.

Many things are unpredictable, especially the so-called group incidents. Most of them are the reckless behavior of a group of hot-headed people, regardless of the consequences, which in turn affects the ordinary people, just like the situation in front of them.

Most fans can understand that this was an accident, or that Li Menglong touched Xu Xian's hand on purpose in the first place, but based on their relationship and the joke-like situation at the time, it was not something too extreme.

As for hugging Kim Taeyeon from behind, it was just to prevent her from falling, but this was obviously beyond explanation, because the loudspeaker was used backstage to appeal to everyone to calm down, and the security guards around them also started to form a human wall.

It's just like a flood, the thin human wall seems to be broken by the crowd at any time, and the girls' faces turn pale. If something really happens, let's not say what the news will say, just maybe The injured fans are enough for them to feel distressed.

Li Menglong hugged Kim Taeyeon and Xu Xian, who were nearby, behind him, and then stood upright on the stage, as if he didn't hear the deafening boos at all, his eyes sweeping down like knives.

Of course, it is unrealistic to expect that Li Menglong's gaze can make these fans retreat. If it happens, it will be the domineering spirit in fantasy novels, so Li Menglong is just looking for the people who dance the most happily in the crowd.

To solve the problem, we must deal with it at the source. This is Li Menglong's consistent principle, so he called several bodyguards of the girls over and pointed in several directions. Then Li Menglong himself jumped off the stage and got out from under the security guard's arm.

In fact, no one is paying attention to what Li Menglong is doing now. Everyone is subconsciously squeezing forward, some subjectively, some involuntarily, as if everyone wants to go on stage to kiss Fangze.

As soon as Li Menglong squeezed into the crowd, he felt force coming from all directions, as if he was being squeezed into mashed potatoes. Although he was squeezing forward, he did not dare to knock down the fans on the road, otherwise who knows whether he would be able to stand up. Besides, there was no room to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, the thorn in Li Menglong's eyes was not too far away from the stage. Coupled with Li Menglong's good physical fitness, he managed to walk in front of the opponent. However, this short man's face was now flushed with excitement. It was as if he had accomplished something great.

And as if this scene was not chaotic enough, this person took out several hard plastic boxes from the backpack in front of him, and inside were water balloons filled with paint. Now even a fool can tell that this person is Come prepared in advance, even if the current situation does not happen, the girls may be attacked while singing later.

As for this kind of behavior, don’t think that no one dares to do it. First of all, the most stuff in the balloon is ink, so it is not considered a violent injury. Secondly, if you are a minor, you will hardly be sentenced. Finally, you are limited to Because of the star's status, the girls might not sue.

But who was hit by Li Menglong? He was unlucky. When the man was about to throw the balloon out, his wrist was suddenly grabbed. Then the other party saw Li Menglong's indifferent eyes, and his trembling hands subconsciously He scratched the balloon, and the red ink inside poured all over them.

At this time, Li Menglong's image was quite terrifying, with a cold face, blood-like liquid, and motionless arms. The whole person seemed to have stepped down from the battlefield, and this man seemed to have reacted, with a hint of provocation: "I did it on purpose, you can take me..."

There was no more. Li Menglong's punch was enough to make the other party speechless for a moment. The whole person was hunched over like a shrimp and kept retching. As these anti fans who came here to make trouble were controlled, After that, everyone can start to hear the sounds around them again.

The anxious and even crying voices of the girls on the stage were finally heard. Only then did the group of people think about what they were doing. Wasn't it just that Li Menglong had made a joke with the girls, and it was just for fun? Their fans are happy, can't they watch it as a variety show? Isn't it enough just to boo?

Seeing that the fans seemed to be calming down, the girls did not dare to stop talking. They kept repeating those concerned words one by one, just to ask everyone to calm down, stop crowding, and pay attention to safety.

After a full ten minutes, the fans began to restore order again, and this was when the mall began to be afraid. Once something like a stampede happened, it would have a great impact on them, so even if the girls were still on the stage, the broadcast behind them But the voice of the person in charge of the shopping mall came from inside: "This event has been temporarily canceled due to safety issues. Please pay attention to the follow-up time..."

I have to say that this method is very correct and rational. The most important thing is to disperse these fans now, but they don't know how long these fans have been preparing for this day. This is one of the few times they can An opportunity to meet girls one-on-one in real life.

Some of them came from various places, some prepared specialties from their hometowns, and some of them had saved up for several years to tell the girls. They really cherished this opportunity, but the scene just now made the true fans of these girls very excited. Blame yourself, the girls must be frightened, right? That's fine, let them take a break, but this opportunity is such a pity.

Although the girls felt that this was not a good suggestion, as singers they actually did not have a high say in the matter. In addition, they were afraid that something might happen to the fans, so they acquiesced to this approach.

But just when the fans were about to leave, Li Menglong walked out of the crowd again. Although he was full of embarrassment, everyone was looking at the man who climbed onto the stage. The fans subconsciously stopped. This Men won't surprise them again, right?

"Jealousy is indeed one of the original sins! Why do you think you are jealous of me? What is the relationship between me and Xiaoxian? You all have such a big reaction when I touch my hands? Then if Xuxian and I hug each other, will you all join together? Suicide?" Li Menglong said helplessly as he took Xu Xian's microphone.

Sensing the worried eyes of the girls around him, Li Menglong wiped his forehead and shook the water stains away: "It's just red paint, not blood, otherwise I would have passed out by now!"

"Everyone doesn't need to leave yet. I'm going to communicate with the mall. If the book signing can't be held here, we'll find another place. Please be calmer next time, okay? I'm just going to cause trouble!"

Listening to Li Menglong's helpless and caring words like a big brother, many fans stared at the departing figure of this man, a man who always brings them surprises...

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