The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 91 The Second Performer

"The undefeated youth, I've been looking into the director's tone and their budget recently, and it seems that there is some space, so I want to ask you or other members of your team if they are willing to participate in this variety show." Li Menglong actually asked this question more. Ask Kim Taeyeon.

But on the one hand, I am more familiar with Xiaoxian, so ask her what she thinks first, and she wants to go as soon as she is outside. Besides, after all, there are relatives and distances between people, she felt that Kim Taeyeon would ask questions one by one according to her relationship, which would conflict with his thinking.

Sure enough, Xu Xian did not disappoint him. He first said that he was not suitable for variety shows, and then began to tell Li Menglong one by one. The final result is that Pani, Yuri and Hyoyeon are the most likely.

Among them, Pani is playing songs after a while as part of the promotion, Yuri is a veteran like Lee Soon Kyu, and Hyoyeon is pure idleness.

Preliminary considerations are always changeable and incorporate various factors, but the moment when a decision is made is often the moment of inspiration. In short, Li Menglong directly called Li Shungui and explained the situation to her.

"I don't have a problem with that. I can feel more comfortable with multiple companions, but would you like me to ask her for some service fees for you!" Li Shungui said with a smile.

"Get out! Help me call Xiao Yuan over."

Seeing the three people Li Menglong has called in, this is blatant revenge. Kim Taeyeon has already started a series, and the remaining three will go in together in a while to form an offensive and defensive alliance.

"You got me a spot in a variety show?" Xiao Yuan pointed at his nose and asked in disbelief.

"Not yet, but the possibility is very high. If there is no problem on your side, I will try my best to fight for you!" Li Menglong explained hastily.

"This is the second time we have met, and it seems that there are many better conditions than mine." Xiao Yuan gestured to the few people outside.

"It has nothing to do with how many times you have met, and your straightforward personality is also very suitable for variety shows, more suitable than any of them!" Li Menglong explained carefully that he was afraid that the other party would give her a handout and that he would call her if his teammates didn't go.

Seeing Li Menglong's appearance, Xiaoyuan laughed instead, and at the same time secretly scolded himself for being cautious: what else is there to be picky about, even if the other party is really careful, it is better than having no thoughts at all, isn't it?

Just as he was about to agree, he suddenly thought of Li Menglong's possible thoughts. First of all, let's forget about her and so on. She, Jin Xiaoyuan, is not such a casual woman. Then the most likely thing other than this is money.

Thinking that this opportunity was completely won by the other party, she said bluntly: "I have no problem with the show. As for the cost of acting, you can discuss it. When the time comes, I will share 50% of the remuneration with you."

"Hehe, you can be more confident in the future, look at the group of people outside, they don't look like a goddess." Instead of answering Jin Xiaoyuan's words, Li Menglong pointed to a few people outside and said.

And Kim Taeyeon, who was persuading Jung Soo-yeon, saw Li Mong-ryong pointing at them, and an ominous premonition rose up: "Ah, I will not give in!"

"Recently rest well, there is no big problem with the show, and the filming may start soon, watch more variety shows when you have time!" Pushing Xiaoyuan away from the kitchen, Li Menglong began to prepare dinner.

And Xiao Yuan felt a little weird, this is the first time someone said this to her, not even her manager, as if she was born to be at the tail end of Girls' Generation.

Seeing the constant changes in Hyoyeon's expression, Lee Soon Kyu thought it was because she had broken up with Li Monglong, and came over to try to persuade him, but Hyoyeon just said that he would take care of him in the future.

Li Shungui immediately looked like a big sister, and hugged Jin Shisui, who she was usually afraid of. When she heard the dividend she gave Li Menglong, she said in surprise: "He agreed?"

"I didn't say I agreed, but if I don't object, I'm acquiescing." Kim Hyo-yeon thought it was quite normal at that time, but Lee Soon-kyu's small eyes were fascinated together and he thought in his heart: There is another explanation for not objecting, that is, not agreeing, It's just that I'm afraid you won't be bothered to talk about it.

She didn't explain it to Xiaoyuan, anyway, it will be fine to see if it happens in the end, but she still has great confidence in Li Menglong.

A pleasant aroma soon came from the kitchen, because there were too many people today, and it was impossible for Li Menglong to stir-fry more than a dozen dishes before serving them, so he did what was simple.

Cut the pork and beef in the refrigerator into strips and marinate them, then take out the leftover frozen rice and cut and mix them with all the vegetables in the refrigerator, and then take out some of the remaining dishes .

So all the things left over from cooking for a month were emptied, and half of the refrigerator was emptied. Then it’s time to put the oil in the pan, and the meat strips are wrapped in batter and then fried in the oil pan. Rice and vegetables are rolled into balls and fried in oil. All the leftovers were poured into the pot, adding spicy, adding meat, adding ham, and adding more spicy, covering up the taste of the original dish with the spicy taste.

"If you haven't been to the kitchen, come and taste it!" With Li Menglong's roar, the living room became a little weird.

Kim Taeyeon's eyes kept spinning. On the one hand, she was thinking about the offensive and defensive alliance just reached, and on the other hand, she was also a little hesitant because of her physical instinct.

But when Li Shungui rushed over, she couldn't care less, so when she and Li Shungui held the meat and said it was delicious, and the other held the meatballs and said it was more delicious, Jung Soo-yeon gave them a rude look, and then Wrap the balls with meat and stuff them in one bite.

The meatballs and meat are eaten up as they are fried, so when we actually eat, there is only the pot of stew with a thick layer of red oil floating on the table.

Li Shungui believed unconditionally in Li Menglong's cooking skills, so he was the first to stick out his chopsticks, and when the red oil was pushed away, everyone's noses reacted to the aroma that was emitted from a long distance away.

Jung Soo-yeon looked at the sisters scrambling to get ahead, everyone chatting and laughing around the table, and Lee Soon-kyu's plump cheeks, some of them gradually began to miss the life in the dormitory.

Just when she was in a daze, a piece of ham was put into the rice bowl she was carrying, she was attracted by the aroma and instinctively took a bite, and then her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, only then did she cover her mouth and see the ham in the distance. Li Menglong is putting the meat from the chopsticks into Xiaoxian's bowl.

Li Menglong found her gaze when he turned his head, smiled kindly, and then swallowed the rice in the bowl full of red soup, Zheng Xiuyan also stubbornly took another big mouthful, but regretted it immediately.

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