The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 876 Feel more at ease

Li Menglong said he wanted to take a good rest for a few days, but that was all. He had a lot of things on his hands. Besides, all the girls were so busy. If he stayed at home and waited for death, wouldn't he attract hatred?

So the next day, Li Menglong started commuting with the girls. A group of people seemed to come here to check in every day. Except for the kind of activities that they really couldn't refuse, almost these people stayed in the company for more than twelve hours a day. Inside.

No matter how glamorous the stars are on the outside, they are so hard on the inside. These days, girls control their food intake and maintain their weight, while also participating in recording, singing and dancing, which consumes their brains and physical energy.

Li Menglong feels tired just looking at dancing. It's not that he has never danced before. He also learned some dances for Turbo's comeback. However, there are only two people in Turbo, and they still dance in the style of memories. That is, Li Menglong and Li Menglong are standing on the stage. Just move it casually, what everyone wants is that memory.

But this is a new song for the girls, and the group's dance is first and foremost neat. It would be best if all nine people's movements are as if they were carved out of the same mold, and they are exactly the same. The second thing is power. Why do stars dance better than ordinary people? Some? Or what is the essential difference between idols’ dance and square dance? That's power!

Every punch and kick is similar to boxing and martial arts. Basically, it is punched with seven or eight points of force. In the end, the movements must be controlled in the prescribed space. Therefore, idols on stage usually sweat after dancing to a song. And gasping is a given.

Even smart fans can find that the dance moves of solo singers will be less and easier than the overall group dance, because if Kim Taeyeon and others are allowed to sing and dance a song completely by themselves, their The breath will also be affected.

In order to be perfect on stage, private practice is almost a must. Fortunately, the girls have a good foundation, so although there are still many dance moves, the power is much less.

These were things that Li Menglong couldn't see. Xiaoyuan told her. Li Menglong didn't say anything about the girls' slightly lazy behavior. Anyway, the dancing in his eyes was pretty good-looking.

With the united efforts, the production speed of the album skyrocketed. On the third day, Xu Xian came up with her lyrics. It was a very strange style, but it still echoed Xu Xian's positioning. The little girl always has her own feelings about fairy tales. The longing.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't complain, because the lyrics are very suitable for girls. As for why the protagonist is not a person but a lion, Li Menglong can only say that it may be influenced by Xingyou.

With two title songs and six choruses, it can basically be sold as a regular album. However, the price of the mini-album will be cheaper. The girls did not mention it for the sake of the fans, and Lee Eun-hee naturally doesn't care about the small money, so this album is destined to be released. The album was decided on as a very cost-effective album.

There will be new progress almost every day. Dance rehearsals are going on every day, and details and formations are being modified. The costumes are almost finalized, and sponsors, including their own stores, have also begun to prepare for the nine-person dance. The album's concept photos were taken in advance and released several times, making fans look forward to this album with a strong brand of the girls themselves.

Li Menglong also stayed in the company and took the opportunity to finish all the editing of Star You. At least for him, this TV series has officially come to an end. Before he could relax again, he immediately received a notice from Xu Xian: You can book a trip to Jeju. Air tickets to the island!

Li Menglong only knew a little bit about this, that is, Seohyun was going to Jeju Island to shoot the music video. As for the specific details, Seohyun didn't tell him, and Li Menglong didn't ask more. After all, Seohyun was the director.

According to Li Menglong, he was working as an assistant director for Xu Xian. There was definitely no reluctance. He was just teasing the girl. As for what else to buy for the air tickets, he didn't settle accounts at all.

The nine girls traveling together must travel first class, otherwise the cabin will be a mess. And with the money, they might as well just charter a small passenger plane. Anyway, the group of people traveling together will be in their 30s and 40s. .

The business is basically done. After all, the music video, dance, and even the costumes can only be filmed after the songs, dances, and even the costumes are finalized. It can be said that the music video is the final part of a song, so the only thing girls need to worry about now is album sales.

But does Girls' Generation need to worry about album sales? As a result, all the girls are very relaxed. After all, there is the great god Li Menglong behind the music video, so nothing major will happen, so now they have to enjoy the last few days of leisure before the exhausting singing period.

There are many definitions of leisurely, but teasing Seohyun is always the most convenient and cost-effective way: "Director, is there a kissing scene in the MV? I need to report it to the company first?"

Xu Xian walked in the front dragging a trolley suitcase. After all, she was going to stay in Jeju Island for a few nights this time, so she brought some luggage. As for Kim Taeyeon’s shouting from behind, she just pretended that she couldn’t hear her, otherwise she would not be able to reply even more. It's endless trouble.

Xu Xian, who wore sunglasses and had a cold face, still had a strong aura, which made the shouts of a group of fans who came to see him off a lot weaker. Fortunately, Xu Xian smiled in time, which relaxed the atmosphere a lot.

Li Menglong was following Xu Xian, so he gestured to the fans behind Xu Xian: "I was bullied by the Ernies just now, and I'm in a bad mood! I'm sorry!"

Now everyone understands, after all, everyone has heard about Seohyun's status in the team, so all kinds of food and small gifts were sent to Seohyun one after another. It was hard for these fans, and they also Coax Xu Xian for Kim Taeyeon and others.

Xu Xian is not willing to talk, but there is something he is willing to say later. It is good to have more people. It is impossible for nine people to be unhappy collectively, right? So Lee Soon Kyu stood up immediately: "Thank you folks for your support. We will fully fulfill everyone's instructions. We will definitely cooperate with Director Seohyun's instructions on the set. I heard that there will be a kiss scene, so we will also..."

Xu Xian really couldn't listen anymore, so he took a rare step back from the front, and then pulled Li Shun Kyu's arm very hard, making her stagger, and then took advantage of his height advantage to hug Li Shun Kyu directly. She was talking nonsense.

It's just that Seohyun underestimated his own charm. Lee Soon-kyu had just been suppressed, and Yoona jumped out again: "Although Seohyun is just a new director, I won't act like a big name. I believe in Director Seohyun." The work will definitely be of high quality, so look forward to it!”

"Unnie!" Xu Xian once again made an exception and said coquettishly in front of so many people, making the fans on the side couldn't help laughing. Naturally, the matter of Xu Xian being the MV director has long been exposed by the girls using various means. out.

Fans not only did not oppose but supported it very much. After all, it was Seohyun's first time directing. Everyone should give support to a female director. And inexplicably, they felt that Seohyun's work would be very good. After all, a famous teacher makes a good disciple. !

The girls were busy signing autographs and taking photos with the fans here. Although it didn’t take long to board the plane, they at least had to have such an attitude. However, when they turned around, they found that Li Menglong had already come to the side of the fans and started Accepting food from fans and even sharing it with the staff who are with him.

After all, they have been together for more than a year, so the relationship between Xu Yuan and Li Menglong has become more and more harmonious. They have a new set of rules for giving gifts and so on. For example, now we know that girls are likely to control their diet, so just Some fruit platters were prepared for them.

Others still brought some high-calorie snacks, meat lunch boxes, etc., but they were directly cheaper than Li Menglong's. Maybe they brought them specially for him. After all, they didn't feel bad if Li Menglong ate them.

However, the girls felt distressed. They were all starving to death, but Li Menglong was still eating and drinking and taking advantage of their fans. Kim Taeyeon directly warned the fans: "Oh, don't do it again in the future." You brought food, but we can’t eat it! It’s all easier for Li Menglong!”

"It's okay to feed it to President Oppa. He usually works so hard to take care of you! Besides, it's all home-made food. President Oppa will scold the food if it's too expensive!" A fan leader returned with a smile.

Kim Taeyeon didn't know when Lee Menglong had such a good relationship with her fans, so she couldn't help but joke: "Ah, you didn't come here specially to see him off, did you come to see us by the way?"

"It's okay if Unnie wants to say that!"

After chatting with the fans for a while, he shouted to Li Menglong: "Hey, can't get on the plane? Director Xu Xian got angry after a while!"

"Right away!" Li Menglong and a group of staff speeded up again. What else could they taste? Let's eat it first and then savor it slowly. Li Menglong banged his chest hard, and the big piece of rice cake almost choked him to death.

It was not easy to talk to the fans anymore, so he simply pulled Yoona and Xu Xian over by force, and then rubbed the heads of the two girls. Although both of them looked bad, Li Menglong's meaning was clearly revealed. It's obvious: I will take good care of them!

However, Yoona was very disrespectful and directly gave Li Menglong an elbow with her hand. Li Menglong was naturally not the kind of person who wouldn't fight back, so he hit Yoona on the back of the head. Naturally no one wants to be the last one to be beaten in this kind of thing, so Yoona immediately jumped up and tried to take revenge.

Girls are no longer surprised by Yoona's mischievous behavior. Anyway, Yoona is getting further and further away from the path of a goddess. She might as well return to her true nature. Maybe she can expand her acting career. For example, which director will be there in the future? If you are looking for a young crazy woman, Yoona is perfect for her.

Lee Menglong was slapped a few times by Yoona and then fell to the back. After confirming that all the staff had gone in, he waved to the fans, and the fans left with peace of mind. With Lee Menglong by his side, it was really You will feel much more at ease.

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