The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 838 Both return home

How Pani cried bitterly at home to express her dissatisfaction with the girls' behavior of isolating members, at least to Li Menglong now, it doesn't matter much. As for Xu Xian, she can completely reflect on herself, after all, she is the one in this wave The mastermind.

"Did you do this on purpose, little girl?" Li Menglong still understood the rhythm of Xu Xian's conversation, so he asked directly.

Xu Xian rolled her eyes upward and tried to think back. To be honest, she was not sure whether it was intentional or not. Those words were indeed what she said, but in the flash of lightning, Xu Xian relied more on Intuition rather than calculated consideration.

So what Xu Xian is thinking about now is what she was thinking at that time or after every turn of events. After questioning her own heart, the answer came out quickly.

At least the groan at the end was really not intentional, because later she also knew that Pani would cry, and she also knew that Pani was sensitive, so Xu Xian would not hurt Pani like this just for the sake of a prank.

Although the damage was not too great, Xu Xian would never do it. As for the specific cause of that groaning sound, it is hard to say. It might even be due to an itchy throat at the time or a physiological sound produced by the throat before speaking.

The conversation between the two was extremely simple. After Xu Xian and Li Menglong explained it, the problem was over for the time being. What they had to consider was how to face the angry girls in the future.

As for Li Menglong, he believed in Xu Xian unconditionally first. Secondly, no matter what the answer to this question is, it doesn’t matter. If it’s not intentional, then it’s naturally the best. It proves that Xu Xian is still pure and kind. If it’s intentional, it’s also reasonable. He wants revenge after being bullied for so long, or it’s an impulsive counterattack. Just say a few words about Seohyun.

This kind of numbing tacit understanding between the two people absolutely exists, and it is the kind that outsiders cannot envy. This kind of tacit understanding cannot even be cultivated, it is like a collision of probabilities.

It is possible that everyone has such a perfect partner in the corner of the world, but the probability is probably one in hundreds of millions, and it happened that Li Menglong and Xu Xian bumped into each other with such a low probability.

Lee Soon-gyu sometimes thinks about whether to abdicate in favor of others and let Lee Mong-ryong and Seohyun form a bunch of model couples for everyone to see and take a look at. He even imagined their life after they were married, but in the eyes of outsiders, they should Quite boring!

There will be no disputes in life, because the truth always makes sense; Xu Xian will not act like a child, and Li Menglong will not be chauvinistic. Life is as dull as a lake of stagnant water, and the two of them can live together. Chitose became the absolute model for life with the ultimate goal.

Thinking of this, Li Soonkyu feels that she is particularly great because she broke such a painful pattern. Life is so good now, not to mention quiet. Lee Soonkyu's mouth is itchy even if he doesn't argue with Li Menglong for two days.

As for the content of the quarrel, it was very simple. For example, he disliked Li Menglong for being too ugly; for example, Li Menglong refused to give her the remote control while watching TV; for example, Li Menglong cooked ramen and only gave her soup...

Li Shunkyu sincerely feels that what a couple wants is not perfect agreement, but relatively perfect complementarity. For example, she likes to yell and Li Menglong loves to let her go; for example, she likes to use new mobile phones; Li Menglong likes to use her old mobile phones; for example, she likes to drink ramen. Tang Li Menglong likes to eat her leftover dry noodles...

Everyone has their own understanding of love in their hearts. Li Menglong will not force it to understand. He just needs to maintain himself. As for the first thing now, he is to find a place to sleep.

Normally, in such an exciting situation, a normal girl would still shout to get high, but Xu Xian is not an ordinary girl. Even if it is such a scenario of elopement and running away from home, Xu Xian still sticks to her biological clock. .

"Did you bring your wallet?"

"No! But does this have anything to do with staying in a hotel?"

"Don't you know that you need an ID card and money to stay in a hotel?"

"Well, if we owe the money, we can have it delivered to us later!" Xu Xian seriously thought of a solution: "As for the ID card, I can scan my face! Everyone knows me!"

Li Menglong had nothing to say about Xu Xian's innocent suggestion, and there was no need to blame Xu Xian for her lack of common sense, because she was completely out of reach, and she had never even gone through the hotel check-in procedures since she became a star.

This is just like many people who have bought pork for a lifetime but do not necessarily go to the slaughterhouse to kill a pig in person, even if killing a pig is a very common thing in the eyes of the butcher!

As for Xu Xian's confidence in facial recognition, it naturally stems from her dual popularity as the nation's first love and as a girl. However, no matter how famous she is, people can't let her stay without an ID card, especially the higher-end hotels have stricter requirements.

Seeing that the first suggestion was ruthlessly rejected, Xu Xian was not discouraged and came up with the second idea again, but although it was a little more reliable than the first one, it still smelled bad.

"Then I'll take you home and sleep in the car overnight!" Li Menglong thought about it and said.

"What's that for? It's not like there's no spare room at home. Besides, it's okay for you to sleep on the floor!" Xu Xian always speaks so confidently because he has no selfish motives.

But Li Menglong couldn't help but said: "In this case, shouldn't you be the one who took the initiative to give me the bed?"

Xu Xian was suddenly in a dilemma, because one of her beliefs was to give up good food and shelter to guests. Her parents had treated relatives in her hometown like this before; but she also had another belief: Li Menglong would do it unconditionally. The reason for letting her go was not only because of concern, but also because she was a woman!

So when the two left-wing opinions were mixed together, Xu Xian felt as if his computer had crashed, and he was very confused. Even after opening the door and entering the house with Li Menglong, Xu Xian didn't react. How sensational it is to go home with a man.

Naturally, Li Menglong was not so clueless, so he just leaned against the door and closed the door, with no intention of entering. He even saw Xu Xian walking directly to the bathroom, and he had to take the initiative to cough twice.

Suddenly at midnight, a man's coughing sound came from the living room. It was like filming a horror movie. Fortunately, Xu Xian also reacted and called "Omama", so that the two elders came out without carrying any baseball bats. .

However, they were still surprised when they saw Li Menglong and Xu Xian come back together. Naturally, they had known about Li Menglong's care for Xu Xian. After all, Xu Xian would tell Xu's mother everything.

But this does not mean that Li Menglong can come back with Xu Xian at this time! Because this scene is very suitable for Li Menglong to kneel down with a plop, and then said frankly with a sad face: "Xu Xian and I are in love, and it's all my fault. Please don't blame Xu Xian!"

Fortunately, the bloodshed will not always come so violently, and Li Menglong still has some credibility with Xu's mother, of course, it is limited to the extent that he can explain it first instead of beating him out immediately.

"So you are running away from home now?" Xu's mother has determined that the matter is a slightly bigger joke, and Li Menglong is also worried about Xu Xian's safety, so he is very relaxed now.

"Mom! It's not like that. It's just that I missed my parents, so I came back to see you!" Xu Xian rarely knew how to save face. Although the three adults wanted to laugh, they all held back. After all, the little girl was angry. It is also very difficult to handle.

The next step is not complicated. After all, it is at Xu Xian's home, which is more convenient than the dormitory. Li Menglong was also arranged in the guest room. Xu Xian has made a lot of money in the past few years. Xu's mother also has a career, so she has a set A three-bedroom room is still affordable.

Then it was time to go to bed. It seemed that Xu Xian's habits were inherited from his parents. At least no one had the habit of staying up late, even if there was a guest like Li Menglong.

Li Menglong also wanted to go to sleep directly and get up early tomorrow morning to accept a wave of thanks and favors from Xu's mother, and then leave with Xu Xian in style. But a fatal problem arose in the first step - Li Menglong couldn't sleep!

Because I'm hungry! I believe many people have experienced it when they feel hungry before going to bed. Although it is not painful but it is very sad, it will definitely not make people sleepy. Li Menglong was very obedient to his will, but he still subconsciously thought It would be great if we were in the dormitory. I guess if I call him over at this time, even if I fall asleep, I can get a few of them to eat supper together!

Opening the door furtively, Li Menglong was faced with a choice again. Isn't it a bit impolite to go directly to someone's refrigerator? So he could only use the second option, but he never thought that touching someone's daughter's boudoir in the middle of the night wouldn't be more heinous than digging through the refrigerator?

Of course Li Menglong thought about it, but that's what he really thought. Coming to Xu Xian was more respectful than coming to search the refrigerator directly. After all, what kind of relationship did he have with Xu Xian? As an oppa, he asked his sister to get up and do it. Any problem with a late night snack? What's more, Li Menglong is still a guest!

There are no curtains in Xu Xian's room, so you can still see Xu Xian's sleeping face through the moonlight. The girl's sleeping posture is very standard, just like the vampire lying in the coffin on TV, with her hands folded on her lower abdomen.

This sleeping position can outshine other girls ten times. Li Menglong is not sure about other girls, but every time he sleeps with Lee Soon Kyu, it's like a war. If he doesn't get kicked a few times every night, Li Menglong will doubt whether he is. Sleeping with the wrong person.

She quietly pulled up Xu Xian's pajamas to cover the girl's exposed collarbone, and then gently pushed Xu Xian. First of all, Xu Xian was not dissatisfied with being woken up. Secondly, he didn't scream when a man walked into the boudoir at this time. After seeing Li Menglong clearly, he even let go of his clenched hands.

Then his bright eyes looked at Li Menglong with a bit of suspicion and sleepiness. There was no trace of doubt in Li Menglong's eyes, but he was simply asking what was wrong with him. Could it be that he couldn't find the bathroom?

Li Menglong enjoyed this feeling very much, so he didn't say anything and just looked at Xu Xian and giggled. Since Li Menglong was so happy, he didn't know why, but Xu Xian would just accompany him.

So at one o'clock at midnight, a man and a woman smiled silently at each other. It would be better if it could be paired with some scary music...

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