It's impossible to really beat out the brains, otherwise Lee Soon-gyu would have to be chopped alive for the rest of his life. But this momentum needs to be shown. Recently, Lee Mong-ryong has been too out of touch, which makes Lee Soon-kyu feel that he can't give him some color to look at his body and mind. None of them are knowledgeable.

However, her head started to hurt after just two steps. In fact, Li Shungui had just played a clever trick. When she noticed that Li Menglong was starting to exert strength, she actually started lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, otherwise she would be unjustly beaten by Li Menglong.

Besides, the top of her head was really hurting. Li Menglong gritted his teeth and slapped her a few times but didn't stop. Li Shunkyu felt pain while listening, but she didn't blame Li Menglong. After all, he had such a good temper. He was beaten to death by more than a hundred blows.

If she shaves her head now, Lee Soon Kyu is even worried that her head will be full of pimples like a Buddha, and whether her head will be swollen instead of her face when she wakes up tomorrow morning. Will Girls' Generation collectively change their name to Big Head Generation tomorrow? ?

After shaking off these unrealistic thoughts, Li Shunkyu began to stare at Li Menglong, as if he was watching where to start a piece of pork. However, as Li Menglong raised his palm, Li Shunkyu immediately softened.

At least today's Li Menglong cannot be offended. He is no longer the same person they knew before. If Li Shunkyu dares to rush forward now, maybe Li Menglong will dare to throw her over the shoulder, and then touch her neck with something. of.

Just bear with it, Li Shunkyu could only advise himself this way. Of course, he couldn't be so timid in speaking to the outside world, especially after Xu Xian carried her to the second floor. You must know that Li Menglong basically never sets foot on the second floor.

So Li Soonkyu grabbed the stairs on the second floor and yelled crazily at the first floor: "Li Menglong, I advise you to sleep as long as you can tonight, and eat something if you want, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you tomorrow!"

The eyes of the girls lying on the ground pretending to be dead were all bright. This was a clever move. Not only did it eliminate the risk of being suppressed by force, but the key was that it could also speak harshly and protect their own face. It was like killing two birds with one stone. ah.

So the girls who were still lying corpses rushed up to the second floor in an instant without even needing support. Then the stairwell on the second floor was like a large trumpet, and all kinds of obscene words floated out. Although It's not to the point of being a curse, but it definitely doesn't sound good.

Li Menglong can guarantee that as long as he records these words, 100% of the girls will lose tens of thousands of fans the next day. However, it will be more than worth the gain. Li Menglong just thinks of listening to the girls' special rap, and it is free and The special edition is something that ordinary people can’t enjoy.

With a lingering headache, the whole dormitory gradually fell into silence as the night fell, but as if it was a secret signal, as Kim Taeyeon turned sideways to suppress the painful spot hit by the bullet, a late-night scream echoed in the room. Inside.

Maybe they were awakened by Kim Taeyeon's voice, or maybe the girls turned over on their own initiative. In short, the sound of wailing was everywhere. If a thief broke in now, he might be scared away. After all, the haunted house is not that easy to steal. !

As for Li Menglong, he can be regarded as the representative of a tough guy. He gritted his teeth while sleeping, but the sweat-stained bed the next day showed that he was not as relaxed as he looked.

There was no need for an alarm in the morning. The girls got up earlier one by one, and Xu Xian was the last one to get up. The reason for getting up is self-evident. It hurts to wake up when you turn your head, so who can sleep anymore? Go down?

So when Li Menglong got up, he saw a bunch of big-headed dolls with dark circles under their eyes staring at his room with endless resentment. If the other person's inner thoughts could be turned into words or even reality, Li Menglong believed that he would be very miserable now. .

But this is the advantage of big fists. Lee Soon Kyu and others don’t even dare to openly provoke, let alone point at their noses and curse, so now they can only follow the past rules, such as: "We want to eat! Eat! beef!"

"Do you want to eat human flesh?"


"If you don't mind it, just come up and take a bite!" Li Menglong exposed his arm, but no girl would come up and take a bite without opening her eyes, otherwise Li Menglong would really fight back.

When Xu Xian walked down, the atmosphere was already very quiet. Mainly because everyone had a severe headache and they still had something to say. Being able to talk to Li Menglong in the morning was all because of the anger in his chest.

Li Menglong directly refused to feed this group of people. The reason was that it was a state of war and we must not antagonize the enemy. Therefore, all the girls were still hungry. When Xu Xian came over, everyone took the initiative to give them all kinds of looks.

Although he didn't fully understand, Xu Xian still put on an apron and stood by the stove, scratching the back of his head with one hand. Xu Xian didn't know what to do for a while.

Xu Xian has always been blindly confident in his cooking skills. It's hard to say who gave him this confidence, and it's hard to say why Xu Xian, who is otherwise very modest, is so confident in his cooking skills.

Of course, it is inseparable from the consistent maintenance of the girls. The girls will not directly say how unpalatable the food Seohyun cooks is. They usually use more obscure words to slowly point it out, but it has been on demand for several years. I don’t understand on-demand either.

As Chef Xu, Xu Xian believes that a good chef should not be obsessed with rigid recipes. He should decisively discover the best combination of food based on the different tastes of the food, and then evolve it into a perfect dish with full color, fragrance and flavor.

So Xu Xian directly opened the refrigerator and turned a blind eye to the air-conditioning emanating from it. His eyes were full of all kinds of materials. The girls' refrigerators were quite rich in ingredients. This was not due to Li Menglong, but mainly because of the girls' shopping. The desire is relatively strong.

Although the girls were all doing their own things, their peripheral vision was focused on Xu Xian. Even Li Menglong glanced at it curiously. It must be said that Xu Xian's appearance was quite good.

The black apron was tightly tightened around Yingying's waist, highlighting her good figure. Her hair was meticulously combed into a ponytail and tied back, and there was a pair of glasses stuck in front of her nose, although her myopia was not too severe.

The most important thing is the perfect profile. Needless to say, beauty is a given. Mainly because he pursed his lips and looked like he was thinking seriously. As the saying goes, men at work are the most handsome. This sentence is equally applicable to girls.

But all this perfection was destroyed instantly, that is, when Xu Xian pulled out two stick-like yams with long arms. Although the girls had already guessed the result, they were still shocked.

But then they expected that the yam was just a side dish, and drinking some yam juice was better than not eating at all. But when Xu Xian took out all the yam from the refrigerator, the girls finally became uneasy.

This is not the first time for everyone to eat yams. Do you need so much juice? But since Xu Xian has brought them all out, that means the menu is likely to be steamed yam, braised yam, double yam, triple yam...

She swallowed silently. It was 100% not because she was greedy. As for saying it was disgusting, it was not appropriate. It was a subconscious reaction. At least the girls' movements were relatively consistent.

"Maknae, I find that I don't seem to be hungry anymore! It's okay for me not to have breakfast!" Kim Taeyeon, as the representative of the girls, came over and endured her headache to persuade.

"How can that be done? Skipping breakfast is bad for your health!" Xu Xian didn't turn around, but could see her ponytail trembling. She was obviously in a good mood. After all, she liked cooking, but the opportunity was not there. Not much: "I cook very quickly, guys, go take a rest first!"

Who could have the heart to say anything to the maknae who looks like a good wife and mother? Seeing Kim Taeyeon's kind face like a virgin, the girls knew that they were about to fall again.

In fact, similar situations have been happening one after another for so many years. Although it cannot be said that they have accepted their fate, they are indeed somewhat used to it. The girls even comforted each other and said that they should just eat vegetarian food to refresh their stomachs.

But just as they were soothing their stomachs, they strangely discovered that Li Menglong, who had just been looking at the maknae's portrait of Brother Zhu, had disappeared. The doors to the bathroom and his room were both open. It would be nothing if there was no one in these two places. There was a place for him to hide it.

Looking around curiously, he finally found Li Menglong at the door. This bitch even put on one of his shoes. As for the clothes on his body, they were very messy. He had obviously put them on casually in a panic, which connected this image with his Action, this is running!

"Ah! Li Menglong, what are you going to do?" Li Shunkyu asked directly in a loud voice. The key is that the direction is not towards the door but the kitchen. It is equivalent to telling Xu Xian and not him. Thinking of such insidious means, it turned out to be Lee Soon Kyu!

"Me? I'm going for a run!" Li Menglong said as calmly as possible with a steady voice.

"Isn't this the time to run? Besides, doesn't your head hurt?"

"You don't have to drag me with you if you want to die!" These words were spoken. Li Menglong finally said what was in his heart. Even Li Menglong was afraid of Xu Xian's yam feast.

Although it’s not that unpalatable, it’s not too much to eat something else to fill your stomach first when you go downstairs, right? It's not that he won't come back, it's just that these girls won't let him go. They are really helping the white-eyed wolf.

"Let's die together..." This was Li Soonkyu's silent answer to him, and then Li Menglong could only show up in front of the kitchen as if resigned to his fate, showing Xu Xian that he was still there and supported her cooking career.

No longer in a hurry to run away, Li Menglong simply sat in the living room with the girls and watched TV. At this time, it was all morning news. To be honest, no one present had really watched it.

Although there are fewer things in the entertainment industry, South Korea’s political circle is not inferior to the entertainment industry, and to some extent is even more exciting than the entertainment industry: “This is quite interesting...even the president can be screwed. Come down!"

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