The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 786 Chapter 8 White 10 Wise Guide

Xu Xian didn't know yet that her unnies were causing trouble over there. Even if she knew about it, she wouldn't be able to help. The energy involved here was too great, and she was even a little overwhelmed.

Xu Xian's life is relatively perfect. At least in the eyes of most people, the family conditions are very good. In South Korea, it is at least a middle-income family. If he didn't become a star, Xu Xian would almost study abroad and become a celebrity. Musicians and stuff like that.

Logically speaking, this kind of family would not let their children become trainees, but who knows what Xu's mother was thinking at the time.

It's just a trainee, but Seohyun became a trainee very early and entered s*m when he was about twelve years old. What can a girl at this age learn from movies, so at that time, Jessica and other old people would pity this girl.

If it were a normal rhythm here, Seohyun would have wasted a few years, but it didn't happen. Seohyun debuted in 2007 as Girls' Generation's maknae, despite being born in 1991.

Although Girls' Generation also experienced a wave of darkness, you must know that Seohyun was not yet 18 years old at that time. In other words, after 2009, Seohyun, who was less than 20 years old, began to enjoy the treatment of an Asian star. .

Do you look envious? Does he look like the protagonist in the novel? If it was still a little different before, then when Li Menglong appeared, Xu Xian was definitely the leading female lead, at least in terms of career.

Li Menglong has almost paved the way for Xu Xian in the next few years. The key is not the rigid requirements, but the many paths that can be chosen based on Xu Xian's interests.

For example, Seohyun can continue to make movies and TV series, after all, she has the title of the nation's first love; she can wait for the girls' solo wave to end and have her final solo as the maknae; of course, she can also follow the path pointed out to her by Lee Mong-ryong now - shoot something .

Judging from the current situation, there are three girls who have the greatest hope of getting rid of their idol status. Lee Soon Kyu is well-deserved and can retire and become a housewife; Jung Soo Yeon can consider developing into business; and Seohyun can consider becoming a cultural worker. Or, do some things that young people should do.

However, no one succeeds for no reason. Outsiders only see Xu Xian's brilliance, but how can outsiders understand the hard work behind her? Just saying that Xu Xian can get up early to study despite her busy schedule, this is a point that several idols have Can it be done?

Let’s not mention why girls dote on Xu Xian, let’s talk about Li Menglong. Did he want to train Xu Xian in this direction a year ago? That's definitely a joke. He knows what it means to be a director. Not to mention hardship and fatigue, he also needs to be spiritual!

And Xu Xian let Li Menglong see her spirituality step by step. Otherwise, if Li Menglong wanted to help Xu Xian, where would he start?

But it's good that they know these things themselves, and Xu Xian doesn't care much about the eyes of others. In this regard, she is very similar to Li Menglong. She just wants to live her own life well, and secondly, help those close to her live their lives well.

And now she was taking a very novel step in her life. She was pushed and shoved by Li Menglong, and she took a step half-threateningly: "Take a break for ten minutes. Everyone has worked hard. Let's do it again in a while!"

Although he did not end up in person, staring at a collective square formation of more than a hundred people was obviously more tiring. Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Xu Xian couldn't rest at all, and had to take advantage of his free time to find a few leaders to communicate the details.

"Drink some water, Xu Xian!"

"No, Ernie, go find a store and ask them to bring some drinks. I'll pay for it myself, so you don't have to charge it to the company's account!" Xu Xian turned around and said something before he began to think deeply.

As for Ernie, who was the temporary assistant assigned to her by the company, her original one had been promoted long ago. Besides, she couldn't afford to have an assistant specially when Li Menglong was around.

Although this Ernie is an employee of the company, he is quite disgusted with being assigned to be a nanny. Who knows that after coming here, all she can do is buy water and order meals. The problem is not that she doesn't want to get involved, but that Xu Xian Everything was handled in an orderly manner.

Although there were many collisions and twists and turns, Xu Xian overcame it bit by bit with great perseverance. Now hundreds of musical actors dare not look down on this girl. After all, anyone with ability will be beaten wherever they go. approved.

What is Xu Xian's ability? The first is musical literacy. How should I put this? Everyone has the same basic things, but Xu Xian has too much stage experience and has his own experience in choreography and formation.

Secondly, although Xu Xian's experience in controlling large teams is immature, it is real. Don't think that commanding a hundred people is simple, thinking that if you give money and give an order, the other party will follow your arrangements.

Xu Xian understands this very well, so starting from the lunch box, Xu Xian does all these details very well, and even makes jokes from time to time. If there were any members of the Star You crew here, they would realize that this is just another Li Menglong, of course the immature version.

After practicing until the evening, Xu Xian breathed a rare sigh of relief. Although she still had no confidence about tomorrow, the feeling of relief was still good, and she had worked hard to the extreme, and she would not regret it even if she failed.

"Then tomorrow everyone should find their respective captains and bring their clothes. We will wear jeans and white T-shirts. Please, if we succeed this time, I will treat you all to dinner!" Xu Xian said tiredly but sincerely.

"Our wise director can't be so humble! After rehearsing for so long, it will definitely be a success. You can go and book a hotel now!" an acquaintance said with a smile.

"Then I'd like to thank you all in advance. See you tomorrow!" Xu Xian waved to everyone. Her temporary assistant over there had already driven the car over, and Xu Xian had to go on the radio.

"What level do you think Xu Xian will be in the future? Actor? Singer? Director?" Several actors who went home together chatted.

"It's hard to say, but look at his magnanimity, can we take over the command of a hundred people?"

"What's the matter? Just give me money and I can do it!"

"Before you say this, ask yourself, are there many times when you give you money and you work hard? This time, I feel like you are almost burning yourself!"

"Hey, I just feel like I don't want to disappoint Xu Xian!"

"So this is also a type of ability. I wouldn't be surprised at all if she really becomes a director in the future!"

"Then what will Xu Xian film first? How about letting her film a musical first..."

At this time, the protagonist in their words is still working hard to support the show. Fortunately, broadcasting is very relaxing. Even if Seohyun is tired, it is okay to play a few more songs.

However, when there were still more than ten minutes left, Xu Xian suddenly saw Li Menglong appearing outside. He rubbed his eyes in surprise to make sure it was not a hallucination. After that, the corners of the little girl's mouth became obviously more curved, and her voice became much stronger.

"The kids are a little tired these days. If the show is not in good condition, please bear with me. When this time is over, I will let the girls come on the show together!" Li Menglong and PD said politely, giving each other face and throwing out temptations. The PD was so happy that he seemed to have gotten a big deal by taking a two-pronged approach.

"No, Xu Xian's performance is very stable, and the audience's response is also very good!" PD praised Xu Xian in front of him, and of course it was obvious who he was talking to.

Although Xu Xian was a little embarrassed, he still raised his head slightly. After getting into the car, Li Menglong carefully reminded: "Have you ever heard of cervical spondylosis? I'm very worried about you!"

Xu Xian frowned and reacted for a while before snorting dissatisfiedly, but the topic was quickly changed by Li Menglong: "I heard that our wise director is very popular recently, and he has hundreds of people under his command, so I'm curious. Why not Director Xu?"

"Friendly!" Xu Xian should have been modest, but this incident really made her very proud. The key is that most of the efforts came from herself, so it seems that she should be proud.

"Okay, if Director Xian has any big productions in the future and is short of an assistant director or something, forget to consider me! Everyone knows about it!"

"Hmph, let's talk about it then!"

It was rare to see Xu Xian like this, and Li Menglong also smiled happily. It was so quiet when he got home. After all, most of the girls were in Jingshan, and Yoona and Xiuying were sleeping and waking up when they got home. As soon as I got married, I went to film and lived a two-point, one-line, inhuman life.

"How are you guys doing in Jeongseon? Didn't oppa call to ask?"

"It should be fine. As long as you're not hungry, it doesn't matter about the show!"

"Tch, the unnies will definitely take better pictures than you, they are from Girls' Generation!" Xu Xian was dissatisfied and tried to save face for his unnies.

"In the hospital, who dares to say bad things about the people our wise director likes?" Li Menglong comforted the little girl: "Is there anyone who needs my help tomorrow?"

"No need, I will take care of it!" Xu Xian thought for a while before saying. After all, having Li Menglong by her side would make her feel more at ease, but she knew that Li Menglong was training her.

Besides, she has persisted for so long and cannot fall at the last step. She followed this project throughout the whole process. No matter whether it was a success or a failure, she wanted to carry it on her own. This is the responsibility of a director, although she still Not really a director.

"Okay, Oppa supports you mentally!" Li Menglong yawned and prepared to rest.

It’s just that Xu Xian couldn’t react for a moment, so he said it all in one sentence? Why should I say a few words of comfort again, to relieve her stress or something? How could it be so simple?

So Xu Xian couldn't speak directly, but he followed Li Menglong into his room and stared at him with his big eyes. Li Menglong asked with some confusion: "What is going on? You want to sleep with me?" ? Lee Soon Kyu is very stingy, be good and go to sleep by yourself!"

"Oppa is a bad guy!" Xu Xian blushed and ran up.

Li Menglong threw himself directly on the bed, lamenting that Xu Xian has become more and more difficult to deal with recently. Fortunately, he still has a trump card. If this trick doesn't work in the future...

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