There are many nicknames for Xu Xian, such as Fat Xian, Fat Dingxian, Xu Mengmeng, etc. One of them is the glorious title unique to Li Menglong. Although he rarely calls him, This title does exist objectively.

For example, when Li Menglong was caught by Xu Xian's sore leg, he habitually called Xu Xian Teacher Xu. Indeed, at this time, Xu Xian would not care whether you were her oppa. Seniority has long been unimportant.

Xu Xian has such a magical power that makes people think about some important matters, especially when Xu Xian is relatively reasonable. She likes to speak with facts, and it is clear who is right and who is wrong.

When the world was only white and black, and Xu Xian lost the gray, at least Li Menglong was personally embarrassed, because the fact is that Xu Xian is always right in this situation.

"I'm busy, for my career!" Li Menglong smiled and came up to try to get through.

However, he obviously ignored the seriousness of this matter for Xu Xian, so Xu Xian took two steps back and hugged his shoulders, his eyebrows were tightly knitted together. Everyone could tell that the girl was not satisfied with this answer, but But he didn't say a word.

At this time, Li Menglong's flattery level will be tested. Fortunately, he has been with Yoona for a long time. He has always seen pigs running away before eating pork, so now he doesn't care about face anymore. Besides, he can't bow his head in front of Xu Xian. Shame on you!

"I was wrong! I reflect! I review!"

"Yeah!" Xu Xian finally spit out a syllable, which was a good sign. Li Menglong kept up his efforts: "I shouldn't stay up late, and I shouldn't stay up late without telling Xu Xian..."

He could talk for five minutes, which meant that Li Menglong was quite eloquent. Otherwise, if Kim Taeyeon and others were to come over, his vocabulary might not be up to this level.

"Then oppa, go to bed early tonight! Your health is more important than anything else!" Although Xu Xian is young, she adheres to those principles that everyone knows but few can do.

For example, everyone knows that staying up late is not good. You can move the time to stay up late to the morning. That is, staying up late for two hours is exactly the same as getting up two hours early, but the impact on your health will be greater. But there are some Can an individual do it?

Li Menglong is not a saint. Although he also wants to rest, he still has to commit the crime against the odds. It is not that he has not thought of fooling Xu Xian, otherwise he estimates that if he is caught staying up late for the second time, Li Menglong will be expelled from this dormitory.

So Li Menglong could only shamelessly confess: "Today is really not possible. Tomorrow's script will be slightly revised. If we don't change it tonight, the crew will open the skylight tomorrow."

Xu Xianzai looked at Li Menglong carefully, and he didn't lie to her. If things were not good for herself or Girls' Generation, Xu Xianzai would definitely let Li Menglong go to bed without hesitation.

But now he is a staff member of hundreds of crews. Whether he has learned anything else this month is another matter. At least Xu Xian understands the responsibilities of a director. One of the most important things a director needs to do is Control the field.

Not only the performance of the actors, but also the coordination of cameras and lenses, as well as the lunch boxes and extra meals in the evening. Although the director does not have to do everything personally, he subtly allows the crew to have a relaxed atmosphere.

So if the situation is brought to him, although it conflicts with his own principles, Xu Xian will definitely choose to fulfill his responsibility as a director, so now he can only let Li Menglong go.

Ordinary people may still be a little bit intolerable to Xu Xian's aloof appearance, but Li Menglong took all this as concern for him. Although he apologized, coaxed and wasted precious time, the key is the final result. It hasn't changed, but Li Menglong enjoys it.

"Well, I understand what you mean. Go and get me a fruit plate. I don't want the yam!" Li Menglong pressed Xu Xian's shoulders and pushed her out. He originally wanted to give Xu Xian some opportunities to perform, but the little girl thought in her heart There will be less guilt.

Who knew that Xu Xian's heart was bigger than Li Menglong thought. Judging from the giant fruit plate, it could also be interpreted as taking care of Li Menglong's appetite. But when the coffee cups became two, another chair was moved, and the computer After getting one, Xu Xian's purpose was already very obvious.

Li Menglong wanted to imitate Xu Xian's behavior when he taught him a lesson and say a few words in reverse, but he didn't dare. Xu Xian obviously violated his principles and stayed up late with him. This is a feeling of affection, which should be cherished.

He always kept his words of thanks in his heart, and Li Menglong stopped being polite and tried to finish the changes as soon as possible so that Xu Xian could sleep for a while. So as the night got darker and darker, the two people downstairs were very energetic.

Today, Kim Taeyeon and others have schedules, but Sooyoung was forcibly called by Lee Mongryong to film the morning scene. In a huge dormitory, only Yoona is sleeping, and there may be another one who is Seohyun.

"Another night of trouble for our maknae?" Li Shunkyu woke up Li Menglong from his chair. He seemed to have fallen asleep lying on his stomach. He didn't even know how long he could stay asleep. As for Xu Xian, he settled him down Got to bed.

"For the sake of the tone you have accumulated all morning, I forgive you!" Li Menglong said calmly.

"You are the only one who has breath! If you don't believe me, just smell it, there is no smell!" Like a fourth child who can breathe fire, Li Soonkyu waved chemical weapons that had been brewing all night to poison innocent people.

Naturally, Xu Xian couldn't sleep anymore. If he slept a little longer, maybe more exciting topics would be brought up by these girls. As a senior maknae for many years, Xu Xian understood very well.

It's just that everyone has forgotten that there is another victim. Although they all go there for work, why does Xiuying think that her work has a plot of revenge?

"Director, oppa! Can't you just let me go? I also want to sleep in!" Xiuying pleaded with her hands clasped together.

When it came to sleeping, Xu Xian glanced at Li Menglong worriedly. She remembered the time to sleep, and it was definitely not more than two hours. She didn't know if Li Menglong could hold on.

But at least judging from his external performance, Li Menglong was in a very high spirit, and he was still thinking of comforting Xiuying: "Don't be like this, oppa, I'm trying to make you famous. I'll be waiting for the day when you become completely famous, how glorious it will be!"

Although the idea is beautiful, Xiuying is still more able to recognize the reality. If this drama is really going to be popular, Yoona will be the one to be popular! Secondly, although I only dare to think about it in my heart, it seems that this drama will never become popular.

All the girls gave Xiuying the highest level of praise for her heroic act of staying in the firing line even though she was slightly injured. This made Xiuying feel aggrieved because she hadn't agreed yet.

Leaving the girls there to tease Xiuying, Li Menglong went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Since he didn't get up early, his breakfast was naturally too simple, just some sausages and eggs in the ramen.

I don’t know where to start, but it seems that eating breakfast at home has become a habit for everyone. Although sometimes it is too simple, although occasionally there is yam juice that will kill people, although occasionally there is Li Menglong’s food that makes people want to go and kick them. vicious.

But none of this can cover up the beauty of having breakfast together. Everyone is like a family, chatting about the day's work plan and teasing each other. It's really not that important what the food is at this time. Of course, if the food can be better Some girls would never care.

"I want beef tomorrow morning!"

Li Menglong ignored Li Soonkyu's unrealistic ideas as if they were air. Whoever had time would give her beef stew early in the morning.

However, Li Soonkyu still got into a fight with him and insisted on coming over to pester him, which made Li Menglong very helpless. Just when he was about to agree, Xu Xian over there jumped out and said in a rare harsh tone: "Unnie, don't Too much!"

"Oh..." Almost all the girls exclaimed in surprise. After being with Xu Xian for so many years, this seems to be the first time Xu Xian has used this tone to them. Is the end of the world coming?

Lee Soon Kyu, who was accused, didn't feel any shame at all. Instead, he was full of curiosity. He came over to look at Xu Xian carefully and then asked softly: "Do you know about Unnie wearing your underwear?"

As expected, the big news came one after another. Xu Xian was usually surprised that he always lost a pair of underwear every now and then. If he didn't have confidence in Li Menglong's character, this was definitely Li Menglong's doing.

Fortunately, the truth is now revealed. As for the reason, Lee Soon Kyu, a mad man, always forgets to buy it. As a result, he can only "borrow" it when he wants to wear it. And why he only borrowed Seohyun's, this must take some objective considerations into consideration. It’s a fact.

Unexpectedly, another thing was unearthed, and Xu Xian didn't know what to say. Seeing Li Menglong gently shaking his head, she knew it was because Li Menglong didn't want to say it, otherwise the girls would be worried.

Xu Xian was originally the one who was kept secret. Only after knowing the complete story, could he realize Li Menglong's doting on her and them, and he could even take care of their emotions.

Seeing Xu Xian over there nodded, the girls were furious. There was a lingerie maniac in the dormitory. This matter was about to change the pace of the world, so they all took Xu Xian's side and started to attack Lee Soon Kyu. Round after round of crusade.

But Lee Soon Kyu is not someone to be trifled with. A little lion can bite when cornered. As for a pair of N's, it's not the first time she's done it. It's not the first time she's done it to the team's villain boss.

So I took two steps back, straightened my chest and retracted my abdomen, breathed out from my Dantian, and then slowly let out a deafening voice: "What do you ABCs have to worry about! Can't you see the essential gap?"

Abc could only refer to overseas Chinese, but that is obviously not the meaning here. Considering the context, especially when seeing Lee Soon Kyu's chest that was so puffed up that he wanted to explode on the spot, it is self-evident what he is talking about.

Among them, as the representative of the two big A's in the team, Yoona was sleeping, so Xiuying had to jump out and defend the glory of the ratite party: "It's amazing that you have big breasts!"

"Yes, it's amazing, what can you do to me!" Li Shunkyu was preparing to escape at any time, and was still singing: "aaaa..."

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