Li Menglong still feels that the company's structure is too small. When filming two movies together, he has to bring his family along with him, including the lead actor, assistant director, OST singer, album producer...

Wanting to help them is definitely one thing, but Li Menglong really can't find anyone else. Although there are many people who get paid to do things outside, Li Menglong doesn't trust them yet.

This kind of thing requires careful attention. Even if someone outside has more experience and talent, will they pay more attention to his work than Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu? Will Xu Xian come and think about him? Better than YoonA's acting skills...

But it's not Li Menglong's turn to think about this. It can be said that he has done almost everything he can do. He even thinks that after this wave of TV series passes, the company should also cooperate with big outside directors and actors. This is not a compromise, but It’s to do bigger and better.

It can be said that SW is still in the stage of primitive accumulation. Investment, scripts, and actors are all from its own family, which can maximize the company's interests. Of course, the premise is that the TV series can sell well.

But this kind of life won't last long, not to mention that Li Menglong can't guarantee that every drama will be a hit, and he doesn't dare to guarantee the drama he has now.

Li Enxi also knows this, so the company's publicity focus is mainly on Director Luo's answers, which can be regarded as reducing pressure on Li Menglong. However, although Director Luo filmed before Li Menglong, he was not actually much earlier than him. Play.

Because this time Director Luo has taken the risk. You must know that the previous two Reply movies were each 40 minutes long, and this time Reply 1988 is an astonishing one and a half hours long, with a total of 20 episodes.

Ordinary TV dramas usually have 16 episodes each and are one hour each. Director Luo is not only challenging himself this time, he may even challenge the "please answer" sign.

However, there is nothing wrong with Director Luo doing this. After all, this kind of TV series is almost destined not to be a hit on the street. Even if it is extended for one more minute, the income will be in the millions or tens of millions. Therefore, Director Luo cannot be said to be a philistine, it is just the market situation.

Fortunately, Director Luo is not the kind of person who clings to a moral bottom line. In other words, he doesn't have a bottom line when it comes to TV dramas, because he has always considered himself a variety show director and is just waiting for this wave of filming to be completed before starting a variety show.

Please Answer Li Menglong's show will be aired a week in advance. It may be a bit exaggerated to say that the crowds will be empty. After all, it is still a cable TV series, but the topic has already become popular before it is aired.

Although the leading actors are not well-known, Reply itself is a golden brand. Sure enough, after the feature film was released, the tradition of Reply continued. The various details of that era were grasped extremely well, and through the experiences of several ordinary people, The short talk between parents explains the changes of the times.

Now it's as if SW has created a universal composition template. Before the teachers get tired of reading it, they just need to apply it inwards. Although the core meaning can be understood without looking at it, but now that I know more, how can I express it? This is the essence of the script.

There are no surprises. Reply 1988 leads the ratings of TV stations in the same period with a ratings of more than 15%. Looking at this rhythm, it is estimated that it will probably end up with a ratings of 20% for cable channels. By then, it will If you help the bosses of TVB's TV drama department, they can collectively jump into the Han River.

However, don’t underestimate the power of each wireless station. It can be said that if SW hadn’t been a little more persistent, they would have poached the Reply series a long time ago, but even if they didn’t, there would still be a lot of good scripts in their hands.

A battle between face and morale suddenly became popular for no apparent reason. In fact, there are only so many good scripts every year, so although the three TV stations did not mention it in name, they would always bump into each other in private and try to separate their schedules.

It's just that this time tvn slapped the face too hard, and everyone didn't want to lose face, so the audience could only keep screaming recently. SBS released the fantasy drama "The Sun" starring So Ji Sub and Gong Hyo Jin; KBS released Two absolute big names, Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung, were invited to shoot all the scenes in advance. That winter, the wind was blowing, and it was already warmed up at the Baeksang Awards.

As for MBC, needless to say, Li Menglong's You from the Star is the card they played, but compared to the other two TV series, this one is more than inferior in terms of celebrity status.

Although they are almost not in the same time slot, the TV stations obviously can't let go. Whoever can stand out among these four TV series will at least be proud of this year.

As the saying goes, those who watch the excitement are not afraid of big things. Audiences don’t care what you think, as long as they can watch wonderful TV series, this June is called a happy June because there are four high-quality TV series. You can chase almost non-stop.

The first one to open was Reply, which had a good reputation, but the actors were a bit off. Then that winter, The Wind Blows, the actors acted well, but the script was a sad drama, and it always felt not very happy; the most eye-catching thing was The Lord's Sun has nothing to say about its plot and acting. It is the most promising one so far.

"Oppa, I'm a little nervous!" Yoona didn't even dare to lick her lips because of her makeup, which still had lipstick on it, so she could only come to Li Menglong for comfort.

"Such a small scene makes us actor Lin nervous? Don't tease me!"

"Who are you kidding me? Didn't you read the recent comments? Everyone dislikes us!" Yoona hurriedly said to Li Menglong.

"Isn't this just right? When we become famous, we will scare them to death!"

Seeing Li Menglong's relaxed answer, Yoona didn't know whether to say Li Menglong. Besides, it would scare them to death in the future, so what should I do now? This press conference is probably not going to go well.

But delaying was useless. As the host began to read names, the actors led by Li Menglong came out one after another, and the opposite side was suddenly dazzled by flashing lights.

Li Menglong refused to cooperate. He was not the one taking pictures anyway, so he left Yoona and the others to take pictures for the reporters, while he walked aside and sat down on his own.

But with Li Menglong's movements, half of the camera moved with him. Yoona was so angry. Couldn't the topic of the group of them not catch up with Li Menglong alone?

This point is that Yoona is belittling herself. She is definitely more popular than Li Menglong, but Li Menglong dares to let off steam. What does Yoona dare to say? Does she dare to say that her acting skills are better than those of Song Hye Kyo and Kong Hyo Jin? Does she dare to say that her TV series will be better than the other three?

"This question has no level. As the director of this drama, after more than a month of hard work by our entire team, I am very confident to tell you that our TV drama is the best!" Li Menglong said calmly, while giving The following group of reporters deliver headlines.

With Li Menglong taking the lead in attracting firepower, the following actors can naturally feel a little more relaxed. The recent overwhelming discussions have put their crew under a lot of undue pressure.

Unfortunately, their drama is the latest to air, and the actors are all young people. If Li Menglong hadn't been able to hold the scene, he probably wouldn't have been able to do much in the past few days. But even so, the progress has been slow these days. .

However, Li Menglong did not blame them at all. It was a necessary process. After all, no one is born to be a great actor. However, Li Menglong also regretted it. If he had known that there would be so many things, he might as well have broadcast them first, at least he would not have to be like this. s concern.

With the first three Zhu Yus in front, Li Menglong's work is destined to be criticized. Thinking of this, Li Menglong is not willing to talk to these reporters, because now the attention is enough, and there is no need for such people to continue to hype .

So Li Menglong, who seemed to have nothing to ask for, began to be in a daze. Now the reporters stopped working and expected Li Menglong to talk more and go back to write a good article.

Then a stunned young man stood up decisively: "Mr. Li Menglong, have you watched the TV series filmed by your ex-girlfriend Ms. Song Hye Kyo this time? Did you continue to see each other after the Baeksang Awards last time?"

The reporters in the audience wanted to applaud this person. This is the only interesting question to ask, so they all waited with bated breath for Li Menglong's answer, like students listening to the teacher's lecture.

However, Li Menglong didn't dare to accept this group of students, he would probably be pissed to death, so he stopped Yoona who was about to come over to help him share the firepower. This question was not difficult to ask, just say it has nothing to do with the TV series and not answer it.

But it is estimated that after saying this, this group of people will definitely draw a lot of implications. For example, Li Menglong feels guilty and dare not answer. Li Menglong is treading two boats. Li Menglong does not dare to think highly of the character of this group of people at all.

Knocking on the table gently, although the sound was not loud, the scene was completely quiet. Li Menglong suddenly felt that this was a bit like training a dog, so he laughed out of nowhere, and the louder he laughed, the happier he became. , and finally said sorry to everyone while wiping away tears.

"I haven't watched Song Hye Kyo's TV series, but after watching it, I will think that our TV series is better! As for if there is a chance to meet in private, I will treat her to a meal. Do you want to go there together to witness it? "Li Menglong finally asked back.

The reporters were not excited at all, because what Li Menglong said was too frank. Was he an open invitation to go to dinner together? Doesn't this just mean that it's okay? You can't be a star like this. How can a celebrity without a topic make money?

However, Lee Mong-ryong is the one who doesn’t like this. First of all, he is not a star, and secondly, he relies on his works to make a living, so he took the initiative to bring Yoona and Lee Kwang-soo over: “I have satisfied everyone’s gossip, let’s ask our two leading actors. !”

The reporters knew that this was Li Menglong's on-site report, so what could they say? Just ask, don’t ask what you will write when you go back. Fortunately, Lee Kwang Soo and Yoona have a lot to talk about.

"Will you quit Running Man?" "Will you go solo from Girls' Generation?"

I have some personal matters these past two days. I will try my best to update stably and make adjustments as soon as possible. I still need to update more. Please forgive me and I will do my best as soon as possible!

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